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Thread: CFO Experience

  1. #91
    Member axis22's Avatar
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    For all the reading we have done i am still not clear about this cfo thing.Can anyone tell us do u have to book in advance in manila or quezon city for the spouse and fiance counselling? Do u book at one but not the other? And which days for uk? tuesday and friday? does that apply to both manila and quezon? We have read so much but cant seem to find the complete information?

    Many thanks in advance

    david and rose

  2. #92
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axis22 View Post
    For all the reading we have done i am still not clear about this cfo thing.Can anyone tell us do u have to book in advance in manila or quezon city for the spouse and fiance counselling? Do u book at one but not the other? And which days for uk? tuesday and friday? does that apply to both manila and quezon? We have read so much but cant seem to find the complete information?

    Many thanks in advance

    david and rose
    she can call and book an appointment with which cfo office closest or convenient for her(cfo manila,quezon,cebu) for counselling.
    she will get 2certificates
    1. counselling certificate
    2. a certificate to be attach on her passport provided she already got her visa.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #93
    Member axis22's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info
    I spoke this morning to the secretary at the cfo in Quezon city and she said for the uk there were 3 slots every day monday to friday,8.30,10.30 and 3.30pm and advised to arrive one hour before and bring passport and visa and xerox copies.
    Probably best to take as much id as possible just in case as requirements can vary judging by some of the posts i've read.
    She said no need to book just turn up on day.
    We are flying to uk 18th so she will probably go tmoro tuesday.

    thanks again

    david and rose

  4. #94
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    congratulations there im still waiting here

  5. #95
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    the answer may be this simple reshedule the flight to a later time sorry to be blunt but i have had and still having problems with embassy so i hope i dont have to put up with that as well

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIANT View Post
    the answer may be this simple reshedule the flight to a later time sorry to be blunt but i have had and still having problems with embassy so i hope i dont have to put up with that as well
    I spent around 10 mins doing a reply then hit the post button and it had timed out! So i will make this one a lot shorter,,

    We went yet again down to the cfo office on monday just gone,
    they again would not give her the poxy sticker, women seemed to like to upset people made her happy to see my wife so disapointed,(swear word comes to mind)

    We were told yet again she will have to get the sticker at the airport, we fly on the 29th of oct and the visa is valid from 29th oct, our flight is 00-20am so we hope there is no drama doing the cfo around 4 hours early. It says nothing on there website about going to get the sticker the date the visa starts, Hmmm what is the difference the blooming visa is in her passport and we trying to get arranged before hand so theres no loose ends,

    as for changing the flight its to costly and i will cross the palm of any immigration bod who will let us exit should there be any problems at the airport.

    here is a copy of what they say are the requirments, I dont see anything about visa needing to have already started,
    P.s we had to sell a house here in the ph so my wife asked for the visa to start in 3 months thinking it would take a while to process the visa and sell the house, well we sold the house and the visa was processed in 2 days so thats why the delay for the visa start date.

    What are the requirements for registration?

    Filipino emigrants are required to present the following documents for registration:

    Original valid passport
    Original and photocopy of visa
    One (1) 2x2 or passport-size photograph
    One (1) valid identification card with photograph*
    Original and photocopy of Immigrant Data Summary (for USA-bound emigrant)*
    Original and photocopy of Confirmation of Permanent Residence (for Canada-bound emigrant)*
    Photocopy of Certificate of Eligibility (for Japan-bound emigrant)*
    Original and photocopy of letter of approval for Work to Residence visa (for New Zealand-bound emigrants)*
    Photocopy of employment contract (for immigrant workers)
    Duly completed registration form
    Payment of P400.00 registration fee
    Attendance in the PDOS, guidance counseling or peer counseling session

  7. #97
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    P.s we also asked to see the director or supervisor or anyone in authority, we were told the boss was in canada, a complete fabrication if you ask me,
    will be glad to get away from the place now have had it up to the neck with the rubbish

  8. #98
    Member Faye_and_Brian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alesypalsy View Post
    Well my misses went to CFO 3 weeks ago and sat through all there rubbish i may add, We arrived at 7am and left at 2-30pm, with the yellow card, We then went to the sticker issuing place where we paid 400pesos, and were then told that they would not issue the sticker now as the visa is not valid until oct 26th? So my wife has the visa and sat through all of their crap and paid quite a sum for the taxi to wait all day for us and we are then told this!!!!!!!

