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Thread: helped needed

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) stephen&grace's Avatar
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    helped needed

    Firstly i am new to this sorry if i doanything wrong ok.

    I have a girl friend in surigao city which i visit every 8 weeks which i must say i like to do, we have tried for a visitors visa twice and got turn down but that is not the reason i am here.

    My first question is i keep hearing different things about applying for visa when you have applied for an annulment. Some say you can same say you cant i would like to know which it is

    I woud like to say we have our first hearing date on the 26th september 2006.

    my second question is

    If all goes well with this hearing i wish to apply for a fiancee visa for grace i know you have to have a date booked for the wedding this is not a problem. BUt grace has a daughter can i apply for a visa for her at the sametime and under the same aplication.

    I also hs a file of proof which at this time is 4 inches thick(hehehehe) just want to prove a point to the e.c.o and graces is the same.

    So ladies and gentlemen any help would help me and grace to find that happynes we both want out of this short life.


    Stephen & Grace


    If somebody tells me how to post i photo i would be happy to done.

  2. #2
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Hi stephen, welcome !! its to good to see you here , im sure some of our mates will give their advices about your case.

    If somebody tells me how to post i photo i would be happy to done.

    Go to ucer cp then you will see the edit avatar..that's it upload your pic then
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stephen&grace
    Firstly i am new to this sorry if i doanything wrong ok.

    I have a girl friend in surigao city which i visit every 8 weeks which i must say i like to do, we have tried for a visitors visa twice and got turn down but that is not the reason i am here.

    My first question is i keep hearing different things about applying for visa when you have applied for an annulment. Some say you can same say you cant i would like to know which it is

    I woud like to say we have our first hearing date on the 26th september 2006.

    my second question is

    If all goes well with this hearing i wish to apply for a fiancee visa for grace i know you have to have a date booked for the wedding this is not a problem. BUt grace has a daughter can i apply for a visa for her at the sametime and under the same aplication.

    I also hs a file of proof which at this time is 4 inches thick(hehehehe) just want to prove a point to the e.c.o and graces is the same.

    So ladies and gentlemen any help would help me and grace to find that happynes we both want out of this short life.


    Stephen & Grace


    If somebody tells me how to post i photo i would be happy to done.


    Welcome to the Forum, the question you pose is a pretty typical FAQ, there is a thread on this forum, in the Legal Information section on Legal Annulment and the process one has to go through for obtaining it.

    Before you submit any application to the Embassy for the purposes of obtaining a UK Marriage Visa ( Fiancee Visa), your girlfriends pronouncement of Legal Anulment from the former husband should be completed and she should be in possesion of the anulment papers.

    It is pretty pointless your GF applying for entry clearance until such time as she is in possession of these documents, I know its probably not what you wish to hear, as you are anxious to get on with obtaining UK Entry clearance for your Fiancee, however, I must stress upon you, if you do attempt to apply, for a Fiancee Visa, and it is discovered that your GF is in fact still legally married in RP, her application will be denied, and you run the risk of any future application she then would make, ( even if she has the anulment granted by a Philippine Judge), that may also be denied, due to your attempts to circumvent the system.

    Many applicants come to this forum with similar questions to that which you have posed, the advice from me is always the same, please do not listen to professional visa applicants, they have a tendency to tell you what you want to hear, and give dangerously poor advice, it is often based on heresay, or passed from freinds of applicants at the U.S.Embassy, or some other European Embassy, the fact is, all Countries have pretty much the same attitude on this question.

    Many of the contributors at this forum, have had personal dealings with the British Embassy in Manila, if it makes you feel any better, I have been where you are today, in March 2004, I attempted to apply for a visa for my wife to come to UK, even though I had to go through a divorce proceeding, I consulted the Embassy about it, they would not allow me to do that, until I was divorced absolute, this then took another year to obtain, finally, in the end things were done legally and properly.

    Sometimes doing things the right way, is not convenient for any of us, but we know its what we have to do, eventually, if you are patient, your GF will get her visa and you will live together in UK, I hope this helps, and best of luck with your endeavours.

    Rob Are you in agreement ?

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access) stephen&grace's Avatar
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    Thank you all for you answers and the mind of information called Pete( what a wonderful Mind hehehehe)

    I thought that was the case, that i am beter to wait until her annulment is finished.

    The only other question I have is once i have this annulment in our hands can i applt for a visa for her beautiful daughter at the same time as i aply for Grace visa under the fiancee visa aplication.


    Stephen & Grace

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I think as long as her ex-hunny agrees daughter can leave the country, then you would have little problem with the process.
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Newbie (Restricted Access) stephen&grace's Avatar
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    that will not be a problem as he runaway and live in iran and as no contact with her orhis ex wife which is my lady Grace

  7. #7
    Respected Member russ01539's Avatar
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    Firstly the form you use to apply for a visa, also asks details of any dependants,(from both partners in UK and PI), and the application is made jointly with your fiance and child on the same form, no problem. If the fathers name is on the birth certificate of the child however and he has 'vanished' this is gonna cause delays. You need to have a signed document from the father stating that he is happy to let his daughter remain in the custody of his mother, and leave PI for the UK. If this cannot be obtained you will need to apply before a judge (after the annulment of the marriage is completed) in PI, who will then grant approval for the daughter to remain in the custody of the mother, without the permission of the father. This however takes time because the PI authorities will check to see if the father is present. It is up to your fiance to prove he is not present in PI if he has vanished or is untraceable.

    It would help things along if you can contact the biological father and get him to sign custody papers for the child. This can then be presented before a PI judge who will rule that the mother has permanent custody.

    Its a long and hard process, but by the sounds of things you have time on your side. Just don be despondent, you have a long way to go, but if your love is strong you will make it in the end.

    Good luck to the three of you.

  8. #8
    Newbie (Restricted Access) stephen&grace's Avatar
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    HI Russ

    Thank you for the information that is good because the father name is not on the birth cert, so that is one thing that is good for you.



  9. #9
    Respected Member robeth's Avatar
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    am applying for a visa soon, hopefully by early october...if granted (hope they will) anyone please let me know if theres any possibility for me to bring my 20 yo son? i heard that i cant bec he's no longer a minor and it will be very difficult...i need some light on these...thanks...

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    He'd have to apply in his own right. It's best if you get established here first, get your leave to remain indefinitely and then go for it. That's how the nurses round here do it, and they all have there families here......all 735....19th cousins removed
    Keith - Administrator

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