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Thread: More news on what our great leaders are planing

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  1. #1
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    More news on what our great leaders are planing

    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Only noises.......

    Wind probably.......

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    I cant belive that companies only have to advertise in the UK for two weeks before they advertise abroad. When looking for the Wife and a mate both which coincided with Christmas i notice the amount of adverts rose just before Christmas. How many were to ensure not to many applicants have applied/been seen before a few weeks is up.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I cant belive that companies only have to advertise in the UK for two weeks before they advertise abroad. When looking for the Wife and a mate both which coincided with Christmas i notice the amount of adverts rose just before Christmas. How many were to ensure not to many applicants have applied/been seen before a few weeks is up.
    Don't forget the "CV sending bit" where you get told that for some strange reason or the other you are unsuitable for the position....
    Mainly because you are a Brit....
    And not an ethnic minority, or batting for the other team, or even because you haven't got another name to call your God or Gods ...

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    they should suspend HSMP and all the other tiers..

    so what if they do manage to cut the figure by half next year., everything like this is next year, but manage to be able to put the cost of visa up this year, they can also bring their wife or husband as a dependant and they can apply for any job to, so its not 1 job that's gone but 2.

    give British workers the jobs, they've lived here all their life and paid taxes, it's their home and country.. rant over

    brown is pathetic, when he said "British jobs for British workers" who gives a if what he said is against euro law. what are they going to do, i would have given him more credit and respect if he had a back bone and stood by what he said ..

  6. #6
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    they should suspend HSMP and all the other tiers..

    so what if they do manage to cut the figure by half next year., everything like this is next year, but manage to be able to put the cost of visa up this year, they can also bring their wife or husband as a dependant and they can apply for any job to, so its not 1 job that's gone but 2.

    give British workers the jobs, they've lived here all their life and paid taxes, it's their home and country.. rant over
    i agree that your gov't should suspend it asap. where i work our 2 african nurses earning £15/hour i can't believe that they still working as a nurse or relief care assistant during their off to another care home bec we're allowed to work for another care home atleast 20hrs/month as long as its the same job description. my Brits colleagues are not happy bec they think they're greedy

    same thing with some filipinos who get their families here some of their children are 16 and 17 years old so they are working instead of going to school. like joe said its not one job that's gone but 2.

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