ah, i've offended a few people and i'm genuinely sorry. I'm not implying anything personal towards anyone here, statistically most of us men don't end up looking like Pierce Brosnan, so what i'm simply saying. What is it about the older English Guys? And seems to be a lot of good answers, yet also implication that some of the guys here have older wives.
For my future wife, I feel that she wants stability, security, someone who is there and really cares for her and wants to spend time with her. Well aware of the cultural differences, because honestly I don't think she really cares how I look. Wheras in the UK, it tends to be about how you look on each others arms and where your seen. I do wonder what on earth she'll think when she wakes up one day to find an old fat and balding rick next to her, but i'm hoping that doesn't happen too soon.