I was a bit dismayed today in finding this mail in my inbox, and I better pass it along as I think it may be useful to members to know that some people have no scruples.
So ladies and gents, if you get something like this just bin it.....
Here we go... Copy and paste.
From:<IMG id=P___1792504777 style="DISPLAY: none" webimdisplayStyle="inline"> Isa Muhammad (isa00312@yahoo.com)You may not know this sender.Mark as safe| Mark as unsafe Sent:16 January 2009 17:32:01To: modthatmeduffaddress@hotmail.com
I got your post on the Forum and wish to inform you that i was also rejected a Working Holiday Visa to UK. And was assisted to secure a UK WORK PERMIT by Mr Hanson Steve of the Border and Immigration Department of the Uk. He can still help you secure yours if you can contact him and tell him the Truth about what you wish to go and do in the Uk. His email id is (hansonlovsu003@yahoo.com) Tell him Mr isa Muhammad Recommended you to Him and i belief he will help you secure the Visa within Three weeks from now.
Isa Muhammad.
Obviously Nigerian scammer at work.![]()