Hi Everybody, I need some advice,

My fiancee' from manila and I are about to submit paperwork for her Visa to the UK (Fiancee' visa). We have all the proof of our meetings and pages and pages of MSN Chat transcripts and phone bills that prove we have remained in contact, and we also have the receipit for our planned wedding in July.

I am, however, a little worried about my finances and need some advice.

All the bank statements I have sent (past 6 months) are healthy and show no fees, no overdrafts, no charges etc etc so that is good. However, I am just about to come out of a Trust Deed (an IVA) due to some problems in the past, and I am not sure if I should declare this, or not, in my letter of sponsorship.

I have a full time Job, and a part time Job and my take home pay is £2200. After my mortgage, loans, car, trust deed etc etc
comes off every month, I have a disposable income of around £400 ... this will increase to £600 after February when the trust deed ends.
Also, I am slowly building up savings and now have £300, growing monthly...this I can prove to the Embassy.

(1) IS a disposable income of £400 enough proof that I can support my Fiancee' ?

(2) Should I declare the Trust deed, and include a letter from the Trustee CONFIMRING that payments will cease on February ?

I'm worried that being in a trust deed (or having been in one) will affect my aplication but any advice will be appreciated.

