Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
Yes, Mrs. JMajor,
It is free when you go to see a Doctor, then the doctor will give you prescriptions if you need a medicine then you will go to the Pharmacy to collect the medicine free of charge.
BUT, only if you are entitled of Medical Benefits.

I happend to visit the GP twice when I was in England, I was on visitor visa, when I finished my check-up I iniatiatively ask the Nurse how much my bill and I told her that I am not entitled to free check -up. The nurse smiled at me and then they charged me 35 pounds.
Then she told me to pick-up the medicine from the nearest Pharmacy. In the Pharmacy they did not ask me to pay I just gave them my prescriptions. So it cost 35 pounds for check-up and medicine. I suggest to those going on a visitor visa to get yourself a Travel and Medical Insurance.
Very good advice. Many hospitals are geting very hot on this and I have actually seen that a office that deals with this issue in a central london Hospital. Various hospitals i have vistied now have posters up in them.

One had a poster in its A and E where the words you maybe charged had been changed to you WILL be charged.

Now the UK is looking to save money in various areas Hopsitals will be encouraged to open up and improve income streams...

The rule of thumb seems to be in emgencies they will treat you and patch you up ie A and E but if you needed to stay in the hospital in a ward or further treatment was required that is when you may wish to remeber your insurance details.

Also make sure as mentioned by me in other threads make sure the insurance cover is valid for you as a vistor. Many of the shelf British ones will be no good.