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Thread: British citizenship will take 5 years now

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  1. #1
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    What the is going on? It seems that the UK government is trying to clean up the mistake they made when they let these Indians/Pakistans/Polish remain in the UK. And now that these people's populations are growing like mushrooms, they can't stop or control it. They thought implementing new laws on Citizenship & Naturalization will do the trick. Why is it always the hardworking Filipinos have to suffer with this new policy? And, oohh , the cost is rising up again.
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  2. #2
    Respected Member Tiggers0608's Avatar
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    Actually right now, we dont really know whats going to happen or whats there planning next, as they keep changing the rules ans laws of immigration in a blink of an eye so lets just keep in track and keep inform

    and don't forget to cross our fingers

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i think there are groups getting ready for a fight with the gov, mainly those on work permits, who came here and was told it would be 4yrs b4 they could get ilr, then its changed to 5, and now changes again.. i'm sure with the changes announced and the changes later in the year, there will be challenges in court.
    Really not sure they are going to get anywhere in court as the new rules just means it takes them slightly longer to get British Citizenship, and surely if they want British Citizenship it should mean they were planning to stay in the UK anyway. At best there might be some transitional arrangements for existing visa holders, but it won't help anyone newly coming into the country.

    Quote Originally Posted by singkit View Post
    What the is going on? It seems that the UK government is trying to clean up the mistake they made when they let these Indians/Pakistans/Polish remain in the UK. And now that these people's populations are growing like mushrooms, they can't stop or control it. They thought implementing new laws on Citizenship & Naturalization will do the trick. Why is it always the hardworking Filipinos have to suffer with this new policy? And, oohh , the cost is rising up again.
    The only mistake the Government has made is not implementing tighter rules long ago. Some of the current rules are a bit silly to say the least - eg if someone can manage to stay here for 10 years on students visa they can obtain ILR.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiggers0608 View Post
    Actually right now, we dont really know whats going to happen or whats there planning next, as they keep changing the rules ans laws of immigration in a blink of an eye so lets just keep in track and keep inform

    and don't forget to cross our fingers
    You can read the proposed rules to see what the government is planning. In my opinion they might be tweaked slightly, but I can't see any major changes being done to them.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    The only mistake the Government has made is not implementing tighter rules long ago. Some of the current rules are a bit silly to say the least - eg if someone can manage to stay here for 10 years on students visa they can obtain ILR.

    that is crazy, how can anyone afford to pay int fees for 10yrs ? many are not at uni, but working full time, and how can you study for 10yrs ?

    a good one is the 14yr rule, where if you manage to overstay for 14yrs or a combination of legal and illegal stay equalling 14yrs, without getting a removal order there is a good chance you can get ILR.

    slowly these people are coming out of the wood work claiming ILR.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    that is crazy, how can anyone afford to pay int fees for 10yrs ? many are not at uni, but working full time, and how can you study for 10yrs ?

    a good one is the 14yr rule, where if you manage to overstay for 14yrs or a combination of legal and illegal stay equalling 14yrs, without getting a removal order there is a good chance you can get ILR.

    slowly these people are coming out of the wood work claiming ILR.
    If you look around you can find cheap 1 year part-time courses, especially at London colleges. And yes most people wouldn't study for 10 years, but most of the international students who do this are not doing it for the academic side.

    I agree the stay illegally for long enough and you can stay here legally rule is crazy as well.

  6. #6
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    that is crazy, how can anyone afford to pay int fees for 10yrs ? many are not at uni, but working full time, and how can you study for 10yrs ?

    a good one is the 14yr rule, where if you manage to overstay for 14yrs or a combination of legal and illegal stay equalling 14yrs, without getting a removal order there is a good chance you can get ILR.

    slowly these people are coming out of the wood work claiming ILR.
    Written this before but many of the colleges only do half day lessons some very early some late in the evening so people can hold down a job.

    But as you say I know that many schools have been inspected in London and many are now appealing as the inspectors marked them down which means most likely they will not be able to assit people with visas etc.
    Although it seems many get a second chance to be regraded so will probably scrape though.

    My Wifes first manager was on a student visa. Unbelivable amount of study at any time, work the rest of the time. But ten years is a little long i think for anyone, but they know if they can hold on then they are sorted..
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