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Thread: CFO Experience

  1. #61
    Member Dee31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    You had your CFO first before lodging your visa? Is that ok or should it be visa first then CFO?
    Hello Florge. Yes, it is fine. When i went to the DFA office. I was told by the dfa officer that i need to attend cfo seminar first before they will ammend the status of my passport. It's a requirement and not just a regulation, If you are married to a foreign nationals and wants to get a new passport, renewed and ammend.

    I have to get back to the cfo manila office to get the sticker when i have my passport and visa already, since i have paid for it already with my green certificate.

  2. #62
    Member Dee31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteraven View Post
    we didnt know anything about cfo before status change, my wife has been told she will get her new passport on saturday!!!
    Well i didn't know that also. But one officer told me i need to do just that, when he evaluated my application and saw that i am married to a foreign national. But When i renewed my passport yesterday, they didn't even ask me for that cfo certificate!

    I guess it's ok. Since that's one of the requirements before leaving the country. I remember this lady from the seminar the other day. She was supposed to be leaving the night before, but she was stopped and to her dismay, she was told she needs to attend a cfo seminar first. No one told her when she got her visa approved, until that day on her departure!

  3. #63
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dee31 View Post
    I guess it's ok. Since that's one of the requirements before leaving the country. I remember this lady from the seminar the other day. She was supposed to be leaving the night before, but she was stopped and to her dismay, she was told she needs to attend a cfo seminar first. No one told her when she got her visa approved, until that day on her departure!
    Yes, that's the trouble ... the British Embassy makes no mention of this additional requirement when issuing the visa. We only learnt about it through a third party who happened to be a friend of ours! Fortunately, in good time for us to make the arrangements necessary.

  4. #64
    Respected Member abby's Avatar
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    can i attend the CFO seminar prior the application or i need to my visa approved before i attend?


  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by abby View Post

    can i attend the CFO seminar prior the application or i need to my visa approved before i attend?

    Yes you can.

    At the end of the seminar they will give you a receipt of attendance, which will be exchanged for the sticker after being issued with the visa.

  6. #66
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    before or after cfo

    did anyone have an approved spouse visa for 2009? when did you attend the seminar? Before or after u get your visa?

  7. #67
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    im so disappointed with the agency, they said i need the to attend the seminar before we lodge the application at the british embassy. but some friends here said i can do it after...very confused. and also, how come when i have my passport changed to married, the DFA didnt asked me to attend the seminar? i really wonder why.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    did anyone have an approved spouse visa for 2009? when did you attend the seminar? Before or after u get your visa?
    As I mentioned already, you can attend the seminar before the visa is issued.

    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    im so disappointed with the agency, they said i need the to attend the seminar before we lodge the application at the british embassy. but some friends here said i can do it after...very confused. and also, how come when i have my passport changed to married, the DFA didnt asked me to attend the seminar? i really wonder why.
    Agencies like that are only there to take money out of you. In general they do not provide the service that they imply they give.
    If you use the search facility on this forum, and use keywords, you will be able to find lots of useful information to enable you to reach your goal without wasting money.

  9. #69
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    did anyone have an approved spouse visa for 2009? when did you attend the seminar? Before or after u get your visa?
    Yes, WE [Myrna and I] did! And Myrna attended the seminar ... and received HER "sticker" ... AFTER she got her visa.

  10. #70
    Member Mrs.Hope's Avatar
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    why do the british embassey not tell you anything about the cfo,i am waiting my visa i hope it will be here in about 4 to 5 weeks as i have a job waiting for me in the uk,so i need my passport with visa then i want to get the first plane to the uk,thank for any help..........

  11. #71
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.Hope View Post
    why do the british embassey not tell you anything about the cfo,i am waiting my visa i hope it will be here in about 4 to 5 weeks as i have a job waiting for me in the uk,so i need my passport with visa then i want to get the first plane to the uk,thank for any help..........
    Because it's nothing to do with the British embassy, it's a Filipino regulation. If you didn't attend a CFO seminar, it would be the Philipinnes emmigration people at the airport who would refuse to let you board the plane if you didn't have a CFO sticker in your passport. If you did manage to board the plane, British immigration wouldn't refuse to let you enter the UK because you didn't have a CFO sticker in your passport.

