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Thread: fiance visa question?

  1. #1
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    fiance visa question?

    hi all, can anyone advise me, ive known my filipino fiancee for about 2 years now, meet her 4 times and both travelled to thailand 3 times together for holiday. We now want to get married in the UK and settle here but need more info as to what visa to apply and whats easier, can you please advise on the following points
    1) MARRIAGE VISITOR (VAF1F NOV 2008) I assume its for a 6month period but once married can you apply for FLR for the 27month leave? or does she have to return to Philippines.

    2) SETTLEMENT FORM (VAF4 OCT 2007) I assume we apply as the fiance(e) or proposed civil partner of someone settled in the UK (me), i assuming this is automatic 27month FLR. My question is do we have to marry within 6 month or can we wait a year and would it help if wedding arrangements were made for evidence to the ECO.
    Also is the fee correct MARRIAGE VISITOR £65
    I understand all the procedures regarding FLR AND ILR its the FIANCE, MARRIAGE wording thats a bit confusing (sorry sounds dumb)
    Oh one more question about financial evidence, i own my 3bed house and rent one of the rooms to a work mate who pays £80 a week (under the room rent tax-free government scheme) will this be ok to show as extra income?
    I appreciate any advise and thank god for this great forum>

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    1) VAF1F i think your looking at the wrong form ,if i'm right that's for people just to come to the uk and marry,its not for settlement

    2) yes you need vaf4, fiancée visa is valid for 6 months, you must marry in the uk within 6 months and then apply for FLR which is valid for 2 years, and in those 2years take 'the life in uk' test and apply for ILR. but there's changes happening this year which will effect you. no if she marries within 6 months she doesn't need to go back to the phils

    3) i think so its ok as extra income.

  3. #3
    Respected Member winner's Avatar
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    if she comes on a fiancee visa you have to get marred in the 6months that she is here dose not have to go back home if you marry in the philppines she come on a spouse vise and last up for 2 years need a lot of evidence for any of theres visas

  4. #4
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    worried about changes? any idea about what sort of changed are on the way or will they be posted in the UK BORDER AGENCY web site.once again thanks for your info

  5. #5

  6. #6
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    yes sir she is 34 and im 39 no children involved

  7. #7
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    thanks joebloggs
    ive had a look at ur attatchment briefly, i see what the Govt is saying and i know Marife (fiancee) is 100% to adapting to uk life and rules as she was here last year for 5months.cheers again

  8. #8
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    Hello !

    With the Fiance Visa, you MUST get married within the six month period AND prove to the embassy that a wedding has been arranged. After the six month period (and assuming you are married) you can apply in the UK for "Further leave to Remain (FLR) for two years.

    I read about the Marriage Visitor's visa and I THINK the difference between this Visa and the Fiance visa is that the Fiance' visa is classed as a settlement visa (hence the cost) and the marriage visitors visa is like a visitor's visa with a marriage licenece, but on the condition that the visa holder will return to his / her home country, so its non settlement.

    In terms of renting your room, you can mention it to the embassy BUT it will only count as secondary income if you can PROVE the source, ie rent book, rental receipts or the funds being paid into your bank account. Also, and this is important, you need to prove to the embassy that your house has the correct "people-to-rooms" ratio, you say its a 3 bedroom, so thats ok, but you must show photos and provide evidence that there is enough room for the three of you in the house. IF there was three of you in a one bedroom house, for example, the visa would more than likely be rejected.

    Hope this helps and good luck !


  9. #9
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    Thanks Simon, thats very informative,
    regarding the rent payments, as its tax free i collect it weekly in cash, but i may start puting it in my account and when filling in the deposit slip at the bank ill put" room rent payment" in the reference section so it shows this on my monthly bank statement.
    Also after my monthly expenditure ie .mortgage,bill etc im usually left with about £700 not including the rent i get. you reckon this is sufficient for me and my fiancee.
    Finally i ll be showing £3000 in account and £1000 saving account for June 09 fiance application. sound ok ?

  10. #10
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    You have more money than I have spare each month but thats because I've just recovered from some debt problems.

    I've done an audit that shows I have £460 per month, disposable income, and proof that this will increase to £660 when a £200 per month debt is paid off.

