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Thread: Young girls and old men

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Ok, so a thought provoking topic for us. Why do you often find young Filipina's with old English Guys? I can't understand why a 22 year old girl would want a 50 year old fat, balding, grumpy, fart a lot man.

    I know that as we get older we are supposed to mature, and men are supposed to get better looking, but really we become rounder and grumpier.

    Now I can understand a 30 or 40 year old woman wanting to be with an older guy, probably got more to talk about and a good career background, lived a bit etc.

    Now the strange thing is for me, i'm 24 and seem to always find myself with older women. Not sure how it happens I always seem to attract them, although the oldest was a beautiful 47 year old Canadian Nurse, we just seemed to have a lot in common, but it wasn't to last which is good, because now i've met the woman of my dreams.
    My future wife is 30, so still 6 years older then me. Although somehow I seem to be the mature one in the relationship, until i've done something wrong and she becomes all bossy!
    oUChhh! My hubby is getting bald and fatty, but I cannot blame him as I can see many bald in this country.HE IS NOT ALONE! I don't know why many bald men here. In Taiwan, bald men are rich according to my chinese friend. In Philippines, if you are bald, you think too much. We have 4 years gap and one time, he took me in his company as he works in coal mining, his co workers asked if I am his daughter.

    He's not grumpy as he's always smile lols! Hubby enjoys eating and I told him to reduce weigh. He promise he'll do and every new year, it's his new year resolution. But he's still have his BEER BELLY but still I love him, That is the advantage if you love him from inside and outside. Most important is we both have sense of humour that makes us happy and look young

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    But he's still have his BEER BELLY
    Beer belly!!!!! They are absorbed 'Nag Molecules' collecting in the stomach area from years of marriage!
    Keith - Administrator

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