Good point there Mrs Daddy.
Of course how the Goverment intend to change the system will decide what is sensible in the future. But for many at the moment to be A british resident rather than a citzen is all they need. A citzen can vote and also will find it easier to visit many major countries without need of a Visa.
But for many who are of course tied to Phill and as many on here write may wish to return with Family in laters years some find it simpler to be a uk resident at present and keep phill citzenship otherwise you have to go though the paperwork with the phill embassy to get a dual citzenship.
From what i read when word first came out about this possibly over a year ago, the goverment were trying to stop being just being a resident and become a Brit if they intend to stay here. Also I think they want it easier within the framework of the euro human rights act to take away peoples right to live in the UK.
This is a major change and would be intresting to read what the experts on visas and what not summarise from the bill as it stands.