Quote Originally Posted by benb View Post
As far as I know, based on my friend's applications, one would have to wait at least 12 months after ILR to qualify for Naturalisation. You would likely loose your application fee if you submit too early.

Also, the link pointed out by Darren states that firmly too.

However it also states, "There is discretion to allow applications from people who do not meet this requirement. For details of how we apply discretion, you should read the page on discretion to regard immigration time restrictions during the last 12 months."

I do not know what the special cases are - likely marriage to a British.
Marriage to a British Citizen is not a special case, there are additional rules specified here to say you only have to be free of immigration time restrictions on the day you apply. (When my wife applied she had her ILR for a lot less than a year.)

The cases where discretion could be used are here. Amongst other things you need compelling business or compassionate reasons to apply when you've had ILR for less than 9 months. Less requirements are needed to be met if you've had ILR for more than 9 months, though I'm not sure I'd risk the £655 for the sake of a couple of months. Especially when there's no guarantees how long your application would take anyway as there is no same day service. (The website says 6 to 7 months and some applications take over a year, though the last person I know to apply took about 3 months.)