Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
Thanks, I'm ready to move on if needs be once I know its over. If she has somebody else why keep me hanging on? Also, having met her family I'm sure they'd all be very disappointed in her if she had 2 guys on the go.

I'm pretty sure this is not a money scam. One of her reasons a few months ago for not coming online was that they'd been disconnected for not paying the bill. I offered to help and she said no.

I agree, though, things don't look good.
Hi Triple5,

I feel for you..at the moment, pls. give yourself time to reflect on the situation... Most of the advise here is given which i guess summarize it to leave her and move on..but having read those, i will suggest you to give her the benefit of the doubt but be cautious of course.. you can't just easily let go of all the emotional, time and effort you have invested in this relationship as easy as that... and am sure your lady will have take that into consideration all along...perhaps reason why she's cross on this kind of situation...

weight things over and be prepared for what lies ahead...

All the best...
