Saw some people who have been out of work for long periods by chance this afternoon working for a company I was Visting. They were working for free (just travel i belive) and could to a degree pick and choose their hours. Today they were coming in for the first time.
A real mixture of people and backgrounds, they all had IT qualfications but most had little work experience.Some were Keen and seemed to me to be what we expect people to be like when they get a chance to prove them selves, learn and gain experience.
But two of the group didn't seem to fit in.
One seemed either very withdrawn and another behaving strangely and out of place for a office enviroment on the first time (ie giving people loads of amo to take the mickey). I only met them for a brief period of time.
I do think we either forget if its a long time ago or dont understand if its never happend to us. How taumatic being without a job is particularly if its for a long time with no sight of one even in the long term.
The one who was withdrawn and quiet and the other acting strangely should never have been pushed straight into the workplace as part of a group where all the volunteers had never met before it apeared.
I dont think they need shrinks and millions spent on helping them but possibly the people running the scheme should have noticed.
Just chucking a person who has no experience of the workplace, possibly stuck in doors on their own or only seeing their own familes etc. May find it
The point about all Phills being hard workers. From what i see both in the UK and in Phill when there is no need to work as money comes from other half or a remittance many Phills are as workshy as any other nationality.
If the UN brought in a universal Benefits system the same as the UK's i think you would find a similar ratio pretty much anywhere.