Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
Thank you... I tried to open my phone very early this morning coz i woke up early i dunno why maybe he is thinking on me... We never spoke for the whole day and night yesterday... He was sorry, he took responsibility of his actions because he got drunk easily lats night with his mates! Is this good enough reason? I allow him to go to party but it's new year don't spend all your time to this new fellows ayt... Please correct me if I'm wrong. All I want is he will go to a party and thn go home not to party till morning because hes fiancee is waititng for his company for the new year...
I'm hurting
You are being possessive and slightly unreasonable.

He apologized already.
Give the guy some slack, I am sure that if you were there with him, he would not see the need to go out with his mates.