    What a load of dumb made up as you go along rules as there is nothing stating any kind of time scale on there website, the guy there even had the cheek to say they will only issue the sticker from the day the visa is valid!!! So what we are supposed to go the day we fly? This place is an absolute outrage and run by people who just make up the rules as they go along with how they feel that day, I am fuming.

    I hope someone here has some kind of advice for this situation as it seems very balls'd up to me, They did issue my wife with a green piece of paper and said it would be at the discretion of the immigration officer as to weather or not she could leave the country with that paper and not the sticker!!!!

    So as far as it looks now we are supposed to go there the day the visa is valid which is our flight date! I wrote a email to them and was told that everything we were told before is correct, what a bunch of dim wits.

    Place is an asylum, will be glad to get back to the real world!!!! Rant over

    Philippines the land that time forgot

    We have the same experience, I was advice by the agency that I have to attend CFO seminar first before lodging our fiancee visa requirements to VFS I did finish attending my CFO seminar and was so glad that I got the CFO greencard by that day. After the seminar I went to the CFO Office in Cebu near DFA office and said that I have to get back to get the sticker if I got the visa already on my passport but I they asked 400pesos already for the processing fee.

    After 3days of the CFO Seminar which is Friday (Nov. 05,2010), I went to Manila to lodge all our application with the CFO green card on it. I got a text message from VFS that my application has been dispatched to the British Embassy that was Monday (Nov. 08,2010) was very excited if what will be the result on it and alas! on Wednesday (Nov. 10) got a text message of them that the processed application has been couriered with the application number via 2go, was very excited and felt like I had a butterflies in stomach every minute of that day and was so happy that I got a good result on that day, my Fiancee Visa has been approved in just only 2 days!.

    So, I went directly to the CFO because of my excitement that I got the visa and so that I can get a sticker from them, I was very disappointed because they said that they cant stamp my passport because the visa is not yet valid until the day of January 15th, 2011. I was arguing by the officer encharge because why they cant stamp/put a sticker on it since the visa is already there!, I just got an answer that your visa is not yet valid . they can put a sticker on it during the validity period of my visa, the only problem I got is, we booked a flight already! and there is no office in Cebu on Saturday! how can I manage this?? they advised me that you can go to Manila CFO branch office since it is inside the Airport but how can I manage? if my flight from Cebu-Manila is 900-10:06am and my next flight from Manila-Manama is 12:05pm, I have to look for International airport and their office first and I have to carry my daughter with me too, thats ridiculous!... but good thing that I knew it early and now Im done moving my scheduled flight, instead of January 15th I moved it on January 18th which is Tuesday, I think I can surely get a stamped sticker on it.

    My advise to you guys is, if you got the visa and you still dont have CFO sticker stamped on your passport DO NOT book a flight first, it is a big hassle on your part and so much wasting of money. Im just worried to my Fiance because he spent big amount on this matter.

    And now, my problem is the travelling ticket agency told me that before I book a flight for my daughter I have to get a REDUCE TAX TRAVEL CERTIFICATE in Department of Tourism before they can book a flight for my daughter and there is a processing fee for 280pesos in DOT and 800pesos to the travel agency. I wondered why we have to pay for that certificate??

    I hope this helps...

  9. #99
    Member neallie's Avatar
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    Hi everyone.
    I just got my spouse visa and wondering if I still need to get a CFO stictker before leaving the country. I thought its only for Filipinos married to foreign nationals that are going to ammend the surname in their passport.
    It seems so ridiculous to get take this seminar as we are already married and for sure you already know your partner well enough. I think the Philippine Government has to sort out some laws and regulations as it doesnt make a sense.

  10. #100
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    Agree....all total nonsense.

    Considering that in the UK the only qualification both partners need to get married is to be over 16, single, and capable of saying 'I do'.

    Most don't actual trouble themselves to get married of course.