  12. #72
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Because it's nothing to do with the British embassy, it's a Filipino regulation. If you didn't attend a CFO seminar, it would be the Philipinnes emmigration people at the airport who would refuse to let you board the plane if you didn't have a CFO sticker in your passport.
    Yes, I know. But the British Embassy MUST be WELL-AWARE of this regulation. And consequently, it would save a good deal of hassle later on for unsuspecting potential travellers if VFS were to point out the Philippine Government's requirement to people at the time of lodging their visa applications.

  13. #73
    Member Mrs.Hope's Avatar
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    Hi Ian May I know where is the exact location of the CFO
    as Im living in Tarlac City 5 hours going to manila thanks
    a lot...

  14. #74
    Respected Member britishdetained's Avatar
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    before my previous marriage with my ex american husband i was required by the US embassy to have CFO sticker

    it was a long day just listening there actually
    There once was a girl that believed in mankind, that there was still honor and chivalry that existed in everyone of us. She also believed that everyone deserves a chance to prove oneself individually and hoped that the courtesy would be returned. That girl is dead now, and all that is left is her shadow. To give one a chance to prove thyself is a chance for you to become dwindled in the dissappointment.

  15. #75
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.Hope View Post
    Hi Ian May I know where is the exact location of the CFO
    as Im living in Tarlac City 5 hours going to manila thanks
    a lot...
    CFO website -

    Manila -

    Cebu -


  16. #76
    Member Mrs.Hope's Avatar
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    CFO About

    I wish this is the last requirements
    then with my visa and to board on the plane
    I pay 47,790 php to my visa so I will not
    wasting the money and especially the EFFORT
    and HARD TIME in my experience Oh my God always
    money is involve its make me sick well no choice
    im the one to live in the UK thanks Ian for the link
    page and I got the location of the CFO.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.Hope View Post
    I wish this is the last requirements
    then with my visa and to board on the plane
    I pay 47,790 php to my visa so I will not
    wasting the money and especially the EFFORT
    and HARD TIME in my experience Oh my God always
    money is involve its make me sick well no choice
    im the one to live in the UK thanks Ian for the link
    page and I got the location of the CFO.
    Yes it just never ends :( I was not aware of this requirement either, not surprised that there are yet more obstacles though.

    I will have to remember this one for later, ah well you just have to smile

  18. #78
    Member Mrs.Hope's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    Yes it just never ends :( I was not aware of this requirement either, not surprised that there are yet more obstacles though.

    I will have to remember this one for later, ah well you just have to smile
    Yah I know your point my friend goodluck
    to myself

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    im so disappointed with the agency, they said i need the to attend the seminar before we lodge the application at the british embassy. but some friends here said i can do it after...very confused. and also, how come when i have my passport changed to married, the DFA didnt asked me to attend the seminar? i really wonder why.

    based on my experience and like you we hired agency also because we really dont know what things to do in applying settlement visa. they advice me also to attend cfo seminar before we lodge our i attend the seminar, i discovered that you can have the cfo seminar either before or after your visa approved because many of my batch who attend seminar that time have already got visa so im thinking also why our agency advice me to have a cfo seminar earlier if iit can be after i receive my approved visa. but maybe of there rules of step by step guidance to there client. but too late to realize that the agency make money with us. if i only know this forum we will not attempt to hire agency coz its just a waste of money to the fact that all works is with us with my hubby (getting all our requirements,etc) they just guide us but not worthy what we paid on them...we will just hope to have a positive result on our application or else

    i advice to have cfo seminar after you receive your approved visa so that you can get immediately your sticker...

