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Thread: Third visit to see Panaginip

  1. #1
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    Smile Third visit to see Panaginip

    Hello everyone

    Sorry I haven't been posting very much recently.
    It has been a combination of 60-70 hour weeks, moving house and also a terrible "3 mobile" internet connection at the new place.

    Anyway, I have booked and paid for my flight (£482) LHR/HKG/CEB return.

    I left my beautiful wife in Cebu airport last August and it will be over five months when we meet again in less than a couple of weeks.
    I know many of you have been through this before and many are still enduring being apart, but for me, I have realised that I didn't know the meaning of loneliness until I met my Panaginip.
    When we leave, we often don't know how long it will be until we can be together again.
    Unforeseen events change the plan at times

    We will do the visa together and then we will have to separate once more for the last wait until she can join me in England.
    I believe two weeks should be enough time to get the visa done.
    Any tips/advice on making sure it will be done during this time frame?

    I know when she flies to join me is when our lives can truly start together and the adventure of being with her everyday will be so much fun. Even if the credit crunch gets worse, at least we can share the days without work together.

    I will be able to see her pretty face soon instead of just hearing her voice from many thousands of miles away

    So, for others who are apart like ourselves, keep strong

  2. #2
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    So sweet ,you really sound lovesick,good luck mike as i always says to both of you,this forum has a luck ,lol once you are a member here,never heard of any one denied (frances and philip but still they manage to won on the appeal) settlement are always fine , gathering all the necessary doc and info here on the forum,and also that was spouse ,u know more .not chance...i'm will have the spouse visa i 'll assure you

  3. #3
    Respected Member simplicity's Avatar
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    God Bless your trip to PI and Good luck in your application..
    "With God nothing is impossible."

  4. #4
    Respected Member reginacarlson's Avatar
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    That's great, I'm happy for you!

  5. #5
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    Have a nice journey Aposhark and goodluck to your Panaginip`s visa application. Your love story is simply amazing and your post is inspiring.
    Yes, I can imagine how your Panaginip feels now, the reward of being away from your love-one temporarily is the joy in your heart on the next time you see each other again.
    Best wishes to both of you.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    So sweet ,you really sound lovesick,good luck mike as i always says to both of you,this forum has a luck ,lol once you are a member here,never heard of any one denied (frances and philip but still they manage to won on the appeal) settlement are always fine , gathering all the necessary doc and info here on the forum,and also that was spouse ,u know more .not chance...i'm will have the spouse visa i 'll assure you
    Thanks for the reassuring words, Juliet

    When we meet "that" special partner, we want to get everything right and the help and kindness of everyone here in this forum has helped immeasurably in this quest.

  7. #7
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    Hi simplicity & reginacarlson


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    Have a nice journey Aposhark and goodluck to your Panaginip`s visa application. Your love story is simply amazing and your post is inspiring.
    Yes, I can imagine how your Panaginip feels now, the reward of being away from your love-one temporarily is the joy in your heart on the next time you see each other again.
    Best wishes to both of you.
    Hi simplelife
    Yes, that feeling of expectation is growing by the day.
    I have been trying to suppress any feelings of real happiness for many months - to make the time pass by easier.
    Now though, when I hear the giggles of delight from Rochelyn down the phone line, the joy is palpable and is replacing the sudden pangs of loneliness that has been with me for so long. Longing for her that can often be felt in the stomach, something that separation inflicts

    Now I just want to see Cebu City below me as the plane descends, knowing that my Panaginip is there
    Saying goodbyes in airports are soooo bad, but reuniting is almost too good to describe in words.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hi simplelife
    Saying goodbyes in airports are soooo bad, but reuniting is almost too good to describe in words.
    I cant remember now how many goodbyes and hellos at the airport we had.
    Even we are on for long long period of time, its been almost six years now. I still crying at night when I feel so low, but thanks to the technology now that I can get in touch with him more often.