  11. #101
    Member neallie's Avatar
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    Hi. Just had an email from Smef-cow cebu about the documents that you need to bring along with you to take the seminar. (Copy and pasted below.)

    Dear Maam,
    Good morning.
    About your inquiry just bring your orig and photocopies of your passport,nso marriage cert. and birth cert. 250.00 registration fee, photocopy of his passport or birth cert. wedding pictures,photocopy of legal capacity to marry or divorce paper.
    We are open from monday to friday from 8a.m to 5p.m one whole day seminar this is walk-in registration first come first serve basis.

    I feel like I am applying for another visa. How many times do we need to go through this performances? We are already married for 2 years and they still question our relationship. If they want to protect the Filipinos marrying a foreign nationals, why it should be done before they give the marraige certificate. This is a JOKE!.

    If something is SIMPLE lets make it COMPLICATED!!! Welcome to the PHILIPPINES!!

  12. #102
    Member Faye_and_Brian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neallie View Post
    Hi. Just had an email from Smef-cow cebu about the documents that you need to bring along with you to take the seminar. (Copy and pasted below.)

    Dear Maam,
    Good morning.
    About your inquiry just bring your orig and photocopies of your passport,nso marriage cert. and birth cert. 250.00 registration fee, photocopy of his passport or birth cert. wedding pictures,photocopy of legal capacity to marry or divorce paper.
    We are open from monday to friday from 8a.m to 5p.m one whole day seminar this is walk-in registration first come first serve basis.

    I feel like I am applying for another visa. How many times do we need to go through this performances? We are already married for 2 years and they still question our relationship. If they want to protect the Filipinos marrying a foreign nationals, why it should be done before they give the marraige certificate. This is a JOKE!.

    If something is SIMPLE lets make it COMPLICATED!!! Welcome to the PHILIPPINES!!
    You dont have to worry about this seminar as long as you have known your partner so much. They will just only verify if you can answer all their questions and then if there is no problem. You can get the CFO certificate

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by neallie View Post

    I feel like I am applying for another visa. How many times do we need to go through this performances? We are already married for 2 years and they still question our relationship. If they want to protect the Filipinos marrying a foreign nationals, why it should be done before they give the marraige certificate. This is a JOKE!.

    If something is SIMPLE lets make it COMPLICATED!!! Welcome to the PHILIPPINES!!
    I went there last February I think, to attend the seminar. It didn't take long really. We just had to watch short segments of a few Filipinas who got abused by their foreign partners. It took like 15mins only as far as I can remember. After that, the lecturer would just add something and then ask some questions - kinda like group sharing. Then, interviewed one by one and my interview didn't even take 5mins to be honest. She just looked at my application,asked like 2-3 questions (which all can be found on the form),and done. I guess the reason why she didn't complicate things for me was because my boyfriend(husband now)and I have the same age.But oh, before I went, she asked a picture of us and a parental consent. I brought loads of stuff so it wasn't a problem at all.

  14. #104
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    What about for settlement unmarried visa...does my partner still need to attend the CFO also????

  15. #105
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    I think everyone planning to settle or work abroad needs to attend.

    It is an opportunity for the Phils govt. to lecture the applicant on how to send their money back to the Phils (the real reason behind the seminar ) and how to avoid the perils of living in the wicked west.

  16. #106
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axelandpixel View Post
    parental consent. I brought loads of stuff so it wasn't a problem at all.
    Dont see a letter from parents listed a requirement!
    DO they make it up!!

    Thanks for sharing your experiences.


  17. #107
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    We had ours in Cebu. I thought I had covered everything with regard to requirements, but we were initially refused. I had forgot to pack Mum in Law who they wanted to interview. So we had to ship her up from Bohol the following week so the nun's could interview her although of course she had already given her written consent for the marriage.

  18. #108
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoholoX View Post
    I had forgot to pack Mum in Law who they wanted to interview. So we had to ship her up from Bohol the following week so the nun's could interview her although of course she had already given her written consent for the marriage.
    ... oh well ... at least you didn't have to "dig her up" to prove she ever existed. Forgive my filippancy ... but the whole CFO concept seems to me to be verging on the ridiculous!

