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Thread: Info about student Visa refusal

  1. #1
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Info about student Visa refusal


    Right of appeal against a Student Visa refusal to be abolished

    By Charles Kelly

    25 January 2009

    The right to lodge an appeal against a student visa refusal to the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (AIT) will be abolished when Tier 4 starts at the end of March.

    Every day hundreds of appeals against Entry Clearance refusals are currently heard before an independent Immigration Judge at the AIT.

    Around 25% of refusals are overturned on appeal, a staggering number considering that most appellants do not even show up in court, or opt to have their cases dealt with 'on papers' with no representation.

    There is no fee payable to lodge an appeal to the AIT and have your case considered by a judge in the UK, and you do not have to use legal representation.

    The right of appeal will be replaced by an "Administrative Review" - basically the case will be reviewed by another Entry Clearance Manager (ECM).

    Entry Clearance refusals cases subject to appeal are of course already reviewed by an ECM before going on to a full hearing in the UK. According to appeal specialists Bison UK, the "vast majority of refusal cases are upheld by the Entry Clearance Officer's (ECO) manager".

    However, where cases do reach the AIT for a full appeal the figures are reversed. In their experience, over 95% of the refusals upheld by the ECM were subsequently overturned by an Immigration Judge at the AIT hearing.

    In other words, an independent Immigration Judge has deemed that 95% of those visa refusals were unlawful.

    In one of Bison UK's recent visa appeal cases, two Filipino Brothers (RRA and RJA) were on the same day both refused student visas to study NVQ in Health and Social Care at Majestic College in London.

    The ECO at the British Embassy in Manila refused the young prospective students under section (ii) of paragraph 57 of the Immigration Rules (HC395).

    Essentially, the ECO was saying that he did not believe they were coming to the UK to study and that they were only going to the UK to join their Mother and work.

    No evidence for these accusations were put forward by the ECO, who based his refusal on what Bison UK's appeal specialist said was "mere suspicion".

    At the hearing this month the judge disagreed and allowed both appeal stating in the written determination:

    "I am satisfied that each appellant (the Brothers appealing) has established to the required standard that he meets the requirements of the Rules for entry clearance as a student"

    He continues:

    "I am not satisfied that the decision of the respondent (the Entry Clearance Officer) is in accordance with the law and immigration rules applicable to this appeal."

    In other words, the judge is saying the refusal is unlawful.

    What chance do students have under the Tier 4 of the new points system?

    The Government argues that because the points based system will be more transparent and fair, there will be no need for an appeal process.

    Under tier 4, students will, say the Government, only be refused on factual information, such as fraudulent documents or lack of funds. Students will not be refused on purely "subjective" reasons such as:

    "I am not satisfied on the balance of probabilities that you intend to leave the UK at the end of your studies" or

    "On the balance of probabilities I am not satisfied that you are a genuine student".

    This is commonly known as refusing on "intention", something which, according to UK Border officials at a recent meeting in London, will not be allowed under the new system.
    This is will be a major change for ECO's who are used to acting on their own suspicions and opinions, and it remains to be seen what will happen in practice when the new system comes in at the end of March.

    In the meantime you are free to exercise your fundamental right of appeal. Appeal cases are heard in the UK before an independent Immigration Judge, something you should consider when appointing an adviser to handle your appeal. An overseas lawyer will not be able to represent you at the all important hearing and you may end up paying separately for a UK based advocate.

    Take advice from an OISC registered adviser or Solicitor to check on available options.

    Finally, any applications submitted for a visa before tier 4 takes effect should carry the right of appeal if you are refused.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemini63 View Post
    In other words, an independent Immigration Judge has deemed that 95% of those visa refusals were unlawful.

    In one of Bison UK's recent visa appeal cases, two Filipino Brothers (RRA and RJA) were on the same day both refused student visas to study NVQ in Health and Social Care at Majestic College in London.

    The ECO at the British Embassy in Manila refused the young prospective students under section (ii) of paragraph 57 of the Immigration Rules (HC395).

    Essentially, the ECO was saying that he did not believe they were coming to the UK to study and that they were only going to the UK to join their Mother and work.

    No evidence for these accusations were put forward by the ECO, who based his refusal on what Bison UK's appeal specialist said was "mere suspicion".

    At the hearing this month the judge disagreed and allowed both appeal stating in the written determination:

    "I am satisfied that each appellant (the Brothers appealing) has established to the required standard that he meets the requirements of the Rules for entry clearance as a student"

    He continues:

    "I am not satisfied that the decision of the respondent (the Entry Clearance Officer) is in accordance with the law and immigration rules applicable to this appeal."

    In other words, the judge is saying the refusal is unlawful.
    it just shows some judges haven't a clue , of course many if not all who come to study for a NVQ, come here to work , the gov is not so stupid, they've done the same with the appeals process for some other visa types to, hard to get to AIT and no access to higher courts, rightly so, on the news the other night, it showed a woman who came here, overstayed , was told to leave, appealed, refused, blah, blah for 8yrs !!! now she has a son who's a British citizen, and she's been allowed an extension , 8yrs of appealing and dragging it out, at the tax payer expense

    as for these colleges, how can they call them self that , just exploiting the system. ask any one on here on a nvq, why they came here, studying would be the last reason

  3. #3
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    when i got my visa to VFS long ago,i chat with the staff there,and talk about student visa,she told me that BRITISH EMBASSY order to VFS that don't accept more than 10 applicants student visa in one day,because the British Embassy says,there are more than 5000 applicants already pending at the embassy
    And i met one old woman about 45 years old,(in a casual wear,doesn't even look presentable )i ask her what visa you're applying for? and she said "student visa"....

    and i conclude....i know whats going on

  4. #4
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Well reading that it should be an easer process to both apply for and understand since if the applicant has funds and the learning establishment is bona-fide there is no opportunity for the E.C.O. to consult their cristal ball and come up with unsubstantiated refusal and the courts which are vastly expensive to tax-payers will be freed up to consider other matters ,perhaps the inequitable advantage europeans have with free visa apps for thier spouse
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Well reading that it should be an easer process to both apply for and understand since if the applicant has funds and the learning establishment is bona-fide there is no opportunity for the E.C.O. to consult their cristal ball and come up with unsubstantiated refusal and the courts which are vastly expensive to tax-payers will be freed up to consider other matters ,perhaps the inequitable advantage europeans have with free visa apps for thier spouse
    i wonder if these judges even know what an NVQ is ?, I'm still surprised the gov has not ended this route of employment, I'm sure when you apply for a student visa, the course your doing should be at a higher academic level than that you've done it in past.

    europeans might have free visas, but the gov is making them wait for them now..

  6. #6
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    all posts have got points...

    my questions:

    why is it that Student Visa application is still availble in the UK Visa Market? meaning it is still there as an option in applying a visa?...


    How would they know that the applicant is really genuine? How do they do it? Of course Student is easy way out right? Plus they "students" would like to earn £££, right?

    So how do they consult their crystal ball? their feelings? their mere suspicion? being subjective from being objective?

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    same with Visit visor, they make a 'educated' guess on the evidence or lack of evidence you supplied, and use this evidence to guess on the balance of probabilities to grant or refuse you the visa..

    money what else, 300,000 int students here, i think its worth 8 billion to the uk economy.. but then you have to balance that out against the ones who overstay and work illegal, not paying tax etc..

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