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Thread: Affivavit of Support

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  1. #1
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdwardB View Post
    Thanks to all for that flood of responses.

    Yes I've got the message I was expecting - it is down to the arbitrary discretion of the immigration officer!!

    Anticipating problems - at Hong Kong - Ana Lyn had already been provided with & was carrying;

    1. Letter from me
    2. Photocopy of my passport
    3. Copies of the reservation in here name at The Sheraton in Kowloon.

    She also had registration for the Hong Kong Gift Fair.

    Today I have now spent 3 hours at The Philippines Consulate in Hong Kong dealing with paperwork and standing in lines. I have to go back at between 15.00 & 16.00 to collect the affidavit. Another 20 quid wasted on top of nearly 100 on phone calls on Friday night plus yet another rapacious charge from Cebu Pacific.

    I am not amused!!

    & if the Philippines government has a lurker on these forums - as they should have. Guys you have a problem. In 2006/7 I invested a huge amount of money in The Philippines that resulted in well paid employment of over 100 people. I am in the process of making a decision for a similar investment in 2009 with a choice between Manila, China & North Wales. I was also thinking of setting up a business in Davao. This on top of the problems I have had with Philippines petty administration before means that my final decision is likely to be as arbitrary as that immigration officer's was at Davao on Friday night!!!
    Given the evidence she was carrying with her:
    1. Letter from you.
    2. Photocopy of your passport
    3. Copies of the reservation in her name at The Sheraton in Kowloon.
    For arbitrary discretion, read SCAM!

  2. #2
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    & if the Philippines government has a lurker on these forums - as they should have. Guys you have a problem.

    I really would like to think that they did have but I know I am whistling in the wind.

    Having lived in Spain 20 years I know how difficult it is for one culture to understand another, or even begin to realise that other cultures exist.

    It would take someone with real influence and power to take the Phil Gov to an International Tribunal on the distgusting way they treat their citizens, and even then they may not comprehend that they might be wrong.

    My apologies to Filipinos, this is not directed at you but at the Gov who fail to afford you your basic rights, freedom of travel being just one.

  3. #3
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    Thanks again. I got the "Affidavit of Support" I've also written a covering letter to the head of immigration at Davao (thanks johncar54 for the precedent.)

    To make absolutely sure Ana Lyn is going to the immigration office in Davao with the scan of "The Affadvit", covering letter based on johncar54's precedent, & a complete copy of this thread with the most pertinent points highlighted in yellow! She has been told to be polite but if necessary "read the riot act".

    Re some of the points of contention raised - apologies and no rudeness intended to anyone's points I have missed. It has been a busy day dealing with this and pulling business meetings forward with the hope of getting some free time later in the week. I agree with many of the points raised by the likes of joebloggs - but I can't deal with them. It's a bit like being knocked over on a Zebra crossing. You're still dead!!!

    Cheesewiz yes it is a human rights issue. It is also sexist. I am a persistent b------ I won't rest without somebody being called to account and stopping this behaviour. & I'm not condoning the trafficking of females from any country to be used effectively as sex slaves. Trouble is I suspect the immigration officer's motives were moral but the process like many other Philippines regulations is flawed.

    "But unfortunately, although we love it to bits, it is a country with some quirks, laws and customs totally alien to us from the west."

    My view of France is wonderful country shame about the people. My view of The Philippines has always been wonderful people shame about the country!!

    I am well experienced with the country and its wildly quirky systems. I wouldn't have met Ana Lyn if I hadn't been there - & even that has a bizarre beginning. I paid for her to go home from Manila to Davao because she was homesick!!!

    I have more dinner party stories about the Philippines than any other subject. The problem is they arrogantly think they are the jewel of Asia due to the effective American colonisation. Meanwhile China & India have run rings round them & within a couple of years Vietnam will have got ahead. It is sad - these beautiful warm hearted people desrve better government!

    "For arbitrary discretion, read SCAM! "

    If only it was. She could have paid them. & I even offered such an option over the phone - at 2 quid a minute no doubt!!!

    PeterB, thanks "BI travel requirements for filipinos" that is a cracker and has gone in the dossier.

    Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

    Thanks to all

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdwardB View Post
    My view of France is wonderful country shame about the people.
    Thanks to all
    Can't help liking this guy........

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Can't help liking this guy........

    Quote Originally Posted by EdwardB View Post
    Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

    Thanks to all
    Best of luck,Edward

  6. #6
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    Thanks for all the good wishes

    Well she finally arrived on the Monday night flight from Davao. We got back to The sheraton at just before 1.00a on Tuesday morning.

    She went to the immgration office in Davao with the affidavit and all the other paperwork. They then made me fax the same to them. After a 10 minute kerfuffle using Yahoo messenger to talk to her, and the immgration officer at the same time immigration finally countersigned the paperwork.

    I then had to buy a new ticket in Hong Kong. & as is probably well known Cebu Pacific don't accept non Filipino credit cards, so I had to go to the office and pay cash. More hassle.

    What a shambles!! It cost me at least 10 hours of time and upwards of 300 quid. I got ripped off shamelessly by The Sheraton at 12pounds for 4 pages scammed to pdf. The fax bill - took 9 minutes - was nearly the same as a room night at The Sheraton.!!! (&I've got Skype, messenger, and both Ana Lyn & I have Hong Kong mobile phone numbers so we have just about every communications cost saving device known to man.)

    As promised I won't let it rest. To add insult to injury Cebu said they always stop single girls travelling. Why the .... did they not warn me about the problems when I paid good money, first to book, and then when Ana Lyn changed the dates at their Davao office.

    Once again many thanks. The support gave me confidence.

  7. #7
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    Edward, Glad to hear Ana Lyn finally made.

    Following the same action against my friend's finance at MNL I had an exchange of emails with BI, as like you, I felt it was something which needed review at a very senior level. I too (I am a retired senior London Detective) tend to follow injustices to get them resolved but I don't think I achieved anything.

    I wish you good luck, if you decide to take this further, and if I can assist in any way please let me know. John (

  8. #8
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Congratulations - I'm pleased to hear that you got together in the end.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdwardB View Post
    To add insult to injury Cebu said they always stop single girls travelling.
    This, clearly, is untrue. As I said in an earlier post, we have friends who have both traveled to HK, one as recently as last month. Neither of them had an affidavit.

  9. #9
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Congratulations - I'm pleased to hear that you got together in the end.

    This, clearly, is untrue. As I said in an earlier post, we have friends who have both traveled to HK, one as recently as last month. Neither of them had an affidavit.
    Im wondering too of this case. I came from Davao city too and travelled going or via hongkong many times, but i hvnt experienced that kind of treatment.Only they will ask is passport, return ticket and ask few questions and no more problem.Affidavit of support is not needed..And i always travel alone.I even got no return ticket sometimes from hongkong to phil. il just tell them im only a transit passenger to problem at all...

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