She means a lot to me. She's supposed to be going to Japan next month to stay with her auntie and work there. The plan was for me to go visit her there in march. If that's off I'd still be prepared to go to Davao in march.
She means a lot to me. She's supposed to be going to Japan next month to stay with her auntie and work there. The plan was for me to go visit her there in march. If that's off I'd still be prepared to go to Davao in march.
The way you tell this, it sounds as though the move to Japan has been arranged rather recently ... that rather sounds like the family are 'sending her away', out of harms way.
We live in Tagum and visit Davao fairly frequently - if there's anything we can do to help ....
If she's going going there and stay with her auntie may be as a tourist and she can't work thereIn Japan its hard to get a tourist visa specially for filipinos
working there
I am not going to say anything about her or judge her as I don't know her...good luck i hope she knows that how lucky she is that there's a person like you caring for her.
hi Triple5,
may i know how young is your gf as it seems to me that her family is of great influence in her decision in choosing between you and her Japan trip. does she knows about you having children before you met her in person? If she does then its not the reason for changing her mood over you unless shes still young and shes not prepared to be in that situation with the addition of the influence of her family's opinion on that matter. Better try to wake up a bit early to catch her online and then you can talk properly and sincerely.
A lot of things had been said here, both good and bad points. Maybe you can tell your gf that your coming in March if she can wait for you and see how she reacts. March is a good month to explore Davao as it is the founding anniversary of the City and enjoy the festivities together. Just be prepared for whatever the outcome of everything. Good Luck!
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