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Thread: Taking a RISK !!!

  1. #1
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    Question Taking a RISK !!!

    Hi People ,

    Well this may sound abit odd but here goes.

    I have been talking to a girl from the philippines for about a week now and she seem's really understanding she is very cute too , we have been chatting on msn and emails and the phone. But she says she loves me but we have never met and then i think is it just about her wanting to love my cash then she was telling about how much a item cost it was about 13,000,00 pesos about £20 GBP then i asked her if she wanted me to buy but she said no as she said that she don't care about money now this was a item that she would like to own , so maybe she is not seeking to love my CASH .

    NOW the PROBLEM !!!
    I am with somebody at the moment but not happy for many reason's and i would like to make a new start she said you would like to marry me and start a family this sound so nice i just don't know if i should take a risk as you hear many things with asian girls just being with a guy for cash.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by KARATEKA View Post
    Hi People ,

    Well this may sound abit odd but here goes.

    I have been talking to a girl from the philippines for about a week now and she seem's really understanding she is very cute too , we have been chatting on msn and emails and the phone. But she says she loves me but we have never met and then i think is it just about her wanting to love my cash then she was telling about how much a item cost it was about 13,000,00 pesos about £200 GBP then i asked her if she wanted me to buy but she said no as she said that she don't care about money now this was a item that she would like to own , so maybe she is not seeking to love my CASH .
    NOW the PROBLEM !!!
    I am with somebody at the moment but not happy for many reason's and i would like to make a new start she said you would like to marry me and start a family this sound so nice i just don't know if i should take a risk as you hear many things with asian girls just being with a guy for cash.
    A week and already big hint about money and marriage......

    If this ain't a red flag, nothing else is.....

    Keep on chatting, keep the money where it belongs, ie your pocket... And se where it takes you, do not mention nuptials, presents, and take care in not listening to stories of severe hardships, ie roofs blown off by the wind, cousins in hospital, or emergencies of any description.

    In a few months time, when you got rid of whatever baggage you are carrying, take a holiday overthere, meet the girl and if you two click, then you can start planning for some kind of future.

    In case of doubts keep on posting, we will try to help in keeping you alert to scams.

    Filipinas are very proud ladies, and none of them would ask you for anything at this early stage in the relationship or ever.

    Obviously there are scammers around, but those are in the minority, and unfortunately they give all the good and decent ones, which are in the vast majority, a bad name.

    However you decide to act, one thing is very important.... Do not part with any money.

    You will see that other members will agree with me.
    This smells of a slight scam and she is probing you....
    But of course I could be wrong and if I am, I apologize now.

    In regard to your baggage....... Sort that one out first...

    Good luck and welcome aboard.

  3. #3
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    I agree with Dom... Don't rush it. Take time to get to know her more.

  4. #4
    Respected Member lavander's Avatar
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    Take one step at a time...Settle first ur current situation and then focus with the new girl......

    Besides, it seems ur still on the 'getting to know you' stage with the Filipina girl.
    So dont take rush...or u might overlooked bit but vital info about her ...

    Good Luck!..
    Keep moving on...

  5. #5
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    Maybe i got the price wrong lol, the item was a phone maybe 1300 pesos she said i don't think she was seeking money but she said top on the phone is 100 pesos and you can send about 3 sms to the uk , when i was in thailand on a thai orange sim for 50 baht i could call the uk for ages .

    I just want a new start somewhere

    How can i find out if she is not a con ass

  6. #6
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Hi, welcome.

    I'm sure that many of us have been in a similar position, and there will always be doubts and suspicions in a long-distance relationship. It's a shame that a few bad filipinas have spoiled the reputation of all.

    I agree with Dom in many respects, but I wouldn't necessarily see a red flag and back off just yet. A good filipina is very faithful and devoted.

    Yes, sort out your current situation - you say it's not good, so be prepared to make the break.

    If you are really serious, and believe that your chat mate might be also, then keep chatting - but do look out for suspicious signs. Tell us where this girl lives - if there is someone on the forum who comes from the same area, then there is a good chance that they have friends in common.

    If you look in the 'Your Blog' forum, you should be able to find 'The Tale of Pete (and Ruby)'. However, to cut a long story short, I met Ruby online in April 2007. I came to visit her within 6 weeks of that first meeting, and again in July. My third visit, in September 2007, was to accompany Ruby back to the UK. We returned to Philippines in December 2007, married in February 2008, and I have no plans to go back to UK. Our daughter is due in about two months.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by KARATEKA View Post
    Hi People ,

    Well this may sound abit odd but here goes.

