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Thread: I need help...

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  1. #1
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    I need help...

    Hi! my name is leonila, Am from manila philippines.. I would just like to ask help from you guys or advice on how i can get a job in london, Iam currently working in a call center here in manila Iam a single parent and my salary is not enough to provide my childrens needs, i would like to work in london to save for their future..Is there any employer there that you know who can help me? I can work as housekeeper or anything just let me know ok..thank you so much.. pls. email me at


  2. #2
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Hi Leonila, what company are you working with? Do u do night shift? Just wait for there responds im sure they will help you here!
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Basically the simple answer is NO, sorry. And UK immigration is tightening up even further next month I think, using an Aus style points system.

    The only way would be to find a hubby.

    One thing I hate about this forum , we can't give everyone good news, even though we want to help.
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gwapa
    Hi! my name is leonila, Am from manila philippines.. I would just like to ask help from you guys or advice on how i can get a job in london, Iam currently working in a call center here in manila Iam a single parent and my salary is not enough to provide my childrens needs, i would like to work in london to save for their future..Is there any employer there that you know who can help me? I can work as housekeeper or anything just let me know ok..thank you so much.. pls. email me at



    Keith is right, you cannot get to UK legally, however, all is not lost !, my suggestion is, that you apply for a tourist visa, make sure, you do it through a fixer in Phils, there is always an agency around who will do it, once having got a tourist visa, you will find housekeeping jobs and Ya Ya jobs in London no problem, if you are prepared to work, you can earn up to P40,000 a week, you can also look at this site for jobs...most of the undocumented Filipinos who work in London, use this site....but the point have to get here, and that is where we cannot help you.

    Take care,

    I have lots of Filipina freinds in London who work doing exactly what you are looking to do.


  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Pete!!! What are you saying?? Better watch the Daily Mail aren't filming you
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    hi! thank you guys for your advices.. yeah and scot i work in a nigth shift i handle a dental account and its american owned company based here in manila..anyway am still not loosing hope, i know theres someone who could help me out there.. or perhaps is there a thing like a fixed marriage where in i can marry someone who will sponsor me but definitely we wont be living in together and will just pay him after he can get me to london?..i just wanted to know cos am thinking options like those, and if there is let me know..and for applying here through agencies yes there is but the thing is i cant afford for the placement fee that they were asking i dont have that money even if i wanted so much to go there and work.. so guys thank you again..and hopefully will get a response from you soon..


  7. #7
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gwapa
    hi! scot i work in a nigth shift i handle a dental account and its american owned company based here in manila..anyway am still not loosing hope, i know theres someone who could help me out there.. or perhaps is there a thing like a fixed marriage where in i can marry someone who will sponsor me but definitely we wont be living in together and will just pay him after he can get me to london?
    Working in call centers are not easy,am i right?coz of time . Anways i have heard about that situition like fixed marriage,mostly in US they do that for the sake that they can go out of the country,or to remained in that particular place. Just be very careful then if somebody() will take that chances for you,as they wont stop in asking you money after all.kidding! it really takes time..
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  8. #8
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gwapa
    hi! thank you guys for your advices.. yeah and scot i work in a nigth shift i handle a dental account and its american owned company based here in manila..anyway am still not loosing hope, i know theres someone who could help me out there.. or perhaps is there a thing like a fixed marriage where in i can marry someone who will sponsor me but definitely we wont be living in together and will just pay him after he can get me to london?..i just wanted to know cos am thinking options like those, and if there is let me know..and for applying here through agencies yes there is but the thing is i cant afford for the placement fee that they were asking i dont have that money even if i wanted so much to go there and work.. so guys thank you again..and hopefully will get a response from you soon..



    I'm not sure about your 'fixed marriage' proposal !, youre on the wrong forum if you think we will be happy to hear you suggesting that one !, after all, most of the guys on here are in bona fida relationships, and married !, no British guy in his right mind is going to agree to marry you, just to get you to London, and actually we consider that to be offensive, I think you should look elsewhere for your overtures to get to London, this forum is not the place to get help with that no one will give it.

    Take care, " There is always one "

  9. #9
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Oh! am sorry if u find it offensive, i didnt mean to offend somebody out here..i didnt know am just new in this site i was just asking if theres such a thing like those. am just curious..


  10. #10
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I'm sure you did not intentionally want to offend the guys here, and I'm not having a pop at you for it, I'm just saying that you might want to think about what you said as.. you know the guys here love their Asawa's and had to go through a lot of aggravation to get them into this country, so " Good Looking" maybe its better if you try tourist visa ok...and not marriage visa, I suppose you could always try fiancee visa, but i dont know if any guy will consent to that, and anyway, its only for 6 months, but Keith will kill me for suggesting this, ...I am just a realist, and know these things go on...oh well. life goes around and round...

    Hope it works out for you...whatever you want in this life, I suppose we should feel flattered that you chose the United Kingdom to perpertuate your scam...

  11. #11
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    i think if that is really your pic in the avatar then you'll get loads of offers.

  12. #12
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    bit sensitive issue and seems confidential;

    Watch out Cameron is browsing at the moment..LOL
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

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