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Thread: Second visit - second meeting - second impressions

  1. #1
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    Smile Second visit - second meeting - second impressions

    I think it is true to say that, when I made my first visit to the Philippines, Shirley was the one more certain of her feelings and before meeting me had already decided that I was THE man for her. This had been a slight worry for me, bringing unwanted pressure. What if she did not prove to be the woman for me.

    As others will know, emails, phone calls and above all chatting on Yahoo Messenger via webcam all ensure a degree of familiarity and closeness before actually meeting in person. So when we met I was relieved that we got on as well in the flesh as we had when many miles apart.

    So this second visit was really make or break. Mutual love had been declared before this visit and, unknown to Shirley, I had gathered and brought much of the paperwork required for a visa application.

    I had travelled by KLM this time, on a cheap late deal. Yes, their movies were better than Kuwait Airways, but both got me safely there so really price would continue to motivate me in my future choice of airline.

    As an old hand now at this I strolled confidently down the slope to the meeting area at Manila Airport, eagerly scanning the girls across the road (as one does!). I had been looking forward to the sight of seeing her crossing the road to greet me, but a tap on the shoulder and there she was. A friendly guard had let her across before I had arrived.

    It was funny, but within minutes it was as if we had never been parted for the last 2 months, as the hotel car picked us up to speed us to a welcoming air conditioned hotel.

    Everything was as I remembered it from my first visit; the heat, the jeepneys, tricycles and bicycles. And of course the people, how different and welcome an attitude from many in the UK. I can understand why many foreigners decide to move there permanently.

    After a few days in Manila we travelled a few hours north to stay at a hotel near her family. It was a welcome reunion with them, I had brought as much chocolates, liquers etc for them as I could pack. Whereas I had supplied them with much for their sweet teeth, the first meal made for me at their house was - bitter melon! And yes, it is bitter. But in the context of the meal prepared I did enjoy it. And no, I never did get to eat a single one of the chocs I had brought over.

    It was only halfway through my 10 day visit that we discussed our future. and I knew by then that Shirley was the one for me and we both knew that we wanted to be together forever.

    Her family were happy, we bought the engagement ring, filipino white gold, and then ...... it was time for me to leave. So guys, why do we go halfway round the world to find a wife, knowing that the road to happiness will be such a long, drawn out and stressful time? Yes ... I do know the answer, but sometimes it can feel quite daunting.

    I am writing this several weeks after returning, and the thought of my next visit – and then leaving my new wife to fly back to the UK - is already filling me with foreboding. When we parted after my first visit I had been preoccupied with getting into the airport and our farewells were, on my part, somewhat rushed. Shirley kept her tears back for when she was in the taxi as she left, and I had felt regretful but not too worried as I sorted myself out in the airport building.

    What a difference a visit makes. This time I had felt fine as we approached the airport. But as we arrived outside the departure lounge I started to feel very emotional and upset - so this is love eh! I had to bid a hasty farewell to avoid looking like ... well, looking like I was leaving behind the woman I loved I suppose.

    I queued at the departure entrance to have my luggage scanned, still too upset to think of much. Standing alongside the queue was a man in uniform together with 2 uniformed girls (pilot/ stewardess type attire). "Hello," said the man to me, "are you alone?" "Yes," I replied (being renowned for my quick wit and ready repartee!). "These 2 girls are single" he said, indicating the uniformed girls. Nice girls they were, but I could only summon up a weak smile and greeting for them. However, the incident lifted my spirits somewhat.

    Having now told my family/sons of my engagement I have an appointment tomorrow to apply for my cni ... we hope to get married in February. End of story for a couple of months!

  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    lah di dah di dah...everything is smelling sweet of roses, and peaches, life is so good. Magandang Buhay...

    Pero !

    Makining Mabuti girl.. siguraduhing mabuti na mayroon ka ng ILR ( Indefinite Leave to Remain ) bago magreklamo at pagsabihan siyang " gumawa ka ng sarili mong hapunan".!

  3. #3
    Banned luv8here's Avatar
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    nice one Peter

  4. #4
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    I always went to the airport alone.

