Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
Hi Asiansmiler, yes you're situation sounds very similar to mine, and I can understand your frustration. I'm sure, like me, you've played it over and over in your mind what could have changed. Like you say, sometimes people are complicated and not much you can do about that. I hope things work out the way you hope.

I'm going to make one last effort, one more email to see if I can finally get some answers. If I don't get a reply within a few days definitely time to move on.
you need to know the truth, then one way or the other you can move on, any chance that you can contact her family/ friends and see if they can tell you whats going on, do you have any of their mobile number/email/facebook etc so you can contact them ?

or keep texting or emailing her til she breaks, asking what is the problem, and the least she can do is give you an explanation !