  20. #80
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    After reading CFO website

    Well I read the CFO website and I would like everyone to take note of note 5 and 6 I post here. It states



    ERRRRR OK I put all that in capitols just so you could read it very clearly, I get the meaning of this to me is that SPOUSES ARE EXEMPT FROM THE BLAH BLAH BLAH senomar if holding a visa! SO why are the CFO retards making them sit there and get questioned about rubbish which it all is when they are in FACT EXEMPT? Please check the site for yourself and read the bottom procedure , Number 5 and 6. Am I wrong or is that what it says I have posted word for word above, I am guessing the senomar should be for single people who are going to work abroad or get married abroad..

    Now I wonder if the cfo will ever realize the rules and act accordingly

    Now if anyones got time please look at my post in immigration as i need advice from someone who may know and I cannot receive private message? Why is that as someone sent me one but i cannot receive or reply?

    Thanks I hope this makes a change to all the new people going to get there CFO as I shall tell my wife to print a copy and show to the office she is exempt when the time for her CFO comes.

  21. #81
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    Well my misses went to CFO 3 weeks ago and sat through all there rubbish i may add, We arrived at 7am and left at 2-30pm, with the yellow card, We then went to the sticker issuing place where we paid 400pesos, and were then told that they would not issue the sticker now as the visa is not valid until oct 26th? So my wife has the visa and sat through all of their crap and paid quite a sum for the taxi to wait all day for us and we are then told this!!!!!!!

    What a load of dumb made up as you go along rules as there is nothing stating any kind of time scale on there website, the guy there even had the cheek to say they will only issue the sticker from the day the visa is valid!!! So what we are supposed to go the day we fly? This place is an absolute outrage and run by people who just make up the rules as they go along with how they feel that day, I am fuming.

    I hope someone here has some kind of advice for this situation as it seems very balls'd up to me, They did issue my wife with a green piece of paper and said it would be at the discretion of the immigration officer as to weather or not she could leave the country with that paper and not the sticker!!!!

    So as far as it looks now we are supposed to go there the day the visa is valid which is our flight date! I wrote a email to them and was told that everything we were told before is correct, what a bunch of dim wits.

    Place is an asylum, will be glad to get back to the real world!!!! Rant over

    Philippines the land that time forgot

  22. #82
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    Have to go to cebu to obtain the cfo, but i only have one id card can i use my nbi clearance id card ??

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by alesypalsy View Post
    Well my misses went to CFO 3 weeks ago and sat through all there rubbish i may add, We arrived at 7am and left at 2-30pm, with the yellow card, We then went to the sticker issuing place where we paid 400pesos, and were then told that they would not issue the sticker now as the visa is not valid until oct 26th? So my wife has the visa and sat through all of their crap and paid quite a sum for the taxi to wait all day for us and we are then told this!!!!!!!

    What a load of dumb made up as you go along rules as there is nothing stating any kind of time scale on there website, the guy there even had the cheek to say they will only issue the sticker from the day the visa is valid!!! So what we are supposed to go the day we fly? This place is an absolute outrage and run by people who just make up the rules as they go along with how they feel that day, I am fuming.

    I hope someone here has some kind of advice for this situation as it seems very balls'd up to me, They did issue my wife with a green piece of paper and said it would be at the discretion of the immigration officer as to weather or not she could leave the country with that paper and not the sticker!!!!

    So as far as it looks now we are supposed to go there the day the visa is valid which is our flight date! I wrote a email to them and was told that everything we were told before is correct, what a bunch of dim wits.

    Place is an asylum, will be glad to get back to the real world!!!! Rant over

    Philippines the land that time forgot
    if your partner gives 1000 peso to the right person, you will get everything you need at cfo within 1hour, maybe a little longer depending on how many people ther... also applies to many such places in rp, for example 1000peso will get you to front of a long line at dfa for your passport application...

  24. #84
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    if your partner gives 1000 peso to the right person, you will get everything you need at cfo within 1hour, maybe a little longer depending on how many people ther...
    ... I definitely WOULDN'T recommend it!

  25. #85
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alesypalsy View Post

    I hope someone here has some kind of advice for this situation as it seems very balls'd up to me.
    Simple ... just ask your missus to arrange an appointment for a couple of weeks or so ahead of her scheduled flight.