    Before leaving I took jet home and left her in the care of her family, as I knew from the start that the waterworks would be very upsetting for both of us.

  5. #5
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Hi Paul...being of the same age as me..I was very interested in your story and found it was just like mine..Marrying my missus was the best thing that ever happened to me...leaving her to come home was the second worst.....The first..not being at my son's birth or christening....but keep your chin up my friend...the time goes fast..and I know it will be worth's been 8 months since we parted and maybe another 8 month before we can be together (for the rest of our lives) I still remember the lump in my throat as I left...and after all this still feels as though it is still there..Good luck my friend..maybe one day we can all meet and smile about these times.....

  6. #6
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    yes paulgee its a rollercoaster ride dating a filipina, extreme highs and some very lows too but ohh so worth it. your story realy bought my own memorries flooding back.
    congratulations on your engagement

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris40 View Post
    .....and some very lows too.....
    That'll be the weekly fruit and fish bill?
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris40 View Post
    yes paulgee its a rollercoaster ride dating a filipina, extreme highs and some very lows too but ohh so worth it. your story realy bought my own memorries flooding back.
    congratulations on your engagement
    Very true and as mr admin writes the "exotic" food bill and heating bills help
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulgee View Post

    Having now told my family/sons of my engagement I have an appointment tomorrow to apply for my cni ... we hope to get married in February. End of story for a couple of months!
    To Paul and Shirley,
    Congratulations on you engagement.
    I enjoyed reading your love story.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Makining Mabuti girl.. siguraduhing mabuti na mayroon ka ng ILR ( Indefinite Leave to Remain ) bago magreklamo at pagsabihan siyang " gumawa ka ng sarili mong hapunan".!
    Is it like......magpakabait habang wala pa ILR at pag meron na ILR "gumawa ka ng sarili mong hapunan"

    oiiiii i knew it!!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Makining Mabuti girl.. siguraduhing mabuti na mayroon ka ng ILR ( Indefinite Leave to Remain ) bago magreklamo at pagsabihan siyang " gumawa ka ng sarili mong hapunan".!
    In English. " Listen carefully girl...make sure you got your Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) before make complaints and tell the hubby to make his own food."


    If I say to my hubby that he has to make his own food because Im going to attend Filipino gathering, he is absolutely happy because at last he can have Fish and Chips and he said, he does not mind me to go to Filipino Dinner party.

  12. #12
    Member rosedave07's Avatar
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    just have faith..

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Nice story again there Paul. Congrats for the engagement.
    All the best for you and Shirley

  14. #14
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Paul, congratulations to you and Shirley.

    You sound as smitten as I was - I visited at six week intervals, and we also bought an engagement ring on my second visit. Like you, I also brought material for a visa application but, in our case, we went for a visitors visa. My third visit was in order to accompany Ruby back to UK. We stayed in UK for 12 weeks before a final return to Phils together. We married almost three months after that and have been together here ever since.

  15. #15
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulgee View Post
    I think it is true to say that, when I made my first visit to the Philippines, Shirley was the one more certain of her feelings and before meeting me had already decided that I was THE man for her. This had been a slight worry for me, bringing unwanted pressure. What if she did not prove to be the woman for me.

    As others will know, emails, phone calls and above all chatting on Yahoo Messenger via webcam all ensure a degree of familiarity and closeness before actually meeting in person. So when we met I was relieved that we got on as well in the flesh as we had when many miles apart.

    So this second visit was really make or break. Mutual love had been declared before this visit and, unknown to Shirley, I had gathered and brought much of the paperwork required for a visa application.

    I had travelled by KLM this time, on a cheap late deal. Yes, their movies were better than Kuwait Airways, but both got me safely there so really price would continue to motivate me in my future choice of airline.

    As an old hand now at this I strolled confidently down the slope to the meeting area at Manila Airport, eagerly scanning the girls across the road (as one does!). I had been looking forward to the sight of seeing her crossing the road to greet me, but a tap on the shoulder and there she was. A friendly guard had let her across before I had arrived.

    It was funny, but within minutes it was as if we had never been parted for the last 2 months, as the hotel car picked us up to speed us to a welcoming air conditioned hotel.

