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Thread: Little effort could save you lots of cash

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    Little effort could save you lots of cash

    In this difficult times where the world is facing economic crisis, I just thought might be helpful to share some ideas and tips to save a few pounds.
    Here are the list and if you have more ideas please do feel free to add. Thanks a lot.

    1. Take your own lunch and snacks to work/office. Making your own pack lunch such as pasta salad or tuna sandwich is a lot cheaper than buying it outside. It will take 5 minutes to make it and wrap it or just put in a plastic container. You can save as mush as 3 to 5 pounds a day by doing it and that is equivalent to around 100 pounds a month.

    2. Cycle to work if its possible, it will save your petrol and also will keep you fit and healthy. I remember I used to cycle to town when I need to get something from the shops and that save me 2 pounds for return fare on a local bus. It took me 10 minutes to cycle to town which is good that keep me fit and strong. I save at least 24 pounds a month.

    3. Avoid too much gatherings or going to the pub house. My Fiancé and I love to spend our free time watching DVD’s, playing chess, scrabble or do gardening when it’s possible.

    4. Make a shopping list when you do your weekly food shopping. We make plans what to cook or make for the whole week. I also go for shop’s own brand example; Tesco’s brand which is a lot cheaper than those well known brand.

    5. Go to the library to borrow books, CD`s, DVD`s instead of buying new one.

    6. Avoid going to Big Sale as this will tends you to buy those things that you do not actually need.

    7. Avoid making IDD calls to the Philippines, set the schedule with your family back home to chat in the internet.

    8. Park your car where you don’t have to pay, even if it’s further away, walking is a good exercise.

    9. Use plastic box/ container to store food rather than using the cling film or aluminum foil.

    10. Check your cupboard , there might be some stuffs that soon will expires and that can avoid to be wasted.

  2. #2
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Thanks simplelife, have been doing most of those things for 30 years.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimeve View Post
    Thanks simplelife, have been doing most of those things for 30 years.
    i didn't know you were scotish jim

    or a scouser

    scouser rule number 1, don't buy anything, see if you can beg, borrow or steal it

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    scouser rule number 1, don't buy anything, see if you can beg, borrow or steal it

    lol Joe u really make me fall on my chair

    wait for the reply of one scouser here

  5. #5
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    thanks sis simple, been doing most of it...but please don't let me avoid the big sale..lolz
    "Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbt View Post
    thanks sis simple, been doing most of it...but please don't let me avoid the big sale..lolz
    I love shopping too.!
    But I think its a good idea not to bring debit and credit cards with you, just take some cash so then you can limit your purchases.

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    scouser rule number 1, don't buy anything, see if you can beg, borrow or steal it.....
    ......whereas Mancs just have the 'steal' option to pick from

    I passed through Manchester the other day, luckily all the lights were on green so I didn't have to stop
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Respected Member SteveL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    ......whereas Mancs just have the 'steal' option to pick from

    I passed through Manchester the other day, luckily all the lights were on green so I didn't have to stop
    What do the welsh use as foreplay ? Mint Sauce

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveL View Post
    What do the welsh use as foreplay ? Mint Sauce
    hes' not even welsh, scouser living in Wales , poor Wales

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    scouser rule number 1, don't buy anything, see if you can beg, borrow or steal it

    It's not theft it's redistribution of wealth

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scouse View Post
    It's not theft it's redistribution of wealth
    We can't leave poor Gordon Brown to do it on his own

  12. #12
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Great Post! Thanks!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRS. O'farrell View Post
    Great Post! Thanks!

    Thanks Mrs.O

  14. #14
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    To add on that simplelife,i go mall 3 to 4 times a week,and cant avoid not to buy stuff when i saw something i like,even i know its not that necessary,but nowadays just thought of the crisis i decide to stay in the house

    But same thing,i waste electric cause the computer is on the whole day

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    To add on that simplelife,i go mall 3 to 4 times a week,and cant avoid not to buy stuff when i saw something i like,even i know its not that necessary,but nowadays just thought of the crisis i decide to stay in the house

    But same thing,i waste electric cause the computer is on the whole day
    Same here Mrs JMajor.
    I used to go to Trinoma Mall.
    My hubby sent me some books of my favorite author and that keeps me indoor.
    I can not leave my laptop on all day as it gets very hot and shuts down itself.
    Thanks .

