Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
This is really unusual case tbh... Plus also it seemed that you do not want her attention to be taken away from you but is happening... She is too busy with her "mates"

Maybe ask her like:

Do you love me?
Choose? Me or your girls?

Ask the 4 w's
W hat
W hy
W hen
H ow

I am sure you know your girl more than we do... Best of luck mate!
Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post


Ask the girl using the 4 W's

What ? - What would you like to achieve in this relationship? What do you like? What do I like from You?

Why ? - Why do you need other girls? Why am I not enough for you? Why are you choosing this type of relationship?

When ? - When did you start being a bisexual? When would you like to end yor relationship with others? When will you start thinking about US - Just U & ME? When will I have you TIME only your time?

How ? - How would you like your life to be? How will it make you happy? How will you make me happy? How will i make you happy? How will i make you stop thinking about them?

hehehehe... Q's like those... Just Ask... there is nothing harm from asking... Atleast you will know from her directly... you will know the answers...