    Earlier we were discussing about his future visit here and I just can`t wait to see him again and hug him and kiss him even in the middle of the crowd in the airport and the best thing is we will fly back to UK.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    .......and I just can`t wait to see him again and hug him and kiss him even in the middle of the crowd in the airport.......
    I'm impressed
    I think my wife is much more shy in public.
    When I try to kiss her in public I hear "Public dear, public dear"

    Come to think of it, I have seldomly seen Filipinos kiss in public.
    I wonder what my wife will think when she comes to live in the UK and sees plenty of folk doing the tonsil tango

  11. #11
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Haha ... I kissed Ruby in the middle of NCCC Mall yesterday! I'm not sure who was more shocked - her, or all the onlookers (including the security guards, who failed to supress their astonishment)!

    I am thankful that we've only ever had to part twice. Since my arrival here on my third visit, we've not been apart for more than a few hours.

  12. #12
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I'm impressed
    I think my wife is much more shy in public.
    When I try to kiss her in public I hear "Public dear, public dear"

    Come to think of it, I have seldomly seen Filipinos kiss in public.
    I wonder what my wife will think when she comes to live in the UK and sees plenty of folk doing the tonsil tango
    me too i don't like kissing in the public but the emotion of love is over the sky and im very much proud to my handsome husband.
    all things are possible!

  13. #13
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hello everyone

    Sorry I haven't been posting very much recently.
    It has been a combination of 60-70 hour weeks, moving house and also a terrible "3 mobile" internet connection at the new place.

    Anyway, I have booked and paid for my flight (£482) LHR/HKG/CEB return.

    I left my beautiful wife in Cebu airport last August and it will be over five months when we meet again in less than a couple of weeks.
    I know many of you have been through this before and many are still enduring being apart, but for me, I have realised that I didn't know the meaning of loneliness until I met my Panaginip.
    When we leave, we often don't know how long it will be until we can be together again.
    Unforeseen events change the plan at times

    We will do the visa together and then we will have to separate once more for the last wait until she can join me in England.
    I believe two weeks should be enough time to get the visa done.
    Any tips/advice on making sure it will be done during this time frame?

    I know when she flies to join me is when our lives can truly start together and the adventure of being with her everyday will be so much fun. Even if the credit crunch gets worse, at least we can share the days without work together.

    I will be able to see her pretty face soon instead of just hearing her voice from many thousands of miles away

    So, for others who are apart like ourselves, keep strong
    Just make sure that everything that you could possibly need (papers, documents etc) for the application is available especially anything that is currently in the UK. Download the application checklist before you leave and tick each item off one by one, I'm sure your application will be successful.

    Enjoy your trip and regards to Rochelyn.

    Louella & Iain.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I'm impressed
    I think my wife is much more shy in public.
    When I try to kiss her in public I hear "Public dear, public dear"

    Come to think of it, I have seldomly seen Filipinos kiss in public.
    I wonder what my wife will think when she comes to live in the UK and sees plenty of folk doing the tonsil tango
    I know its not common to see Filipinas kissing in public, but for me I do not care what other people think or say. I love him and miss him so much and theres nothing wrong give him welcome kiss.

  15. #15
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    I know its not common to see Filipinas kissing in public, but for me I do not care what other people think or say. I love him and miss him so much and theres nothing wrong give him welcome kiss.
    I remember the first time I went with my wife to visit her family. Just before we left her elder sister phoned to tell her to to remind me, NO PDA's (Public Displays of Affection). It all seemed a bit crazy to me because I'm sure everyone really knew we were sharing a hotel room, but as far they were concerned my gf, now wife was staying at her boarding house 5 miles away.

  16. #16
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I'm sure everyone really knew we were sharing a hotel room, but as far they were concerned my gf, now wife was staying at her boarding house 5 miles away.
    That sounds familiar!

  17. #17
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I'm impressed
    I think my wife is much more shy in public.
    When I try to kiss her in public I hear "Public dear, public dear" :
    indeed a true Filipina

    have a safe trip Aposhark
    In addition i just want to remind you to bring the original documents you will be needed for your wife visa application same like my kukupops did (we save a bit for courier charge) such as:

    original brith certificate
    Full copy of your passport, personal details and Phil. Immigration stamp in full color
    Scanned copy of driver’s license
    Phone bill
    Council tax
    TV License
    Letter of Employment
    Wage Slips
    P60 end of Year Employment
    Bank Statements
    Letter of support
    Sponsor’s Decree of Divorce Absolute
    Boarding Passes and E-tickets

    then the rest is from your wife documentation

    I am not sure if all of them are needed for spouse visa application coz mine is fiancee, just to remind you a few I hope it helps

    all the best,
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
    Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    .....Enjoy your trip and regards to Rochelyn.
    Louella & Iain.
    Hi Louella & Iain
    Thanks will do and then hopefully in a few months we will take the
    A45 to come to say "hello"

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kukurokuk View Post
    .......just to remind you a few I hope it helps
    Thanks Leah for taking the time to post the reminder list

  20. #20
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hello everyone

    Sorry I haven't been posting very much recently.
    It has been a combination of 60-70 hour weeks, moving house and also a terrible "3 mobile" internet connection at the new place.

