We applied for our Fiancee visa exactly eleven weeks ago today. We had a slight problem when we submitted our application, as described below taken from another thread here......

Our plan was for my fiancee to travel to the UK at the end of March if our application was approved in plenty of time for our wedding we have booked at the start of July but when the staff at the application centre saw the intended date of travel on the application form was 30.03.09 they told her she was applying too early and she would have to bring forward the intended date of travel or submit the application nearer the end of the year because they said she should only be applying 3 months before she intends to travel here. Not having me there with her , I was waiting outside, and feeling the staff there must know what they are talking about she agreed to change the date and ended up putting 15.01.09.

Firstly I don't think submitting an application on 21st October when you intend to travel at the end of March is too early. If we have to wait the full 3 months for a decision that will mean us finding out on 21st January which would leave 2 months to arrange flights and for my fiancee to organize everything she has to sort out there before she leaves, and I don't think wanting 8 or 9 weeks to do that is excessive, we are after all talking about starting a whole new life.

Secondly, in my letter of support I stated my fiancee would be coming here at the end of March which now contradicts the date on the form and I'm worried the ECO will pick up on this and use it against us.

Thirdly, if we get the visa and it's dated 15.01.09 it will expire on 15.07.09 and our wedding isn't until 03.07.09 and we have a honeymoon in the UK arranged straight after until the 12th July so I worry that won't leave enough time to apply for FLR before the fiancee visa expires.

Well, someone from the embassy phoned my fiancee today saying that the case officer wanted them to clarify what date the visa should start from and what is her actual intended date of travel. They basically said to her what I outlined in my 3rd point above that if it's dated from now it wouldnt leave enough time after the wedding to apply for FLR before the fiancee visa expired. So my fiancee exlained she actually plans to travel in March and that it was the staff at VFS that told her she would have to change the date on the application form.

So, I'm wondering does this mean our application has been approved? At no point during the phone call did they say to her it has been yet but I can't help thinking the signs are good...

It's been 11 weeks - it should be around this time they are finishing with our application.

Why would they ask about dating the visa if they don't intend to approve it?

If they had any problems with anything else on the application surely they would have asked her for clarification during the same call. The only thing they asked her about was intended date of travel.

I really don't want to get too excited until we actually have it but it feels very close now. Can anyone else see a reason why things would go wrong now?