If she's going going there and stay with her auntie may be as a tourist and she can't work there In Japan its hard to get a tourist visa specially for filipinos working there
she's said her aunties been there 9 years, so it wouldn't be a problem, and sh'e be helping out in the aunts restaurant and looking after her son.

good luck i hope she knows that how lucky she is that there's a person like you caring for her.
Thank you

may i know how young is your gf as it seems to me that her family is of great influence in her decision in choosing between you and her Japan trip. does she knows about you having children before you met her in person?
She's just turned 23. And yes she knew all about my kids well before we even met and always insisted it would never be a problem.

A few people have mentioned it now, but I don't know about going out there. I think most people in my shoes would have their suspicions that there's somebody else involved here. I'm not prepared to go all that way just to find out for sure. That time and money would be better spent on meeting somebody new.