My Wife had the same problem when she first moved over where her skin went into a mini shock at the change of the weather although she came in October last year.
My Wife used her likas soap which we can get in local phill shops and she used E45 products at first, but also later garnier skin naturals face wash and pore purifying astringent afterwards. She also used e45 moisturer during the winter to combat her skin drying due to the difference in humidty and temperature. This also happened to an aunt who moved over in march/aprill this year but it soon settled down, with my Wife helping her out.
Its worth all hubbys putting a bit of cash aside for a vist to boots and the body shop etc so your Wife can find the products that suit her best when she first comes over. I nearly fell over when we got to the till, but it was worth it for the comfort it brought my Wife has her skin improved. Nothing worse i would have thought for a woman than moving to a new country, culture and finally with herr Love and not feeling magenda.
On the bright side my Wifes skin settled down after a months and looking oh so Magenda :-)