Haha, just pop them out like poo...lol
i think its a lot better rather than saying that they are pain in the pussycat,![]()
Haha, just pop them out like poo...lol
i think its a lot better rather than saying that they are pain in the pussycat,![]()
I'm not keen on having children at this time...maybe when I'm loaded with..One thing for sure though..it's important to me that my Vimvie has my children!
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
Been married for only 6 months and my husband and I have decided to wait for at least a year before having kids...we're not in a rush and we really have to save up first. Having kids comes big responsibility and extra expenses, enjoyable as it might be.
Since we are talking about babies... here is my points of view...
Before even meeting my husband I worked as a parttime preschool teacher and I adored little monkies so much... They have this aura that you can never explain... They are sweet, funloving and very innocent. I learnt so much from them. From being silly to being so so happy and appreciative of any lil blessings being received... I said to myself, one day i will want to have one of those little cheeky monkies...
Now, on the 15th of this month will be our 2nd Wedding Anniversary and in April we are expecting for that lil munky to come out in this world to complete our family. We are thrilled, scared but excited of things to come...
Smelly nappies, poos, crying name it! Can be horrible but this is waht I have put in mind... I was once a baby and my parents once were very excited to see me (i hope lol) so i want to experience that kind of happiness too...
Think about, looking at your kids' eyes, their dainty lil hands, their cutest smile, very dependent on you... arent those great feelings? At the end of the day, it is you who will decide whether you like to have a kid or not... It is a responsibility, it is a joy, it is life that you are going to give and your kids' will give you life.
Parenthood will never be easy. Just be prepared. Lots of surprises will come... It is what we call life...
Thank you!
i really love kids so much...
when i was young i've been a yaya to my younger cousins and 2nd mother to my nephews...
when i was 15yrs young i was wishing to have my own baby but of cors not to have a husband yet though it was really impossible that time.
my family knew that i rather have kids than to get married. well that was just in case i won't find a good husband..
so, unfortunately (or better say fortunately) got pregnant when i was 25 and my exbf just abandoned us... it was heart breaking and painful. but soon that my son was born and i laid my eyes on him everything's change. i feel complete and all my problems had gone.. made me a better person. goodbye nightlife and goodbye vices!!!
after 3 years being single (not even entertaining suitors).. it was my son who pushed me to find a husband. i thought i'll be enough for him... and i thought i'll be happy being a single parent too.
to cut the story short... i started dating.. meeting guys who just wanted me but not my son, well it's not my lost. how can they just love me and not my adorable son?!
finally, me and adam are destined to each other... a perfect husband and a perfect father to my son Yujin and to our coming son Isaac..
a dream come true... and still planning to have more babies. i know it's tough to raise a child and being a parent is all we (me and adam) are wishing for. even how hard and tough it will be... i'm sure it's WORTH having them.
i'm broke but i would rather be broke and have the kids, than 2 cars and a 50inch plasma.......
I always think a house without a kid is like a jigsaw puzzle with a piece missing,children make a house a home,without a kids chatter bouncing off the walls its just a sterile dwelling,kids add characterMy sister is married to a Thai national,she has two sister in laws,both living in the UK and both have houses worth more than a million pounds,they came here with absolutely nothing and concentrated on their restaurant businesses expanding them and in that respect both have done well,but neither have a child and just like the old maids in pinas who sit and watch the happiness on the faces of local children,I see sadness in their eyes when they reflect on the one piece missing from their own particular puzzles
Money means absolutely zip compared to a childs smile or one of those creased wrinkled smiles a young child gives you
the house i live in has seen many sad times over the years, but for the last few years its been filled with the laughter of my 2 kids
i do more for my kids than i do for the misses, if my misses asks me to get up and do something, she would have to ask a few times, but little joe, he only has to ask the once
People can be complete without having children. Children will take up alot of your time and can be expensive. That said my daughter Chloe has just turned 2 and the best thing ever to happen to me and she brings me joy everyday!
Cooool...I forgot I posted this one... hehe... Now I have him! What joy he brings!![]()
You are so so right!
I am so sure that your little one adores you so much!
Mavid...you will have one, one day!![]()
Kids are the commanders lol
True, some are happy of just the way they are... But too bad for those who are selling babies! Did anyone watch this one: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/a...d-to-surrogacy ?
