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Thread: ... and I thought Golf was a gentleman's game!

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  1. #1
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    ... and I thought Golf was a gentleman's game!

    Now, I've never played golf, and don't understand all the rules, but even I know that there is some etiquette about 'playing through'.

    I've just had the following sent to me:

    Friday, December 26, 2008
    The world has gone crazy.
    So, I just had the worst day of my life.

    At around 1:30 PM today, at Valley Golf and Country Club, Antipolo City, Mayor Nasser Pangandaman, Jr., Mayor of Masiu City, Lanao del Sur, his father, Secretary Nasser Pangandaman of the Department of Agrarian Reform, and company, beat my defenseless 56-year-old dad and my 14-year-old brother to a pulp because of some stupid misunderstanding on the golf course.

    This is a golf course. I have been a golfer all my life, and I have never seen anything like this. NOTHING. This is hard to comprehend. And it happened to my own father and my own brother too. Right in front of my eyes.

    My brother and I were playing golf at the South Course of Valley. We were on the 3rd hole, and we see two golf carts going past us, overtaking our flight, and setting up to tee off on the next hole. My dad goes up to them and asks them why they would do that, why they would overtake us without even asking for our permission. Golf etiquette 101. One of the guys says that they're with the flight in front of us. (So what? That doesn't give them the right to just pass us WITHOUT asking.) So, we go to the 5th hole. The flight behind us catches up with us, and asks us what caused the hold up. We said that this flight just slipped in front of our flight. So we complained to the marshall. We play the 5th hole and walk towards the next hole, where there is a teehouse, and both the flights in front of us were there, talking with the marshall. The mayor of Masiu City, Lanao del Sur talks with my dad. Things get heated up. Voices were raised. But never, in my wildest dreams, did I ever imagine that someone would pull out a punch. Apparently not. He attacks my father. His flightmates, maybe 2 or 3 of them, rush to his aid and beat up my father. My 56-year-old father. My younger brother and I could not just watch. We rushed to break the fight. My younger brother pleads to the mayor to please stop it. To not hurt my dad. To just stop. His words still ring through my head..."Sorry na po, sorry na po...tama na...tama na po..." With his hands in front of his chest in a praying position. PLEADING. The mayor socks him in the face. My brother defended himself. My dad is still on the ground getting clobbered. My brother is the same way. I try to stop the fight, but all I can do is stop one person. There were 4 or 5 of them attacking now.

    Someone breaks up the fight. I thought it was all over. The mayor shouts to his caddy: "Hindi nila kami kilala! Sabihin mo nga sa kanila kung sino ako!" And believe me, I had no idea who this person was. But now I know. He's the person who, with 4 other men, beat up my 56-year-old father and my 14-year-old brother. He's the person who sacks a pleading 14-year-old kid in the face. He's a person who, I am sure, is gonna rot in hell.

    I lash out, but my dad held me back. I was screaming my lungs out, shouting to this mayor, telling him about what he had done. I said: "Nakakahiya kayo. Singkwenta'y sais anyos ang tatay ko. And kapatid ko kakatorse anyos. Anong ilalaban nila sayo?"

    The mayor looks at my brother, point to his face, and says, "Tatandaan kita!" And he tells me that my brother has a bad attitude and that I need to watch him. WHAT THE HELL?! So, my brother's bad for defending his father?!

    We leave. We walk to the clubhouse to file a complaint. My brother asks for a doctor. My dad could barely walk. Their group comes to the clubhouse, sees my brother. Once again my brother pleads, says sorry, and is crying. He was CRYING, for crissakes. But no. The relentless mayor still punches him in the face, and then sees my dad and goes after my dad again. Him and his friend pull my dad to the ground, pulls at his feet, and steps on him like he's dirt. I run to him and try to hold him back, holding him back by his shirt, while this other guy and this girl tries to stop me. She tells me to just stop it. I scream in her face "they're beating my father up and you want me to stop?!" I pull at his shirt--I don't let go. All I can see was my dad being trampled on. I didn't even see my brother getting beat up.

