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Thread: UK Study/Exchange Opportunities

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
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    UK Study/Exchange Opportunities

    Hi all,

    i was wondering if any of you knows where i could study in the uk after my law degree here in the philippines. im studying law in the philippines now, but after i met my bf from the uk, i had a change of plans and would now like to be with him, i was just wondering though if there are any study opportunities or other exchange programs anyone of you knows so i could visit the uk. i have problems getting a uk visit visa, although i havent tried on getting one yet because i still dont have a job and my parents do not want to support me. so if i could have any scholarship opportunity or other exchange programs, even something like work as an au pair...then it would be i could visit the uk soon. in short, i dont have much money, so this opportunity should be able to fund my trip and studies there.

    also does anyone know what a qualified lawyer in the philippines would be able to do in the uk, seeing as u have a different system of law there, so if i ever get there, what job could i get?

    also, i was thinking, if not lawyering, i know this is kind of far-fetched but i also want to try acting for films...

    this is because my original plan after being a qualified lawyer here is to go to the states and try out hollywood...but since i fell in love with my bf, i seem to have a change of plans

    thanks all

  2. #2
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Hiyah! I don't know if it's possible to get a visa to study here in the U.K. I think it probably is though..(It certainly should be possible if you ask me but..) make plans to marry your boyfriend that's my advice!!
    I'm pleased to hear your interested in becoming an actress! It's good that you aim high like that! I'm married to a filipina..Vimvie..I wanted her to become a pop star 'cause she's good at guitar..(and there's not nearly enough famous filipino's out here!) but she keeps saying she's too shy!

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