  16. #16
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    other things you can do is if you wish to speak to someone on the fone ring theirs just once, they see a missed call and fone you to see what you wanted. hey presto a free fone call!!
    also visit your friends and neighbors in the winter and save on your domestic fuel bills :

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris40 View Post
    other things you can do is if you wish to speak to someone on the fone ring theirs just once, they see a missed call and fone you to see what you wanted. hey presto a free fone call!!
    also visit your friends and neighbors in the winter and save on your domestic fuel bills :
    Yes thats a good idea Chris thanks

    When he was here I got him a Smart Sim card to use while he is the Philippines,but we forgot to activate the roaming feature before we left last year, so what I did I purchased another Smart simcard for him and posted it to him. Now it cost only 2 pesos per text everytime I need to get in touch with him when he is not online. Save me a lot of money because it normally cost 15 pesos per text abroad.

  18. #18
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    and you can save on toilet paper by cutting a hole in the middle and putting your finger through

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteraven View Post
    and you can save on toilet paper by cutting a hole in the middle and putting your finger through

  20. #20
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    just kidding,im all for money saving tips. last year i went around the house and looked at ways i could save energy,made sure all sockets were switched off including the ones in the kitchen when not in use. made sure all the bulbs were energy saving ones and only heated water when i needed it. cut my usage by 50%.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteraven View Post
    just kidding,im all for money saving tips. last year i went around the house and looked at ways i could save energy,made sure all sockets were switched off including the ones in the kitchen when not in use. made sure all the bulbs were energy saving ones and only heated water when i needed it. cut my usage by 50%.
    Well done.

  22. #22
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    Excellent Ideas

    I think all these suggestions are good. I don't suppose that you have ever been feckless enough to buy capuccinos and frappes?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    In this difficult times where the world is facing economic crisis, I just thought might be helpful to share some ideas and tips to save a few pounds.
    Here are the list and if you have more ideas please do feel free to add. Thanks a lot.

    1. Take your own lunch and snacks to work/office. Making your own pack lunch such as pasta salad or tuna sandwich is a lot cheaper than buying it outside. It will take 5 minutes to make it and wrap it or just put in a plastic container. You can save as mush as 3 to 5 pounds a day by doing it and that is equivalent to around 100 pounds a month.

    2. Cycle to work if its possible, it will save your petrol and also will keep you fit and healthy. I remember I used to cycle to town when I need to get something from the shops and that save me 2 pounds for return fare on a local bus. It took me 10 minutes to cycle to town which is good that keep me fit and strong. I save at least 24 pounds a month.

    3. Avoid too much gatherings or going to the pub house. My Fiancé and I love to spend our free time watching DVD’s, playing chess, scrabble or do gardening when it’s possible.

    4. Make a shopping list when you do your weekly food shopping. We make plans what to cook or make for the whole week. I also go for shop’s own brand example; Tesco’s brand which is a lot cheaper than those well known brand.

    5. Go to the library to borrow books, CD`s, DVD`s instead of buying new one.

    6. Avoid going to Big Sale as this will tends you to buy those things that you do not actually need.

    7. Avoid making IDD calls to the Philippines, set the schedule with your family back home to chat in the internet.

    8. Park your car where you don’t have to pay, even if it’s further away, walking is a good exercise.

    9. Use plastic box/ container to store food rather than using the cling film or aluminum foil.

    10. Check your cupboard , there might be some stuffs that soon will expires and that can avoid to be wasted.

    Thanks Simplelife for some good ideas
    I cook rice+meat . That's make me feel stronger

    Waaah We live close to the sea and it's too windy and freezing cold. Wind blows to the max. Maybe that's why I seldom see people using bike at work.

