Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
Amy i know it seems tough and you want as much of your Fiancee as possible.
With out knowing the chap let me see if my own experiences tally up.

Before i bumped into my Wife on the Internet. I was not looking for Love etc. I was going to football and going out with my Mates and getting on with Life paying taxes and bills.
When I met my Wife at first I was still going out with mates at the weekend. But spending some weekend evenings in, after a while it was rare for me to go out. Now this was four years ago and even then it was pretty hard and expensive to communicate by mobile.

Now occasionaly it was friends birthdays or i just wanted to go out sometimes i made excuses but occasional i would go out. The Wife didn't like it but she had sometimes familly occasions and reasons to see friends.

Now im sure you are very stressed and anxious about the application and trust me I bet your Mahal is to. Very hard to deal with stress like that in the UK life is far more fast paced work and dashing around all the time. Less time interacting with people. Im sure often without knowing it you unwind from the stress by talking to people around you friends and family. In the UK for various reasons people just have less time and that time is hard to come by.

So wheter he made the decision or not he probably needed to just unwind and drink a few beers with mates. Its a very British male thing to do have a few beers and chat rubbish to his pals. When we were geting to the stage you were at to unwind i needed to do this. He may not even talk about the application and all the what ifs.
Also once he had a few beers his mates who possibly see him less now than a while back were like stay out relax and have a good time.

One thing I have never see mentioned on here is how tough it can be on Brits who work all day then sit in front of a PC as often as they can to speak to their mahal. Life is not as social for many unless they actually go out. very rare for many Brits to just pop in to a mates or having extended families around them. Many single guys will live on their own. If you dont make some time to see people you can end up far more lonelier than any person in phill normally is. You can also upset and annoy friends as your always busy staying in.

Now my Wife is here I dont drink heavily, only see my mates now and then on my own, more often than not we see them together. I consider myself as a bloke doing my best to be a good husband.

But trust me however much you love someone as im sure your hubby to be does now and then he just needs a bit of me time.

My Wife goes out with her friends and so do I, we need that time apart sometimes as most couples do. In this case I think after a few Beers he was just enjoying being relaxed (away from the pressure)for a few hours.

I know its tough that it was NYE, but blimey you got 10's of them to come.
He realises its upset you and he is sorry. But Brit Males who dont like to open up when under stress do need a release and possibly this was needed.
I know it was making me feel ill due to the pressure.

The pressure of if he had doen all he could for the application.
The pressure of what happens if it fails.
The pressure of dealing with the next step.
The pressure of getting married (a big step if it means alot to you for anyone)
The pressure even if he doesn't realise it yet of looking after a person who has just given up a way of life, seeing her friends and family on a regular basis and her country for him)

I could go on, but I might fill up Mr admin bosses server

Im not making an excuse for him, im just saying how it was for me in a similar situation a few years back.
Im not perfect, your Mahals not perfect we make mistakes.

But its not becuase we dont Love our Ladies or wanna do all we can for them
...And I quote, I second motion!!! sounds like a winning piece of advise... Thanks, bro