  19. #109
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    I was just talking to Rina about this.
    She has received the SMS/Emails saying she can pickup her passport and documents tomorrow at 3pm. so before this she is meeting one of the girls she met at hopkins and her plan is as follows - does this sound ok??

    She is going to the PRISM tomorrow 6am queue up for the seminar.
    She has -
    -400 php fee (she has more money if required)
    -2 forms of Photo ID and
    -knows where I work
    -my mums maiden name.
    -photos of us together
    -Copy of my passport
    DOES she need anything else?

    Then she is going to Makati to get her passport and supporting documents back, her plan is to go to CFO fill in registration document and then get the passport stamped.

    Then she has two days of peace before coming to England on friday morning

    Is this plan foolproof?



  20. #110
    Member Lady_Ivy's Avatar
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    CFO--Commission on Filipino Overseas

    Here's a link...

  21. #111
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    You must know now that not much is foolproof
    Looks like a tight plan, it should all be OK.
    Good luck to both

  22. #112
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    how did her day go Tone? did all go as planned?
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  23. #113
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tone View Post

    She is going to the PRISM tomorrow 6am queue up for the seminar
    I didnt attend seminar ,its one on one interview for uk spouses/fiances(unless it changed) ...why not get her passport and visa first then attend cfo for interview/certificate and cfo stamp?
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  24. #114
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Hi Guys
    I'm not entirely aware what happened only that Rina turned up around 6.30am and there was a lot of people there! She didnt eat!

    She finished the seminar and got her certificate by 2.45pm!
    Just got to VFS in time to collect her documents and passport but the visa isnt valid until next tuesday so she aint gonna be coming this weekend!!!
    She was so dead by the time she got the passport back that she has gone for food and home to get some rest and will go to the CFO tomorrow and do the registration bit and hopefully get her passport stamped! Unless of course some idiot says no cos the visa is not valid yet!!!

    What do you think - will she get the CFO stamp tomorrow if the visa isnt valid until Tuesday 16th?

    Thanks for the warm words.. she is most of the way there!


  25. #115
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    that is a shame Tone, but keep your chin up, just a couple more hurdles, I do hope her ticket is easily changeable and does not cost you yet again.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  26. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by tone View Post
    What do you think - will she get the CFO stamp tomorrow if the visa isnt valid until Tuesday 16th?

    Thanks for the warm words.. she is most of the way there!

    I wouldn't count on it for tomorrow Tone.
    Although having said that I recall a couple of people on here reporting that they were able to complete a couple of days before visa validity.
    Maybe they will post here how.

  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I wouldn't count on it for tomorrow Tone.
    Although having said that I recall a couple of people on here reporting that they were able to complete a couple of days before visa validity.
    Maybe they will post here how.
    So really its not worth her trying to go there tomorrow? Maybe I'll suggest she goes there on Monday in that case cos theres no point wasting time and money to travel there..

    Scott - Not booked the ticket yet mate as I didnt wanna go through yet more stress of changing a ticket so as per advice on this thread I decided "get the CFO stamp" then book the ticket

    I have also noticed the price of flights to LHR are nearly 40% cheaper than to Brum! Kuwait airlines £381! Are they that bad!

    Again thanks for youre help gents!

  28. #118
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    She will be fine with Kuwait as long as she is not next to one of the many Arab gents who do not seem to know what deodourant is , what is the stop over time? seems like it is overnight in Hong Kong
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

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  29. #119
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    might be worth checking Hong Kong to London , send her to HK with a cheap Cebu Pacific ticket
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  30. #120
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    Hi All,

    My wife is going to the CFO on thursday. She isnt confident she will even be seen as she is struggling for ID right now. She has her passport and has just got a Voters Certficate and is waiting on a Postal ID. Anyhow she is going to give it a go.

    We are both a little worried as we both get the impression that she might well be subject to close scrutiny / refused a CFO sticker as there is a significant age gap between us and she is quite young (virtually 24 years of age) and also we have only known each other for just about 6 months with 2 visits from myself to her and her family. We are married.

    Any crumb of comfort out there on this? Do you think she is likely to be given a hard time? Ours is a genuine relationship and we get on very very well.


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