outlines new citizenship rules for immigrants
Under the proposals, outlined in a green paper, a limited number of migrant categories would be granted the status of probationary citizens for a set period in which they could earn full citizenship or permanent residence.
Full access to benefits - such as jobseeker's allowance and income support – would no longer be granted to some migrant categories until after the immigrants had been in the UK for five years.
government proposed to defer full access to benefits and services until migrants had successfully completed the probationary citizenship phase, so that they are expected to contribute economically and support themselves and their dependants until such time as they become British citizens or permanent residents.
there were new moves to review how European nationals in Britain were able to claim some benefits in the UK.
The government will set up a cross-departmental unit to look at access to benefits for European Economic Area nationals.A bill proposals is due this summer with full legislation expected in November.
Changes will apply to new arrivals after the new laws are passed, and not to foreigners already living in the UK, so reforms are only likely to affect migrants arriving from 2010.
More likely this bill will only affect the new comers from 2010, not us whose already here
how about that voluntary work is it only for the new comers as well?