I have also in somewhat similar situation... My partner is in UK and we havent married or anything yet, but we are in this special relationship for almost a year now, turning one year this March, to be exact. Visited me thrice, went to a holiday trip to Indonesia together and when recession kicks in, his view about everything just changed. He stopped communicating from me for two months, rarely gets a phone call, which he used to call me daily. I am fully aware of his going through. The weather in the UK is miserable (cold), sorry that's how he calls it. He works in a big supermarket for longer hours, about 12-14 hours a day, makes him tired. he has health issues too. But I was wondering why things changed. I asked him, he said, life in the UK is way way too different from your life in Thailand. I am so wanting to make this relationship work... But I do not know where it is heading, at the moment, I have raised the idea of me coming to visit him to the UK this April, and he said yes. People change, people have issues, and sometimes people are complicated, and hard to understand. It is our call, each individual's call whether to continue or to move on...