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Thread: Bad management, eh?

  1. #1
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    Bad management, eh?

    I am quite sure that like everything else that comes out of this shower's mouth in government, this bit of accounting is doctored to suit their spin....

    What do you make of that....???

  2. #2
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    Are you criticising the BBC or the UK Government ?

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    Are you criticising the BBC or the UK Government ?
    From what i know of Dom from here take your pick
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  4. #4
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    isnt that good acountants

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    Are you criticising the BBC or the UK Government ?
    Aren't they the same organisation? Brown Broadcasting Corporation?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Aren't they the same organisation? Brown Broadcasting Corporation?
    ooohh how Cynical !!!

    I think the BBC get it wrong sometimes, but, I have nothing but praise for the BBC News coverage of not only UK but world Events. BBC Reporters even risk their lives to report from Gaza and other dangerous places.

    I think that the BBC Political reporting is as "neutral" as it can be, but of course, different journalists will have their own slant / opinions of events.

    In Terms of Asylum and Immigration, The UK Governent is perfectly willing to allow non UK citizens to UK, but is taking a hard line in those who arrive illegaly, regardless of why they have come here. The UK, after all, is a small Island, and a large proportion of illegal imigrants will make it harder for people who want to come to UK using the proper legal channels. Thats why tough measures are taken and why some immigration rules seem harsh.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    ooohh how Cynical !!!

    I think the BBC get it wrong sometimes, but, I have nothing but praise for the BBC News coverage of not only UK but world Events. BBC Reporters even risk their lives to report from Gaza and other dangerous places.
    I think that the BBC Political reporting is as "neutral" as it can be, but of course, different journalists will have their own slant / opinions of events.
    If a foreigner like me can detect bias, I wonder why most of the indigenous population can't....

    In Terms of Asylum and Immigration, The UK Governent is perfectly willing to allow non UK citizens to UK, but is taking a hard line in those who arrive illegaly, regardless of why they have come here. The UK, after all, is a small Island, and a large proportion of illegal imigrants will make it harder for people who want to come to UK using the proper legal channels. Thats why tough measures are taken and why some immigration rules seem harsh
    It is all talk....
    They rather take the soft option and deport the ones they know where to find... like this....

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Albanians claiming to be Kosovars, Afghans claiming to be gays, only 1 in 10 failed asylum seekers being deported, many been waiting years, more will keep coming as they expect an amnesty, many marry brits/europeans have kids so they are less likely to be deported.

    anyway, the appeal process will be changed soon, so if they are refused they will not be able to keep appealing and drag it out for years.

  9. #9
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    ooohh how Cynical !!!

    I think the BBC get it wrong sometimes, but, I have nothing but praise for the BBC News coverage of not only UK but world Events. BBC Reporters even risk their lives to report from Gaza and other dangerous places.

    I think that the BBC Political reporting is as "neutral" as it can be, but of course, different journalists will have their own slant / opinions of events.

    In Terms of Asylum and Immigration, The UK Governent is perfectly willing to allow non UK citizens to UK, but is taking a hard line in those who arrive illegaly, regardless of why they have come here. The UK, after all, is a small Island, and a large proportion of illegal imigrants will make it harder for people who want to come to UK using the proper legal channels. Thats why tough measures are taken and why some immigration rules seem harsh.
    I used to think the same about the BBC but now Reporters give their opinions and view points often dont give sources for quotes and facts. Look at the infulence some of the reporters have.
    Many are neutral or try their hardest, but then how do we know for sure?

    Look at how biasied the national news is to storms affecting the south and in particular London for example.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    BBC Reporters even risk their lives to report from Gaza and other dangerous places.
    During the war, the Israeli spokesman appeared 42 times, the Palestinian spokesman......twice!!

    Now the Beeb have banned the showing of an appeal for food, money, etc to help the Palestinians.
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    ooohh how Cynical !!!

    I think the BBC get it wrong sometimes
    No, not being cynical, its the truth, and I used to work in broadcasting, so I know how it all works. Nick Robinson for example, the best unpaid PR the Labour Party ever had. Overall, the beeb is good at what it does, but when it comes to UK politics, it is sadly lacking.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    During the war, the Israeli spokesman appeared 42 times, the Palestinian spokesman......twice!!
    Probably the poor bugger was too busy dodging the bombs raining down..........

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Anyone watch CNN? The Israeli's flattened the American School , and the Americans who ran it are waiting for an explanation.....paid for by the US government!
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Anyone watch CNN? The Israeli's flattened the American School , and the Americans who ran it are waiting for an explanation.....paid for by the US government!
    i know what the Israelis will say, they were being shot at from the school, the same excuse they used when they blew up the 2 UN compounds

    i was watch something on censoring the news the other night, how the news agencies and tv channels edit the worse parts out, because they don't want to upset viewers and because they have codes of conduct,

    but foreign channels show the film clips unedited. it showed a sickening clip of a baby girl who was supposedly killed by Israeli's, she was badly burnt, her legs were hanging off, she been partly eaten by animals, no wonder people outside the hospital were so angry, what did the beeb show, showed the baby in a hospital bed, just part of her head uncovered. i'm sure if they had shown the unedited film, then more people would protest about this slaughtering and it would have been over sooner..

  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i know what the Israelis will say, they were being shot at from the school, the same excuse they used when they blew up the 2 UN compounds ..
    53 UN buildings destroyed or damaged!
    Keith - Administrator

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