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Thread: Unwanted AV cannot delete COMPLETELY

  1. #1
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Angry Unwanted AV cannot delete COMPLETELY

    Hi techies! I need help. I tried deleting unwanted antivirus in my laptop. I thought it was successful because it's NOT anymore in Uninstall/Repair window. I searched the remains of that stubborn AV and found it lurking in my C:/ drive under Program Files and tried deleting it AGAIN. Although I signed in as the administrator I was still asked to confirm the operation, when I clicked Continue button another window popped up that says "you need to perform this action" and so I clicked "Try Again" button. But everytime I click it, same window keeps popping up I ended up clicking the Cancel button
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    What Av is it?

    Norton by any chance?

    Many AV programs need you to run a piece of software to remove them.

    Let us know what it is and we can see what might be needed mam
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #3
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    got to be norton ! here is link to norton removal tool,just download and run if you indeed have norton on pc.

  4. #4
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Hello, Somebody & Lestaxi1. Thanks for your reply. The AntiVirus is called Avira which my hubby downloaded on the 26th December last year from the internet and it's on a 30-day trial. I deleted it prior to it's expiry trial date because it's annoying (keeps popping -up reminding us when it's going to expire etc.etc.)
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  5. #5
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by singkit View Post
    Hello, Somebody & Lestaxi1. Thanks for your reply. The AntiVirus is called Avira which my hubby downloaded on the 26th December last year from the internet and it's on a 30-day trial. I deleted it prior to it's expiry trial date because it's annoying (keeps popping -up reminding us when it's going to expire etc.etc.)

    You need to go to control panel and go to add/remove programs option.
    If there is an error, your best bet is to re-install Avira and then try uninstalling it again using add/remove programs.


  6. #6
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Heres a page which offers some help if you just wanna get rid of the pop ups.

    Not tried it myself, but if you need it testing let us know and I will get one of our work experience people to have a go on a similar set up will be good experience for them.

    But if you want rid of the entire prog best as Ben says reinstall and and then uninstall if still a problem

    May need to use a program to help you uninstall it. This is worth looking in to if you add and remove a lot of Programs and dont want to wipe the HDD
    and reload the operating system. As soe programs are not fully wiped off and you get little bits and bobs left lieigne around.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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