    I have been talking to a girl from the philippines for about a week now and she seem's really understanding she is very cute too , we have been chatting on msn and emails and the phone. But she says she loves me but we have never met and then i think is it just about her wanting to love my cash then she was telling about how much a item cost it was about 13,000,00 pesos about £20 GBP then i asked her if she wanted me to buy but she said no as she said that she don't care about money now this was a item that she would like to own , so maybe she is not seeking to love my CASH .

    NOW the PROBLEM !!!
    I am with somebody at the moment but not happy for many reason's and i would like to make a new start she said you would like to marry me and start a family this sound so nice i just don't know if i should take a risk as you hear many things with asian girls just being with a guy for cash.
    If you have somebody and chatting with another lady, it seems that is the first problem I can see at the moment. If you get involved and inlove with this filipina, then it will be another problem.

    There is no such mobile phone in the Philippines that cost 1,300 unless it's from a snatcher

    Just be careful to cuties A real inlove Filipina never ask money for just a week chatting I never asked money from my hubby although he's insisting me some cash. But when I met him personally and offered money to buy more computers for my shop, then I agree. Now we are married, he's not insisting me to accept his cash
    He must be happy now I'm not asking for cash, I just open his wallet and get some cash joke

  8. #8
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KARATEKA View Post
    Maybe i got the price wrong lol, the item was a phone maybe 1300 pesos she said i don't think she was seeking money but she said top on the phone is 100 pesos and you can send about 3 sms to the uk , when i was in thailand on a thai orange sim for 50 baht i could call the uk for ages .

    I just want a new start somewhere

    How can i find out if she is not a con ass
    The most basic phone you can buy here is about 1500 pesos, so she is not being extravagant. However, at that price it is very possibly reconditioned.

    Top-up (called 'Load' here) is available at different levels, from 20 pesos up to 500 pesos. Usually, one SMS to UK is 15 pesos, but it depends on the company.

    If you want to enable her to send messages cheaply, then get yourself a Philippines SIM from the callingnow website - then she cand send you an sms for 1 peso.

    How can you tell whether she's a con artist? ... Find someone who knows her, or take a holiday in Philippines, and get to meet her in person.

  9. #9
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    QUOTE=mavid;105565]Don't rush it. Take time to get to know her more.[/QUOTE]

    Goodluck to you.

  10. #10
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    I will not rush

    Yes i will not rush it but i am ready to make the break what things should you look out for A CON girl i really hope she is not

  11. #11
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KARATEKA View Post
    Hi People ,

    Well this may sound abit odd but here goes.

    I have been talking to a girl from the philippines for about a week now and she seem's really understanding she is very cute too , we have been chatting on msn and emails and the phone. But she says she loves me but we have never met and then i think is it just about her wanting to love my cash then she was telling about how much a item cost it was about 13,000,00 pesos about £20 GBP then i asked her if she wanted me to buy but she said no as she said that she don't care about money now this was a item that she would like to own , so maybe she is not seeking to love my CASH .

    NOW the PROBLEM !!!
    I am with somebody at the moment but not happy for many reason's and i would like to make a new start she said you would like to marry me and start a family this sound so nice i just don't know if i should take a risk as you hear many things with asian girls just being with a guy for cash.
    sounds a bit fishy to me you just meet her about a week and then she fell in love with you straight away and she asked you to marry her hmmmmmmmmm not good mate
    all things are possible!

  12. #12
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Hi Karateka...don't give up mate..YOU CAN find a lovely filipino lady online...I did and now I'm happy to be married to the best girl in the world...they are out usual, you just have to sort the wheat from the chaff. My mussus knew that me being a Scotsman..she would never get money out of me... hehehehe.. but honestly..she has never asked me for any !!!! but I do send her it now for Junior and herself...because thats my obligation. And the bit about being Honest and gum..they are..Go for it my friend...but its best just not to put just one iron in the fire......

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KARATEKA View Post
    what things should you look out for A CON girl i really hope she is not
    one that asks you for 13,000php for a phone, when you've only just started chatting to her..

    she should not ask you for money at all, you've only known her a week, but scammers will try to hook you in, ask for small amounts, and the amount will probably increase to pay for bills, hospital treatment, having no money after being mugged etc... not just in the phils. scammers and con people everywhere, men and women..

    take it easy as some have said, see if there are any changes in your relationship with her, not texting or chatting much, starts hinting she needs money, not as affectionate etc..

    but good luck

  14. #14
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    she should not ask you for money at all
    As I understand it, this girl has refused his money. However, if this was brought up as a hint, then I agree that caution is necessary.

