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Thread: "Public Funds"

  1. #1
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    "Public Funds"

    Have tried searching for the answer to this, but......

    On the application ....
    "Does your sponsor receive any money from public funds ?"

    I receive child benefit (like almost everyone in the UK)
    I receive Working Tax Credits & Child Tax Credits

    .. so ....
    1.are these / any classed as Public Funds ? (or what does consitute a PF ? - a pension ? unemployment benefit ? )
    2. can I include them as part of my monthly income ?

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Another FINAL question...

    Have come across this in the guidance notes

    Under the Immigration Rules if you want to travel to the UK,you must be able to support yourself and live without claiming certain benefits. These are
    * Income-based Job seeker's allowance
    *Income support
    *Child Tax Credit
    *Working Tax Credit
    *Child Benefit
    *Housing Benefit
    *State Pension Credit
    *Council Tax Benefit
    and a few others

    So, I read this as, I, (as the sponsor) am allowed to claim any/all of these at present, but she cannot (when she arrives).
    Can anyone confirm ?


  3. #3
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    Have tried searching for the answer to this, but......

    On the application ....
    "Does your sponsor receive any money from public funds ?"

    I receive child benefit (like almost everyone in the UK)
    I receive Working Tax Credits & Child Tax Credits

    .. so ....
    1.are these / any classed as Public Funds ? (or what does consitute a PF ? - a pension ? unemployment benefit ? )
    2. can I include them as part of my monthly income ?

    Many thanks
    My wife has been here about 2 years and at the moment she is working 16+ hours a week and i am only able to get relief work but because my wife is doing at least 16 hours we are able to get Child/Working Tax Credit.. We also get Child Benefit every month for our daughter!!

    In between the work i get i am able to claim Jobseekers for myself!

  4. #4
    Respected Member winner's Avatar
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    your ok to claim any benefit but your wife can not if all in your name only your ok

  5. #5
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Thks.... that confirms what I thought/understood.

    What "threw" me was
    "Does your sponsor receive any money from public funds?"

    It gives the impression that this is a "bad" thing, and could work against you.

    Would have been better if the question is phased :
    "If your sponsor receives any "Public Funds" please state and provide details"

    Once again, thks

  6. #6
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    Have tried searching for the answer to this, but......

    On the application ....
    "Does your sponsor receive any money from public funds ?"

    I receive child benefit (like almost everyone in the UK)
    I receive Working Tax Credits & Child Tax Credits

    .. so ....
    1.are these / any classed as Public Funds ? (or what does consitute a PF ? - a pension ? unemployment benefit ? )
    2. can I include them as part of my monthly income ?

    Many thanks
    Yes they are classed as Public Funds and you can claim any of it whatever you're entitled.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    Another FINAL question...

    Have come across this in the guidance notes

    Under the Immigration Rules if you want to travel to the UK,you must be able to support yourself and live without claiming certain benefits. These are
    * Income-based Job seeker's allowance
    *Income support
    *Child Tax Credit
    *Working Tax Credit
    *Child Benefit
    *Housing Benefit
    *State Pension Credit
    *Council Tax Benefit
    and a few others

    So, I read this as, I, (as the sponsor) am allowed to claim any/all of these at present, but she cannot (when she arrives).
    Can anyone confirm ?

    Correct! but when your partner starts living with you, you must tell the HM Revenue and Customs or Child Benefit Office, etc that you're now living as a couple. This won't affect your partners visa if she apply in the future.

    On top of these benefits you're receiving atleast you must show to the British Embassy aswell that you can support your partner financially in any other way without help from public funds ie. working part/full time, other income apart from benefits.

    Hope this helps.

    Also try searching 'Public Funds' in the forum, as we had discussed it all before.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Lady J

    My thks

    Totally understood.

  8. #8
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    I must admit I find it quite confusing!
    Chryss is here in snowy Suffolk with me now and her 4 year old son .
    I plan to adopt him in the near future.
    I`ll call my local council and inform them i`m no longer eligible for the 25% discount from the council tax.
    The child tax credit and child benefit are the things I don`t understand.
    I`ll be the one claiming the benefits but only cos Chryss and her son are here.
    Does that mean it`s recourse to public funds?
    I`ll call the relevant departments but I just wanted a bit of info before hand.

  9. #9
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    I must admit I find it quite confusing!
    Chryss is here in snowy Suffolk with me now and her 4 year old son .
    I plan to adopt him in the near future.
    I`ll call my local council and inform them i`m no longer eligible for the 25% discount from the council tax.
    The child tax credit and child benefit are the things I don`t understand.
    I`ll be the one claiming the benefits but only cos Chryss and her son are here.
    Does that mean it`s recourse to public funds?
    I`ll call the relevant departments but I just wanted a bit of info before hand.

    With regard to child benefit, I don't think that is seen as "Public Funds". Child Benefit is paid for every child in the UK regardless of the immigration status of the childs mother, so your wife should make claim ASAP. When it comes to child tax credit, it's OK because you are the one who will be claiming it not your wife, although your wifes details will also have to be on the form.


  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    With regard to child benefit, I don't think that is seen as "Public Funds". Child Benefit is paid for every child in the UK regardless of the immigration status of the childs mother, so your wife should make claim ASAP.
    child benefit is a public fund, you just have to claim it not your wife, maybe you've got mixed up Iain, child benefit can be claimed by anyone who is allowed to claim it no matter what their income is.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    child benefit is a public fund, you just have to claim it not your wife, maybe you've got mixed up Iain, child benefit can be claimed by anyone who is allowed to claim it no matter what their income is.
    i agree

  12. #12
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    If these benefits are your only source of income and will be used to support your spouse / fiancee' then it may be a problem.

    If a person in the UK has a full time income, and receives child benefit and tax credits, that that chould be ok, because they are additional sources for your children, and not your soul source of income.

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