Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
Since we are talking about babies... here is my points of view...

Before even meeting my husband I worked as a parttime preschool teacher and I adored little monkies so much... They have this aura that you can never explain... They are sweet, funloving and very innocent. I learnt so much from them. From being silly to being so so happy and appreciative of any lil blessings being received... I said to myself, one day i will want to have one of those little cheeky monkies...

Now, on the 15th of this month will be our 2nd Wedding Anniversary and in April we are expecting for that lil munky to come out in this world to complete our family. We are thrilled, scared but excited of things to come...

Smelly nappies, poos, crying name it! Can be horrible but this is waht I have put in mind... I was once a baby and my parents once were very excited to see me (i hope lol) so i want to experience that kind of happiness too...

Think about, looking at your kids' eyes, their dainty lil hands, their cutest smile, very dependent on you... arent those great feelings? At the end of the day, it is you who will decide whether you like to have a kid or not... It is a responsibility, it is a joy, it is life that you are going to give and your kids' will give you life.

Parenthood will never be easy. Just be prepared. Lots of surprises will come... It is what we call life...


Thank you!
Cooool...I forgot I posted this one... hehe... Now I have him! What joy he brings!

Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
I always think a house without a kid is like a jigsaw puzzle with a piece missing,children make a house a home,without a kids chatter bouncing off the walls its just a sterile dwelling,kids add character.

Money means absolutely zip compared to a childs smile or one of those creased wrinkled smiles a young child gives you
You are so so right!

Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
I lost a woman in 2002,breast cancer,but she left a legacy sure he gives me headaches,heartaches,and earache,but as sure as the earth orbits the sun our lives revolve around our kids
Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
He is a cutie,but only when he is asleep Good luck in the future Mavid,a child is a miracle,I hope you have one(or two).
I am so sure that your little one adores you so much!

Mavid...you will have one, one day!

Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
the house i live in has seen many sad times over the years, but for the last few years its been filled with the laughter of my 2 kids

i do more for my kids than i do for the misses, if my misses asks me to get up and do something, she would have to ask a few times , but little joe, he only has to ask the once
Kids are the commanders lol

Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
People can be complete without having children. Children will take up alot of your time and can be expensive. That said my daughter Chloe has just turned 2 and the best thing ever to happen to me and she brings me joy everyday!
True, some are happy of just the way they are... But too bad for those who are selling babies! Did anyone watch this one: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/a...d-to-surrogacy ?

Eljhono Happy 2nd Bday to your Chloe!