    Everything was as I remembered it from my first visit; the heat, the jeepneys, tricycles and bicycles. And of course the people, how different and welcome an attitude from many in the UK. I can understand why many foreigners decide to move there permanently.

    After a few days in Manila we travelled a few hours north to stay at a hotel near her family. It was a welcome reunion with them, I had brought as much chocolates, liquers etc for them as I could pack. Whereas I had supplied them with much for their sweet teeth, the first meal made for me at their house was - bitter melon! And yes, it is bitter. But in the context of the meal prepared I did enjoy it. And no, I never did get to eat a single one of the chocs I had brought over.

    It was only halfway through my 10 day visit that we discussed our future. and I knew by then that Shirley was the one for me and we both knew that we wanted to be together forever.

    Her family were happy, we bought the engagement ring, filipino white gold, and then ...... it was time for me to leave. So guys, why do we go halfway round the world to find a wife, knowing that the road to happiness will be such a long, drawn out and stressful time? Yes ... I do know the answer, but sometimes it can feel quite daunting.

    I am writing this several weeks after returning, and the thought of my next visit – and then leaving my new wife to fly back to the UK - is already filling me with foreboding. When we parted after my first visit I had been preoccupied with getting into the airport and our farewells were, on my part, somewhat rushed. Shirley kept her tears back for when she was in the taxi as she left, and I had felt regretful but not too worried as I sorted myself out in the airport building.

    What a difference a visit makes. This time I had felt fine as we approached the airport. But as we arrived outside the departure lounge I started to feel very emotional and upset - so this is love eh! I had to bid a hasty farewell to avoid looking like ... well, looking like I was leaving behind the woman I loved I suppose.

    I queued at the departure entrance to have my luggage scanned, still too upset to think of much. Standing alongside the queue was a man in uniform together with 2 uniformed girls (pilot/ stewardess type attire). "Hello," said the man to me, "are you alone?" "Yes," I replied (being renowned for my quick wit and ready repartee!). "These 2 girls are single" he said, indicating the uniformed girls. Nice girls they were, but I could only summon up a weak smile and greeting for them. However, the incident lifted my spirits somewhat.

    Having now told my family/sons of my engagement I have an appointment tomorrow to apply for my cni ... we hope to get married in February. End of story for a couple of months!
    Paul gee with you being such a elegant writer as well as putting into words your experiences of going to Phill it may be very beneficial to others if you wrote similar posts on your experiences during the application.
    When going though the process with the Wife it helped us both reading of others experiences.
    Not just the big important must do this and do that but those little details.

    Only a suggestion and I know how busy it gets but as the process keeps changing slightly in both countries it helps those to read up to date experiences.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  16. #16
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Paul gee with you being such a elegant writer as well as putting into words your experiences of going to Phill it may be very beneficial to others if you wrote similar posts on your experiences during the application.
    When going though the process with the Wife it helped us both reading of others experiences.
    Not just the big important must do this and do that but those little details.

    Only a suggestion and I know how busy it gets but as the process keeps changing slightly in both countries it helps those to read up to date experiences.

    ...I am looking forward to it and thanks in advance

  17. #17
    Respected Member simplicity's Avatar
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    Hi wishes to you and shirley... is it a valentines day wedding?
    "With God nothing is impossible."

  18. #18
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Hi Paul! I'm glad you love Philippines as much as I do! Your post was quite captivating...have you considered becoming a writer?

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  19. #19
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I am flying out on the 29th and, if the local cni is obtained in time, we will marry on Valentines Day. If not then the 18th is pencilled in.

    If I feel I have any useful information to give regarding procedures etc I will post them at a later date. I know how useful it is if one can read others experiences, often obtained the hard way, and we are both grateful for others who have put pen to paper (electronically!!) and helped many others.

    And best wishes to everyone else who is currently doing as we are at this time.


  20. #20
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Congratulations, Paul and Shirley! Best wishes and have a safe journey.

    BTW. I agree with Nigel. Your post is captivating...same feeling I get when reading a romance novel. Have you considered being a writer? Or a love DJ?
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
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