They all have good points...

Use your gut feeling but be very wise...

Just think that, someday she may become your "wife" or she may not be...

A long distance relationship is pretty tough (I am sure all folks here will agree) but then also, it takes 2 to tango... Sad, if you are the only person who is willing that this relationship to work. You seemed nice & genuine. You seemed to really love her with all the efforts you are showing etc... But shame, she isnt interested anymore...

Just have some time to stop, look & listen hehehe... Maybe by not contacting her that much... Let her do something too! She may be thinking where are you now? Have you lost your interests or something? Let her also do some thinking... Then maybe one day she might contact you. But before doing anything... Maybe a simple text message or an email saying that you care for her a lot and your appreciation... then say "Goodbye"... Maybe she just needs time... Time to think and maybe come to realise that she really is inlove with you... But you have to be very ready... It may or may not happen... Are you ready for the gamble?

As the saying goes:
"If you love someone let her go, if she comes back she is yours, if not she never was..."

It is not giving up but it is hoping that someday that person you love will love you back!