Friday January 2 and Phillippines immigration at Davao have just refused to let my girlfriend board the Cebu Pacific flight to Hong Kong without an "affidavit of support"

She is 26, has a bank account and is not exactly poor. But she has never been abroad/used her passport before.

We have been going out for 3 years and see each other for a week at a time up to 5 times each year. She also does some work for both my UK & Hong Kong companies. So we talk to each other everyday at least once.

I'd really appreciate some guidance on this so she can get on the Monday night flight to Hong Kong.

1. Was this really legitimate?
2. Is their a way round it? It will be tricky to get something signed by a Philipines consulate/embassy in the timescale.

Frankly I find it downright bizarre that a 26 year old, who is bringing business in to The Philippines and is capable of supporting herself on a weeks visit to Hong Kong is subjected to such pain & humiliation.

But then again I have never expected much from an immigration service that quite unbelievably uses the e-mail contact address philimigatwarmplacedotwhatever on landing cards.

Thanks in anticipation