    Anyway, I have booked and paid for my flight (£482) LHR/HKG/CEB return.

    I left my beautiful wife in Cebu airport last August and it will be over five months when we meet again in less than a couple of weeks.
    I know many of you have been through this before and many are still enduring being apart, but for me, I have realised that I didn't know the meaning of loneliness until I met my Panaginip.
    When we leave, we often don't know how long it will be until we can be together again.
    Unforeseen events change the plan at times

    We will do the visa together and then we will have to separate once more for the last wait until she can join me in England.
    I believe two weeks should be enough time to get the visa done.
    Any tips/advice on making sure it will be done during this time frame?

    I know when she flies to join me is when our lives can truly start together and the adventure of being with her everyday will be so much fun. Even if the credit crunch gets worse, at least we can share the days without work together.

    I will be able to see her pretty face soon instead of just hearing her voice from many thousands of miles away

    So, for others who are apart like ourselves, keep strong
    Goodluck to u Mike and Rochelyn..just make sure u prepare all the documents needed and be honest with everything, I don't think they will gonna refuse wifey's application..

    pls say my regards to ur Panaginip..

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    .....pls say my regards to ur Panaginip..
    Will do kimmi, and thanks

  22. #22
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Goodluck and have a safe journey aposhark Rochelyn will be jumping and over the moon to see you again. so sweet

  23. #23
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    See yah mike

  24. #24
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Good news you get to go back, real tough being apart good luck and Bon voyage Sir.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  25. #25
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Good luck to you mate and your Panaginip!! Forgive me, I cannot remember your precise situation currently. I'm presuming you have already submitted the application and are hoping to be there just after the 3months will expire so you can return together.

    If that is the case, then I don't believe you can do much more in the interim. Unless you are concerned about any area of the application, in which case you can perhaps, send in advance of your departure, any 'beefing up' items you have, which she can produce in an interview should she be called for one.

    Bon voyage and God bless you both!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  26. #26
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Good luck! there Apo
    Just a matter of time really.

    I'm getting married myself, this year. We still haven't set a date yet. Hopefully going over in march, for my third trip, to get the ball rolling.

  27. #27
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    goodluck to you mike and to your lovely wife
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  28. #28
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    thats happy for u.have a safe trip

  29. #29
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    Thaks again to all for kind wishes

  30. #30
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hello everyone

    Sorry I haven't been posting very much recently.
    It has been a combination of 60-70 hour weeks, moving house and also a terrible "3 mobile" internet connection at the new place.

    Anyway, I have booked and paid for my flight (£482) LHR/HKG/CEB return.

    I left my beautiful wife in Cebu airport last August and it will be over five months when we meet again in less than a couple of weeks.
    I know many of you have been through this before and many are still enduring being apart, but for me, I have realised that I didn't know the meaning of loneliness until I met my Panaginip.
    When we leave, we often don't know how long it will be until we can be together again.
    Unforeseen events change the plan at times

    We will do the visa together and then we will have to separate once more for the last wait until she can join me in England.
    I believe two weeks should be enough time to get the visa done.
    Any tips/advice on making sure it will be done during this time frame?

    I know when she flies to join me is when our lives can truly start together and the adventure of being with her everyday will be so much fun. Even if the credit crunch gets worse, at least we can share the days without work together.

    I will be able to see her pretty face soon instead of just hearing her voice from many thousands of miles away

    So, for others who are apart like ourselves, keep strong
    how sweet of you...your wife should know how lucky she is having you
    oh, i wish i can find my panaginip soon. Im seeing someone for a month now, well, i think a few more sleep and he is my panaginip too

    good luck to her visa...for sure you'll be together soon and start having a headache...filipina mood lol

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