    I chatted to one lady who never asked for money but often mentioned not having received her pay, and needing to get her children back from her sister's for the start of the new school semester.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    As I understand it, this girl has refused his money. However, if this was brought up as a hint, then I agree that caution is necessary.

    I chatted to one lady who never asked for money but often mentioned not having received her pay, and needing to get her children back from her sister's for the start of the new school semester.
    yes true, and not asking for money at all for weeks or months, different ways of hooking you in, getting your trust..

  16. #16
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Thai to uk calls are much cheaper from what i know.

    Dont send any money unless YOU want to, after all its your money.

    If you had just met a lady in the UK, and she asked for money in most situations you would say no and think hang on.

    The scams can be very slick so be careful, i know our phill members will not be offended as they know the poverty in Phill can turn some peoples heads to bad deeds.

    Take some time talking (weeks/months) to her if she did need a phone find out what the cheapest one is possible as Peterb says like i the UK a very cheap one can be found. If she simply is desperate to have a phone she will not care and be grateful.
    Same in the UK or Phill many a time someone i know brit or phill has been desperate for a phone or some item and if you offer them one even if not ideal they will be grateful.

    The Wife and I look for cheap phones in the UK in exchange shops (the ones with marks and whatnot) off of friends from my company etc.Those in phill who have better things to spend money on than a phone. Children, food, water, electricty etc are grateful and make the best of them. A cover or a clever paint job even and it looks as good as new.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  17. #17
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    Never Talk's about money

    She never talk about many it's me that's ask how much is This N That maybe she ment 1300 for the phone it was 3 am UK Time when she said lol, She don't seem to want to marry now but it's on her list to

    Find Nice guy
    have a family

    But she spends about 20 pesos to travel to the internet cafe then pays to use the net sometimes twice a day but she as never ask as of yet. but sas ay you talk to her family about me and they can't wait to meet me .

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by KARATEKA View Post

    talk to her family about me and they can't wait to meet me .
    You are dooooooooooooooomed...!!!!!

  19. #19
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KARATEKA View Post
    She never talk about many it's me that's ask how much is This N That maybe she ment 1300 for the phone it was 3 am UK Time when she said lol, She don't seem to want to marry now but it's on her list to

    Find Nice guy
    have a family

    But she spends about 20 pesos to travel to the internet cafe then pays to use the net sometimes twice a day but she as never ask as of yet. but sas ay you talk to her family about me and they can't wait to meet me .
    As you say may just be conversation and nothing to worry about. I could tell you i want to buy a new telly but doesn't mean either of us think you will pay for it.

    Phills even young metro ladies on the whole are very traditonal in their ways and think dating leads to marriage not just something to do that day. So it is important to bear in mind.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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    What was ment by i am doooooomed !!!! lol, by aromulus ???

    But thanks for your reply's

  21. #21
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    many on here send money monthly back to the phils to support her family, some have gone even further, gave/loaned money to start a business, buy a home for her parents , etc..

    doms just warning you, you may need deep pockets if it starts to get out of control, but some people don't send anything, or there is no need to, but if you do start sending money keep to a limit and explain to her why, that is all you can afford, not unless you can afford to help them out with what they need

  22. #22
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    why look far im here in UK single lol just joking im dating someone now

    anyway, as people said here filipina is one of the best or may be the best wife in the world if you find the right one. My simple advice is just keep on chatting for a few months and by doing it you will know her bits by bits then asking her about her backgrounds and her family etc. Of course try to read about the Philippines it helps too I think.

    Again, don't rush true love waits patiently. Good luck hope you find the happiness you are looking for.

  23. #23
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    1 week chating and in love get your head out the clouds mate a ture filipino not say that thay to shy just have fun till you get a lot of experience chating to girls on line there a lot of ture one out there

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    THANK'S to All

    Well thank's to all of you as you seem sound and very much know what you are on about !!!. Yes there would be limit's on the help i give to her family if we get together for many reason's the main i work hard for my cash and i am not a walking cash point ,

    But Big Thank's to you All

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by KARATEKA View Post
    Hi People ,

    Well this may sound abit odd but here goes.

    I have been talking to a girl from the philippines for about a week now and she seem's really understanding she is very cute too , we have been chatting on msn and emails and the phone. But she says she loves me but we have never met and then i think is it just about her wanting to love my cash then she was telling about how much a item cost it was about 13,000,00 pesos about £20 GBP then i asked her if she wanted me to buy but she said no as she said that she don't care about money now this was a item that she would like to own , so maybe she is not seeking to love my CASH .