    I only have £300 in savings at this time, but I sent my actual savings book, and explained my financial situation just to be 100% Honest.

    My six months bank statements ALL show that I have money left at the end of each month, and I've not used any overdraft facilities, or paid any bank charges, so I'm hoping that this will convince the ECO that I'm ok.

  11. #11
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    simon hi, keep the site posted regards to ur application, look forward to see how it works out.

  12. #12
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    Jessic Submits her documents on Friday !!! then, we just have to wait........

  13. #13
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    hi simon
    the waiting is the worst. i usually focus on telling Marife what we are going to do when she arrives and future plans for us, it keeps her mind elsewhere. Also i set her little projects like choosing colours for redecorating the house also ive told her to start driving lessons (about 6000piso for 10 lessons) anything that helps take her ming of it.I suppose we all have our own techniques. its good for her to read forums, im also sending her LIFE IN UK book so she gets a head start for ILR,
    keep us informed

  14. #14
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Waiting is really depressing! Taking a culinary course, having OJT and reading the forum kept me sane. And I'm going to join a baking class again while waiting.
    Faith makes all things possible.
    makes them easy.

  15. #15
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    I sent Jessica the Life in the UK book last year, she has read some of it, but will be more motivated by the test when that time comes. I don't know what to do to pass the time whilst we wait, we used to chat every day on MSN, but she now has a new Job where MSN is not allowed so we can only chat at weekends.
    We're both busy in our respective countries (I even re-painted the bedroom Pink, painted a portait of Jessica and hung it on the wall) but my biggest fear is, if the visa is rejected, then all our hopes will be for nothing. EEKKKKKK

  16. #16
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    why you thought of rejection,then make sure complete all the necessary documents,give all the requirements,and the best of them all to gather all those is keep reading all the info here on the forum about the fiancee/spouse visa

    And good luck for your future application Belmont

  17. #17
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    The Paperwork that is being submitted tomorrow is as follows :

    Completed Application Form
    Visa Fee receipt
    Jessica's passport, NSO, Baptismal papers
    Jessica's passport sized photo
    My "long" letter of support
    A letter of support from a friend who lives close to me who will also befriend Jessica when she is here
    My payslips from June to December
    My Bank Statements from July to December
    An audit of my income and outgoings on Excel showing that I have £480 per month CLEAR
    My savings book showing I currently have £300 and regular deposits
    Work Contract sheets from my part time Job
    Payslips from my other part time Job
    Western Union Receipts of money I sent her
    NUMEROUS photos of me and her together in the Philippines, with her Family and friends.
    Photos of all the gifts I bought for her (cellphone, camera, watch, dress, top) along with DHL Bills.
    All the Xmas and birthdy cards I sent her.
    Postcards and Xmas cards my parents sent to her.
    Numerous printouts of chat archive transcripts over the years
    E-mail printouts
    Cellphone bill showing calls / text to Philippines
    Photos of my House
    Mortage statement
    Title deed / land registry documents
    Solicitor's letter confirming purchase of property

    two turtle doves


    A Patridge in a Pear tree !!!!

    One ECO is going to have a busy day !!!!!!

    I hope all this is enough

    of course, its all been photocopied as well (apart from the pear tree, it wouldn't fit in the machine )

  18. #18
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    I forgot to say...proof of our wedding in July

  19. #19
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    and a copy of your passport? - certified or not certified is a question I have asked the embassy in Manila and they havent replied for 2 days now. Normally they have replied within a day, so maybe Ive stumped them??

  20. #20
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    I had mine certified, only costs a few quid with a solicitor.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post
    I had mine certified, only costs a few quid with a solicitor.
    I know Ady, but ive really had my fill of 'glorified post boxes', AKA Solicitors.
    Ive got my policeman buddy certifying mine, which I hope is suffice....

  22. #22
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    Yes, a copy of my passport two. I inlcuded coloured scans of the information and stamped pages, as well as a Photocopy stammped and signed my my Solicitor / Notary. He was happy to do that for free.

    Ooohh, and my Birth Certificate too.

  23. #23
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    Then if i would be the ECO, you can have your visa in 1 week Bravoo

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