Eljhono Happy 2nd Bday to your Chloe!![]()
My grandmother used to say if a family is a house then kids are the cement that binds the bricks together
As for selling babies Jay,I actually know someone who bought a child in Pinas,and saw the news report three weeks ago on Pinoy TV about a couple who had just had their baby stolen,apparently its a thriving underground market![]()
im surprised the topic is open againof course i know that some of the members here are expectant mothers and some already gave brith. My congrats to all.
I'd been to my doctor a week ago for some check ups and some questions about me planning a baby soon (hopefully) well, as some of you know that I am not young anymore turning 37 anytime soon
at my age now i am on the risk of whatever
then my bf now is 46 y/o so both of us are not young anymore so having a baby is always a risk. There's a chance of we might have not a normal baby etc while my doctor telling that to me i am really scared and a bit depressed about it but of course she said that if ever i got pregnant there's a way now to know if the baby is normal or not. To be honest i don't think I can't bear if im going to have a special need baby. I know its hard bec i experienced working with children with special need and attention. While at the surgery, I met a couple (Brit and filipina) she is 3 months pregnant for their 1st baby and she said to me they're really excited and worried at the same time bec she is 42y/o and her husband is 45y/o and her doctor said that she needs to have a weekly check up when she's 5 months pregnant so they closely monitor her and her baby's progress. Again, the main reason is her age
So, I open that conversation with my bf and he said that he himself dont want to have a child that need special care or attention. He wants to have a child that you can speak and interact in a normal way. Abortion are the option for many people that are not willing to look after a special children. I don't think I can't do that but I am not willing to devote all my time and effort to a child that need special care and attention (may be i am selfish on that aspect)
I know that having a child makes my life complete no doubt about it. I am not being negative here I am just sharing what might the possibilities of my age having a child in the near future. I think my advice for some here is while you and your partner still young you should think about having a family asap.
Still looking forward having my own child (one is enough for me).
[QUOTE=cheesewiz;129407] I think my advice for some here is while you and your partner still young you should think about having a family asap.QUOTE]
I am thinking Cheez where are we now if we married early
I maybe ended living in Slums by now having children but miserably struggling as the man I loved b4 (fil) was a typical playboy. I want to stay with him forever but I was always hurt emtionally. My Mom said if you marry that guy, I will not happy when I die
and he's now living with young girl in a slum in Pasig.
Or maybe I ended locked up in a mental hospital as one of my suitors b4 was a real good man, high paying engineer but all he wants to talk about is about bibleI tried to read old testament that time Genesis, Exodus but can't fully understand english or tagalog. I enjoy swimming but he never does as if he removed his contact lens and eyeglass, he can't see anything but all blurry. Hard for him to visit movie theatre, he said very dark can't see too much
My Mom likes me to marry him but I feel very boring being with him.
Do I have regrets now?
YES!!!! I WISH I MET MY HUBBY WHEN WE WERE IN OUR 20'S. But he was happily married that time and I was still studying. Better late than never![]()
As for me, i guess its better to have children but only when you're ready. For now, i'm not yet keen on having a baby coz i wanna spend more time with just my hubby for a while and enjoy our marriage to the fullest and grow and mature even more before we take the big leap to parenthood.
Got the first Video of Junior laughing today by email...it makes it all worth while when you see your future laughing the way he did...The only downside is....she tells me..she wants a Girl when I go back.....and here I am just wanting a bit of peace and quiet...Well, this is a cross I will have to bear...
Sorry to spoil the fun folks but let me remind you that in a few years from now the adorable little monkey will be (tick where appropriate):
- a junkie
- a wino
- a jailbird
- a dunce
- a social disease
- your worst nightmare come true
- a subject of wonder for psychiatrists
Don't give up, there are probably battered parents associations around!
You think I am kidding? I have a colleague whose two sons suffer bipolar disorders and it looks like she's got a burden for life. Yes, folks, the little monkeys GROW and sometimes not for the better...
I hope to have a baby as soon as we get married.. my OB said that I may find it difficult to time the conception as I do not have a regular cycle... plus, I'm diabetic.. so it might be quite a challenge... but with the help of science.. and God's grace... I know I can have a baby... I can feel it.. if not, then I'l ask Ann and/or Zobel to provide one for me... LOL....
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