    NOW the PROBLEM !!!
    I am with somebody at the moment but not happy for many reason's and i would like to make a new start she said you would like to marry me and start a family this sound so nice i just don't know if i should take a risk as you hear many things with asian girls just being with a guy for cash.
    hi you might be just going throuth a bad spot with the girl your with at moment .And maybe your looking for a easy way out of it.And this girl has come along at right time have you explained to this new girl you have a girl at moment and your going thru a bad spot at moment.(or you playing the both of them lol seeing which one is best for you lol)13,000 php is about 150 pounds not 20 pounds, 20 pounds is about 2,500 php but you can give me 13,000 php for 20 pounds lol if you think 150 php here is days pay (were i am in philippines) then money is very very important you really have to meet this girl she might be a great girl . i meet my lady on line after a week i came here and meet here and i have been here with her 4 years now really hard on pc to get to now person. this is only my oppion gaz/maybs

  26. #26
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    All I can say is careful and be careful. These days it is difficult to find someone whose real and pure heart.
    More gold diggers around.
    By the way, can I ask you question?
    Do you own a beatle car? How many houses do you have? How many digits your annual income? And lastly, do you fancy buying a lady a diamonds?
    Just stay cool Karateka, Theres still more Beautiful and decent Filipina around, just be smart to know whose genuine or not. Goodluck.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post
    All I can say is careful and be careful. These days it is difficult to find someone whose real and pure heart.
    More gold diggers around.
    pssshh ! you might offend some filipina around
    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post
    By the way, can I ask you question?
    Do you own a beatle car? How many houses do you have? How many digits your annual income? And lastly, do you fancy buying a lady a diamonds?
    you also have strong sense of humor here Toyang
    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post
    Just stay cool Karateka, Theres still more Beautiful and decent Filipina around, just be smart to know whose genuine or not. Goodluck.
    Lastly,absolutely right

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    pssshh ! you might offend some filipina around
    you also have strong sense of humor here Toyang
    Lastly,absolutely right

    Thanks Mrs. JMajor.
    That post can only be offensive for human without brain. .
    We are now in the 21st Century, if one has no sense of humour, she or he should be better bump his/her head against the Hadrians Wall.
    If someone wants to marry a British national, first tip I can give is learn to have a good sense of humour. Otherwise she/ he will have a hard time to cope with other people. But if she/ he lives 700miles from the civilization then it does not matter.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by KARATEKA View Post
    Well thank's to all of you as you seem sound and very much know what you are on about !!!. Yes there would be limit's on the help i give to her family if we get together for many reason's the main i work hard for my cash and i am not a walking cash point ,

    But Big Thank's to you All
    The best insight on the Philippines you can find anywhere online is not far away.

    If you spend some time reading Peter's website, you will find that it is a mine of information and will prepare you on what to expect, if and when you decide to travel to the Philippines to meet the girl.

    Infact, when my turn came, I found it invaluable help.

    I don't recommend a plan "B"...... or "C"......

    Good luck.

  30. #30
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    What do they say ? what's that phrase they always start with ?

    I no want money from you....big boy !

    British man nice man....better than American man....German man no good, British man very good man...nice you have, I no want your money, just think you very good man for me...yes...good man, maybe.

    You see big boy...I have this problem, right now...thing very hard for me...very hard sa Pilipinas, you see, my brother having hard time here...he went out last week on his motorcycle, and bump into a police car, they say he have to pay for damage, at time, he was on way to hospital to visit my sick Lola, sick Lola so bad, need lot of peso for hospital bill, then caribou fell sick and need vet treatment now.

    Brother motor cycle have bust tyre, and cousin nonoy cannot pay school fee, need pencils, and pens, books, text book and ruck sack for school, new uniform and Nokia N96 cellphone, N96 cheapest one here in cell phone shop, only P30,000 sorry, no contract phone here, just PAYG, Police came yesterday, say my brother have to pay express fees for damage to police unit, then cannot visit my sick lola at hospital, need P5000.00 for this, or have to go to Jaol.

    Medical bills at hospital have to be paid, only P20,000 or Sick lola cannot come out, will not release her until bills paid.

    You seem nice man, British man very good man, very generous man, American man stingy, German man kuripot, no good, please come on yahoo tomorrow, its hard for me right now sa Pilipinas, cannot get to internet cafe, cost too much, need money for internet, but try best to get here, if not see me, because we have no money this week for cafe.

    Will try my best, sorry if not there, but thing is hard here with us, typhoon blow out roof off, and it cost so much to fix, maybe P20,000 I have much problems here as you can see, but you seem nice man, please, I don't want your money, just want you to understand our situation here in Philipppines.


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