    People pull them away. I get my dad, and I saw my brother. His right ear was bleeding. I freaked out. I told the receptionists to bring my brother to the clinic. I pull my dad away. People were separating us.

    My mom and my older brother come. I tell her Bino's right ear is bleeding. They both look like they could kill. My dad holds my brother off, I hold off my mom. When I finally got my mom under control, my older brother gets away and I hold him off. Two of the mayor's bodyguards pull out guns. I embraced my brother from the back, just holding him back, crying. The receptionists came to us, crying, hugging me, my dad, and my mom, whispering to us to just leave. "Maam, umalis na po kayo, may mga baril sila...Maam. ..umalis na po kayo please..."

    I am pretty sure the Secretary of DAR did not take part in the fight, but he just watched all this happen. He watched two of his sons, as we figured out, the other guy was his son, too, beat up my father and my 14-year-old brother. He didn't do anything to stop it. And this person is what now? A cabinet member. A politician.

    Sounds like something out of a movie, doesn't it? But this is what happened. TODAY. The day after Christmas. To my family. And all I ask for is JUSTICE. The people at Valley Golf did not seem to want to help us. None of the security guards even tried to stop the fight. Right in the clubhouse. I came back after the fight was over and talked to the receptionists. They say they did not see anything. The general manager of Valley Golf would not give us the names of the men who made my brother's ear bleed. It took him an hour. Maybe even more than that. He seemed to not want to help us. Because, we were against the SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM and the MAYOR OF MASIU CITY, LANAO DEL SUR. They were all scared.

    The world has gone crazy. Two politicians beat up a defenseless 56-year-old father and his 14-year-old son. At a golf course. I swear to God, I thought golfers were decent people. You would think politicians were decent people. I guess not. I guess they gang up on 56-year-old men and beat up pleading 14-year-old kids.

    Please pray for my dad, my brother and for my whole family. Please pray that we get JUSTICE. Oh God, please, give these people what they deserve.

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Oh my where was that reported.

    Fighting over golf, i really dont care what score i get as long as I have a good day out with the people im with.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #3
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Surely that's sexism?

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  4. #4
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Oh my where was that reported.
    I don't know that it's been reported anywhere. That was sent to me by private email by an aquaintance who knows the agrieved party.

  5. #5
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    That was hot news here by now,and i believed to the innocent family, we all know here those whos on a politics position sometimes are being arrogant, "some"

  6. #6
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    sorry, I cant comment on this coz I do not play golf.

  7. #7
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post
    sorry, I cant comment on this coz I do not play golf.
    I think you dont need to know Golf to know if your just going about your daily life no need to go beating up people or be in fear of your safety.

    I hope Karma catchs up with the bullys.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  8. #8
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I think you dont need to know Golf to know if your just going about your daily life no need to go beating up people or be in fear of your safety.

    I hope Karma catchs up with the bullys.
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  9. #9
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    It has been reported here and a case has been filed.
    Of course..A counter case has also been filed.

  10. #10
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Thats the problem if you can encounter those such kind of powerful people/politicians,They can twist justice on their side.Pangandamans family are one of those powerful people politicians in mindanao muslims area.They can put justice on their hands,twisted it on their side thru powerful connections...

  11. #11
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I was reading the inquirer today and they say that the guy and his son have been banned for life from the golf course.

  12. #12
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I was reading the inquirer today and they say that the guy and his son have been banned for life from the golf course.
    Well, I guess that just shows that money and position outweigh any sense of fairness!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Well, I guess that just shows that money and position outweigh any sense of fairness!
    You got to that ripe oldish age and you only found it out now...???

    Does Alan know that you are out on your own...???

    By the way..... Where is he...??? Hasn't been about for a week or so....

    Hope he is ok...

    Another couple of days awol, and Peter you could start trawling the hospitals and morgues..... Just in case....


  14. #14
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Well, I guess that just shows that money and position outweigh any sense of fairness!

    Well,now that I have read the other side of the story its just as well that this is going to court..
    There may well be more to this story than meets the eye.

  15. #15
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    hmmmmmmm how about some justice,if money and power can buy some people then im sure theres someone they can pay off to deal some revenge?

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