  26. #86
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    if your partner gives 1000 peso to the right person, you will get everything you need at cfo within 1hour, maybe a little longer depending on how many people ther... also applies to many such places in rp, for example 1000peso will get you to front of a long line at dfa for your passport application...
    Nooooo,'''vulchers are there becoz u are feeding them'''...why pay someone to do it for you??? when you can do it yourself then u wont have problems at all
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Simple ... just ask your missus to arrange an appointment for a couple of weeks or so ahead of her scheduled flight.
    Yes but arthur i explained that they have told us that she cannot have the sticker issued until the visa is valid, which is the night we fly, we are flying at 00.20am on 29th oct and they have told us to come back on 29th oct??? how balls'ed up is that!!!! the visa is in the passport but they are just being a pain in the rectum as it really is pointless and just time and money consuming us and basically impossible for her to get the sticker then as our flight is 20 mins into the valid date.....

    absolute fass

    Even the cfo at airport is closed so how the hell are we supposed to get this damm silly sticker that all must bow to, it makes my blood boil how they make their own so helpless..

    I would of happily given 1000p consideration but the young guy was adamant he was not going to help us!

    well any other suggestions?

  28. #88
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alesypalsy View Post
    Well my misses went to CFO 3 weeks ago and sat through all there rubbish i may add, We arrived at 7am and left at 2-30pm, with the yellow card, We then went to the sticker issuing place where we paid 400pesos, and were then told that they would not issue the sticker now as the visa is not valid until oct 26th? So my wife has the visa and sat through all of their crap and paid quite a sum for the taxi to wait all day for us and we are then told this!!!!!!!
    Seems an ODD situation ... even by CFO standards!

    Quote Originally Posted by alesypalsy View Post
    well any other suggestions?
    Never heard of THIS sort of thing happening before ... so will need to give the matter a bit of THOUGHT and get back to you ... unless someone else comes up with a suitable solution sooner.

  29. #89
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Have you spoken to the British Embassy and explained the situation? I know normally they say they cant comment or get involved on such matters but maybe if your lucky they can alter the date of the Visa?

    Im guessing there was no way you could put back the flight a day or two?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  30. #90
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alesypalsy View Post
    We arrived at 7am and left at 2-30pm, with the yellow card,
    Right ... you say "We" ... so I assume YOU are [still] in the Phils.

    Quote Originally Posted by alesypalsy View Post
    We then went to the sticker issuing place where we paid 400pesos, and were then told that they would not issue the sticker now as the visa is not valid until *oct 26th? So what we are supposed to go the day we fly?

    Hmm ... ... hold on, please ... ! See my observations below, regarding date(s).

    Quote Originally Posted by alesypalsy View Post
    They did issue my wife with a green piece of paper and said it would be at the discretion of the immigration officer as to weather or not she could leave the country with that paper and not the sticker!!!!
    Yes, that "piece of green paper" is evidently exchangeable for the *sticker ... *which is [normally] required to be affixed to an emigrant's passport before s/he's allowed to leave the country, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by alesypalsy View Post
    Yes but arthur i explained that they have told us that she cannot have the sticker issued until the visa is valid, which is the night we fly, we are flying at 00.20am on 29th oct and they have told us to come back on 29th oct??? sticker then as our flight is 20 mins into the valid date.....
    ... but you previously mentioned your flight date as being Ocober 26< ... now you're saying it's the > 29th!? Which makes me think that CFO are telling you the sticker can be collected from the 26th onwards ... thus allowing you a margin of *3 days before you're due to fly IF, in fact, your flight IS on the LATTER date. *Not a lot of time, I admit, but it seems to be the way they work! Presumably, since you're flying out at such an ungodly hour of the morning, your flight will be from Manila.

    Someone, somewhere along the line, has evidently got their "wires crossed", as I've tried to explain; regrettably, therefore, the only way to resolve this issue properly, is to either raise the matter again with the CFO or consult the DFA.

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