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Thread: Just a rant...sorry

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Initial Question: "I'm wondering why even pinoys called Philippines as PI?"
    Answer: "Why do we English refer to it as UK or GB? Same thing."

    So in SIMPLE English for Joe.....they SHORTEN THE PI as an abbreviation the same as we SHORTEN ours to UK or GB, depending on which we prefer to use.
    UK and GB are acronyms for the United Kingdom and Great Britain, but you already know that

    the question scouser Keith ,was why PI represents the Philippines, that's what the question was ??


    PI is the acronym for Philippine Islands

    i don't do simple, leave that for the scousers

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    nope because you would be ruled by the Chinese now, just like HK, and Taiwan will be.

    just as some states in some countries become independent, china is still building its red empire.. they have their eyes on you

    Hong kong and taiwan have always been chinese.

    Hong kong was when Britain were the number one drug barons of the world and needed a base so we leased Hong kong.

    Taiwan was where the anti communists went when Mao took over wasn't it? So they dont quite see eye to eye.

    So I guess if Britain hadn't been to busy with India. They may have started a Drug base and trading port in Manila instead of hong kong. Then Phill would have been made independent after the war and be a member of the commonwealth. Which gives you lots of benefits like being in the commonwelath games
    Also most likely Phill would now be northern phill and southern phill with even worse troubles among its people as most of the major conflict zones had Britain sticking its nose in at some point.

    But cant really see Phills all playing cricket, and trying to speak better English than the English thou

    Would all Phill lolas drink Teamate instead of Coffemate?

    Instead of jeepneys you would have had old double deckers? Im sure people would still hand on to the outside to cool down

    If Britian had ruled India and Phill I wonder who would get all the american call centre tenders

    Would instead of hello Joe if you see a whitey would it be Hello John smith?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #3
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    But cant really see Phills all playing cricket, and trying to speak better English than the English thou

    Would all Phill lolas drink Teamate instead of Coffemate?

    Instead of jeepneys you would have had old double deckers? Im sure people would still hand on to the outside to cool down
    I remember when I was young we have a double bus i think its called lovebus...that was long time ago

    Instead of my lolo and lola drink tsaa or tea made of ginger or rice i think

    actually i only found out that British been to Phils when I went to Intramuros in Manila and they have this history thing that British been there..sayang talaga

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Hong kong and taiwan have always been chinese.

    Hong kong was when Britain were the number one drug barons of the world and needed a base so we leased Hong kong.

    Taiwan was where the anti communists went when Mao took over wasn't it? So they dont quite see eye to eye.

    So I guess if Britain hadn't been to busy with India. They may have started a Drug base and trading port in Manila instead of hong kong. Then Phill would have been made independent after the war and be a member of the commonwealth. Which gives you lots of benefits like being in the commonwelath games
    Also most likely Phill would now be northern phill and southern phill with even worse troubles among its people as most of the major conflict zones had Britain sticking its nose in at some point.

    But cant really see Phills all playing cricket, and trying to speak better English than the English thou

    Would all Phill lolas drink Teamate instead of Coffemate?

    Instead of jeepneys you would have had old double deckers? Im sure people would still hand on to the outside to cool down

    If Britian had ruled India and Phill I wonder who would get all the american call centre tenders

    Would instead of hello Joe if you see a whitey would it be Hello John smith?
    Yeah I quite agree. I think us Brits should pull out of Afgan and Iraq and let them all kill themselves instead of our troops.
    Also Zimbabwe is nothing to do with us and as for Gaza and Israel, well thats another story!
    So yeah lets keep our noses out of other peoples business and let them run their own countries,
    Lets bring all our callcentres back to Uk and our manufacturing from cheap labour like China and do it here too.
    And their economies would be much better without the jobs created by those things as obviously we are nothing but trouble

  5. #5
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    my husband hates abbreviations too bad for him, he's married to a filipina who likes using abbreviations most of the time to confuse him

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