Not having missed a mortgage payment in several years i was rather put out by a phone call I received on 2nd January.

After verifying personal details the conversation went as follows:

Mortgage Lender Rep: Is you mortgage payment going through this month? We can't tell as yet cause your payments go through on the 30th of every month.

Me: Of course it will. So why did you not wait and see rather than calling me today in this manner?

Mortgage Lender Rep: Due to the recent interest rate fall your monthly payments have been reduced. As a result of this and because you switched your payments to the end of the month rather than at the beginning of the month, you are now in arrears by more than a month because of when the funds arrive in your mortgage account.

Summary: I apparently 'owed' a couple of hundred which arose cause I switched my payment date. I did it as i had changed jobs and i liked the idea of gaining a month 'free' so to speak. Anyway, as i had over paid in the past what I 'owed' was less than a months payment so noone bothered about it.

When the reduced interest rates kicked in I suddenly was in arrers but the great some of approx. £50 quid hence the very alarming phone call.

I paid the whole arrers on the phone but cant help thinking that common sense should have prevailed here. And why make me think there was something wrong with my payments per se? Hmmn!