    That's my problem with my hubby. We have loads of beer in our cooler and there are 3 pubs in our village and he also drinks in the pub once or twice a month. Anyway his capacity is only 2 mugs of beer so that's alright. To make him happy

    I'm workaholic but not shopperholic. Nice to go shopping if husband is in good mood. Wow!

    I bought and collects books from our village. People in the village donates book to the council and sell it in a very cheap price. I bought complete volume of encyclopedia and cost only 3 £, other books cost only 30p. Wish to have a library at home in Philippines so my relatives and friends can use all these books too.

    To add, I use our dishwasher only once a week to see if it is still working!

  24. #24
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I want cash!! Life should go onwards and upwards!! It should get better and better! I wont even think of looking for ways to save money normally..I look for more ways to bring money in!! Yippeee!!

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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Thanks Simplelife for some good ideas
    I cook rice+meat . That's make me feel stronger

    Waaah We live close to the sea and it's too windy and freezing cold. Wind blows to the max. Maybe that's why I seldom see people using bike at work.

    That's my problem with my hubby. We have loads of beer in our cooler and there are 3 pubs in our village and he also drinks in the pub once or twice a month. Anyway his capacity is only 2 mugs of beer so that's alright. To make him happy

    I'm workaholic but not shopperholic. Nice to go shopping if husband is in good mood. Wow!

    I bought and collects books from our village. People in the village donates book to the council and sell it in a very cheap price. I bought complete volume of encyclopedia and cost only 3 £, other books cost only 30p. Wish to have a library at home in Philippines so my relatives and friends can use all these books too.

    To add, I use our dishwasher only once a week to see if it is still working!

    You`re welcome Pennyberry and thank you for sharing.

  26. #26
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    One that many filpinas could try is dont walk around in t shirt and shorts compliainig its cold in the house where a jumper and long trousers.

    While it warms me up seeing the wife walk around in t shirt and shorts the goose bumps put me off

    Wrap up before putting the heating up a few degrees and your save mucho mucho money
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  27. #27
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    One that many filpinas could try is dont walk around in t shirt and shorts compliainig its cold in the house where a jumper and long trousers.

    While it warms me up seeing the wife walk around in t shirt and shorts the goose bumps put me off

    Wrap up before putting the heating up a few degrees and your save mucho mucho money
    Hehe I've just bought some of these remote control plugs that enable you to switch the tv off at night instead of leaving it on standby and also you can turn things like lamps or whatever off...these remote controlled plugs are ideal for the elderly, the disabled and fat lazy b**tards like myself!

    (they're cheaper on ebay than in the shops by the way...they should pay for themselves with the ££££ you save on electric bills...that's if you remember to use them of course!)

    I generally concentrate my efforts on making more money rather than saving money!

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

    7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Hehe I've just bought some of these remote control plugs that enable you to switch the tv off at night instead of leaving it on standby and also you can turn things like lamps or whatever off...these remote controlled plugs are ideal for the elderly, the disabled and fat lazy b**tards like myself!

    (they're cheaper on ebay than in the shops by the way...they should pay for themselves with the ££££ you save on electric bills...that's if you remember to use them of course!)

    I generally concentrate my efforts on making more money rather than saving money!
    Your right those remote control mains switchs are great for switch off all the tv's and what have you. One thing is if you have neighbours make sure they cant switch yours off and on

    Also make sure your pvr and pc are all shutdown first otherwise the cost saving might mean you killing your hard disk
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    One that many filpinas could try is dont walk around in t shirt and shorts compliainig its cold in the house where a jumper and long trousers.

    While it warms me up seeing the wife walk around in t shirt and shorts the goose bumps put me off

    Wrap up before putting the heating up a few degrees and your save mucho mucho money
    Wrap her with your arms to keep her warm. hehehe

    I like your signature somebody

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    Thank you so much for all who give me rep points for this thread.
    Im glad you guys appreciate it.

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