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  1. #1
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    I hate wrinkles too and love to have kalog friends. I am totally happy this weekend lols
    But last week, it was terrible as I lost my mobile
    My hubby accompanied me to hospital for a check-up and I told him to park the car infront of fish n chips shop as I feel so hungry. But after we had our food, I dumped the box into the bin. After few minutes, I found out that one of my mobile inside my pocket was missing. We went back to the carpark, to the store, but no lucky. I couldn't ring it as it is my roaming (Phil) sim.
    Inside the car, I tried to send text message as I was thinking, it fell down underneath the car seat but no luck. We went back to where the bin was, as I might dumped my mobile together with the boxes. But there were 4 people standing beside the bin. I was too shy to open the bin and send text message so I can hear the tone if it is inside the bin But I need to find it as my hubby started to moan so I opened the bin and trien to send text and listened carefully. But no luck again We went home and search online on how to do tracking, The problem is, it is roaming so we failed to track it. Then I sent message again telling this: "Please return my mobile and call this number as my hubby made me cry and keeps on blaming me. I'm afraid I'll stow away if I can't find it."
    After few minutes, i received a call from police station Police said, your mobile is here, I want to ring your landline He talked to my hubby and done some investigations
    Because of that, I failed to attend our party

    Happy new YEAR hope u enjoy reading

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I hate wrinkles too and love to have kalog friends. I am totally happy this weekend lols
    Thats good to know you have a nice weekend after what had happend last week. Sometimes, things happend for reason. For you , you missed the party because you lost and found your cellphone.

    I did not go away this weekend because I thought its going to rain the whole weekend as the wether report said, But good thing that I stayed home as my favorite Auntie came to visit me and that was great as I have not seen her for long long time.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    But last week, it was terrible as I lost my mobile

    I found out that one of my mobile inside my pocket was missing.

    After few minutes, i received a call from police station Police said, your mobile is here
    good you got it back penny , my misses lost her mobile at uni in the phils, she didn't know she had lost it, til one of her friends asked her if it was her mobile in the bottom of the toilet

    and guess what ,she needed a new mobile and not any mobile but the latest Nokia one at 25,000 php

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    good you got it back penny , my misses lost her mobile at uni in the phils, she didn't know she had lost it, til one of her friends asked her if it was her mobile in the bottom of the toilet

    and guess what ,she needed a new mobile and not any mobile but the latest Nokia one at 25,000 php
    Thanks Joe, if I lost my mobile in the Philippines, I will not bother to find it too much as it will be too hard for me to track it and some people thinks it is lucky if you found mobile. Something like finders keepers. Sometimes, it is intentionally snatched. Anyway, I have never experience this in the Philippines

    But here in the UK, I have high hopes with elderly that if they found something, they will return it back thru police. It is my 3 times I lost my mobile here and returned by elderlies. Thanks to them

    I have 2 hopes (No Hope and Bob Hope) with youngsters here that if they found something like mobile, the chance is little for them to return my mobile

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