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Thread: The British Disease !!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    The British Disease !!!

    I thought I would have a rant tonight as today Tuesday has been a day never to be remembered, its one of those days when everything goes wrong, you know the drill. the washing machine has broken down, their are 2 dead pidgeons in the water tank, your car is off the road, usual things, however today I did not want to volunteer for the UK'S Astronaut programme, so when I spotted some fuel leaking from my cars petrol tank, I thought better to take the care off the road, unfortunately at the time I was between Stansted Airport London and Luton Bedfordshire, its funny whenever youu dont want something to happen, guess what it happens, then i arrive at the Ford Garage..I will not name it for legal reasons, but you always hear what they cant do..they dont have the parts, it depends on whether the staff turn up ?? you want it when ? why always hear what you cant have..they never tell you what they can do for Japan they have an attitude which says "Whats the problem" "lets fix the problem" "Then no more problem" in this country we are always looking for someone to blame, their has to be blame, then compensation is allocated.

    Well thats my rant for the day.


  2. #2
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    Re: The British Disease !!!

    Poor pigeons :o :o

    Blimey, you want to move to the country. Took the car in for it's MOT the other day, he said when do you want it, I said ASAP, so he took the car he was working on off the ramp and done it there and then ;D

    When I took it to another garage last month for a service, they dropped it off at my door 3 miles away!

    I must have cancelled out your bad luck then, had my best days racing results of the year. That's the holiday sorted when immigration get round to sending our passports back next year!! ???

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  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Re: The British Disease !!!

    As we say in Sunny Essex "Im appy for you Keith"

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