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Thread: getting some place to live

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  1. #1
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Consider buying! House prices will probably be rock bottom by the time you get here..I guess it may be hard for you to get a mortgage though..
    At least another year imo of major price drops. Banks have said it will be two years before they get back in the swing of things. Give it 5 and the new directors/mangers will have this great idea of lending money to those who cant afford it again or some other brand new idea.

    Seeing prices near me which have gone for flats say 250k (many were costing more due to a bidding war by potential buyers from what i saw on house price sites) now 185k or less in the adverts so you know they expect less.

    I think prices are already 40 percent less (not advertised price but the difference between the madness a year or so and now what you would have to ask to get a sale.

    I can now pick up a 3 or 4 bedroom house in a nice street for less than what was asked for a newbuild upscale flat in early 08. All the new bulid flat sales companies are offering us crazy prices for groups of flats ( i dont want them i only want one gaff in the UK)

    Many of the actual housebuliders appear to be renting out flats now just to keep them occupied, so maybe worth investigating in the area you like the look of.

    I see lots of vacant propties nearby from all levels of the propety market so prices will drop even further due to high over supply.

    I truley belive in my area of london houses/flats will soon be 25 percent of there peak value if not lower in cases where people have to sell or move.

    Not nice for recent owners but im sure the older ones of you have see it all before.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  2. #2
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    At least another year imo of major price drops. Banks have said it will be two years before they get back in the swing of things. Give it 5 and the new directors/mangers will have this great idea of lending money to those who cant afford it again or some other brand new idea.

    Seeing prices near me which have gone for flats say 250k (many were costing more due to a bidding war by potential buyers from what i saw on house price sites) now 185k or less in the adverts so you know they expect less.

    I think prices are already 40 percent less (not advertised price but the difference between the madness a year or so and now what you would have to ask to get a sale.

    I can now pick up a 3 or 4 bedroom house in a nice street for less than what was asked for a newbuild upscale flat in early 08. All the new bulid flat sales companies are offering us crazy prices for groups of flats ( i dont want them i only want one gaff in the UK)

    Many of the actual housebuliders appear to be renting out flats now just to keep them occupied, so maybe worth investigating in the area you like the look of.

    I see lots of vacant propties nearby from all levels of the propety market so prices will drop even further due to high over supply.

    I truley belive in my area of london houses/flats will soon be 25 percent of there peak value if not lower in cases where people have to sell or move.

    Not nice for recent owners but im sure the older ones of you have see it all before.
    Interesting stuff! There's a property near Brighton that I absolutely LOVE! It's located on the beach (a pebbley beach but..) and it's a lovely looking place! It's not even for sale but perhaps if I beep my horn everytime I drive past they will want to move and sell! It's got three floors and I reckon it's probably worth around £900,000 at the moment...I'd love to be able to buy a property like that! And who knows? With the way the prices are going I might just be able to do it!

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  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Interesting stuff! There's a property near Brighton that I absolutely LOVE! It's located on the beach (a pebbley beach but..) and it's a lovely looking place! It's not even for sale but perhaps if I beep my horn everytime I drive past they will want to move and sell! It's got three floors and I reckon it's probably worth around £900,000 at the moment...I'd love to be able to buy a property like that! And who knows? With the way the prices are going I might just be able to do it!
    Gotta have dreams and things you wish to achieve
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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