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Thread: Anyone living in the Philippines at present?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Anyone living in the Philippines at present?

    Just wondering if anyone from the UK is living permanently in the Philippines at present and if yes what has your experience been like both positive & negative..

    I am not sure if this has been covered but there are plenty that have joined since the last time i was a regular poster on here..

  2. #2
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Every time I look around I see lots of people living here, and I guess that most of them are permanent ... oh, and the majority of them are filipino!

    I've only been here for a little over a year but, apart from concerns over the exchange rate, life is good!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Every time I look around I see lots of people living here, and I guess that most of them are permanent ... oh, and the majority of them are filipino!

    i remembered one of the staff from ABSCBN interviewed a British guy from England,and he will retire in PI,(he's already in Cebu now 2 months ago) and one of his major complain was the expensive life in the UK and the cold

    And he said PI is his choice

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    Just wondering if anyone is living permanently in the Philippines at present and if yes what has your experience been like both positive & negative..

    I am not sure if this has been covered but there are plenty that have joined since the last time i was a regular poster on here..
    Yes about 96 million.. ... sorry couldn't resist

  5. #5
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomm View Post
    Yes about 96 million.. ... sorry couldn't resist
    I was supposed to say that earlier but i don't wanna get into trouble.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by empott View Post
    I was supposed to say that earlier but i don't wanna get into trouble.
    And i ask him to delete it,might eljohno will get mad as he is serious on the question

  7. #7
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    And i ask him to delete it,might eljohno will get mad as he is serious for the question
    I am always to chilled to get mad

    Realised my mistake so have changed it!!

    Hope life is being good to you all!!

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Living and loving it here..

    Soon to ban ALL Filipino stuff on our TV as it just simply gets worse.(if you believe that to be possible)..
    Filipino drivers have suicidal tendencies and are still trying to understand what those green amber and red lights are still doing up there this long after Christmas.
    Anyway,our fiesta starts in a couple of days so that will make up for the negatives..
    (unless you are a pig)

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Anyway,our fiesta starts in a couple of days so that will make up for the negatives..
    (unless you are a pig)

  10. #10
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    Just wondering if anyone from the UK is living permanently in the Philippines at present and if yes what has your experience been like both positive & negative..
    Okay, a more serious response, then:

    Yes, I left the UK (with Ruby, who'd been to stay for three months) at the beginning of December 2007, and I'm very much enjoying life here.

    Negative points:

    Everyone thinks that I'll be delighted to respond to the greeting "Hey Joe"!

    There are more caucasians in evidence, every time I go into town!

    Some filipinos seem to think that we enjoy paying more than the locals for our purchases. However, there are many more who know that business is business, no matter who is paying. Those who attempt to overcharge just don't get my business.

    Local TV is dire - thank goodness for my Squeezebox with Internet radio. Once the new house is complete, I'll see about getting cable or satellite with a wider choice of TV.


    It seems to be necessary to spend a lot of time queuing and waiting.

    Electricity supply is unreliable.

    Internet connections are slow.

    Positive points:

    The weather is great (plenty of rain at times, but it's still reasonably warm)

    Cost of living is low, including fuel and travel, but excluding many western goods. DVDs are very cheap - many are only 150 pesos, expensive ones are 450!

    Fruit is varied and very tasty.

    People are friendly.

    Family ties are strong.

    The pace of life is slower and less stressing.

    I seem to have listed more negatives than positives, but that doesn't really reflect my view of life here - I'm really happy, love the weather, love having our own private beach, love having two great live-in helpers. But, most of all, I love living here with my gorgeous wife, close to her family, and with our first child due to arrive soon.

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    Cuddly toy... Cuddly toy.....

  12. #12
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Okay, a more serious response, then:

    Yes, I left the UK (with Ruby, who'd been to stay for three months) at the beginning of December 2007, and I'm very much enjoying life here.

    Negative points:

    Everyone thinks that I'll be delighted to respond to the greeting "Hey Joe"!

    There are more caucasians in evidence, every time I go into town!

    Some filipinos seem to think that we enjoy paying more than the locals for our purchases. However, there are many more who know that business is business, no matter who is paying. Those who attempt to overcharge just don't get my business.

    Local TV is dire - thank goodness for my Squeezebox with Internet radio. Once the new house is complete, I'll see about getting cable or satellite with a wider choice of TV.


    It seems to be necessary to spend a lot of time queuing and waiting.

    Electricity supply is unreliable.

    Internet connections are slow.

    Positive points:

    The weather is great (plenty of rain at times, but it's still reasonably warm)

    Cost of living is low, including fuel and travel, but excluding many western goods. DVDs are very cheap - many are only 150 pesos, expensive ones are 450!

    Fruit is varied and very tasty.

    People are friendly.

    Family ties are strong.

    The pace of life is slower and less stressing.

    I seem to have listed more negatives than positives, but that doesn't really reflect my view of life here - I'm really happy, love the weather, love having our own private beach, love having two great live-in helpers. But, most of all, I love living here with my gorgeous wife, close to her family, and with our first child due to arrive soon.

    Thanks for all the info its great to hear how those living there are getting on..

    The longest i stayed in the Philippines so far is 7 months.

  13. #13
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Positive: no question that Phils is the best place to live...

    if you have a good job, you are from rich family or politician.

    to foreigners who has loads of money no need to work just enjoying the sunshine and lovely beach and of course their lovely wife.

    Negative:Us OFW's we have no choice but leave our beloved country and trying to live in a country that totally different from we came from

    I wish I can go back to Phils...for good

  14. #14
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    My husband lived here for almost a year and he loves everything about the Phils except the mosquitoes, ants, the slow internet and when the heat is unbearable.
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  15. #15
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Kermit lives in Zamboanga
    He's been posting regularly. I'm sure he will contribute, when he reads this?

  16. #16
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    liveing here in philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    Just wondering if anyone from the UK is living permanently in the Philippines at present and if yes what has your experience been like both positive & negative..

    I am not sure if this has been covered but there are plenty that have joined since the last time i was a regular poster on here..
    i live in zamboanga city its great any q email me

  17. #17
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    I'm curious peterb, how do you find it for general crime and safety issues? Or terrorism for that matter?

  18. #18
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    I HATE cockroaches!!! They are big over here - and they fly!!!
    I HATE mossies and ants - and there are trillions of them - just in my apartment!!!
    I HATE people who push in front of me when I am queuing in a shop!!
    I HATE driving over here - it is a lottery and you risk your life on the roads!!!
    I HATE the corruption over here!! It is SO blatant - and illegal - yet people in authority get away with it!!!
    I HATE guns - yet most people have them - and the lunatics USE them - especially on foreigners!!!!
    I HATE filipino TV!!! It is 50 years behind ours!! It is DIRE - CHEAP and AMATEUR!! The whole nation every day tunes in to an unbelievably puerile spectacle called WOWOWEE!!!!
    I HATE 95% of karaoke that I hear!!! I appreciate that filipinos love to sing, but please, give me a break!!! There is a difference between singing and impersonating a cat being strangled!!!!
    I HATE the fact that I cannot get, bitter, lamb, fresh milk and clothes that last longer than 5 minutes!!!

    I DO realise that the above reflects the thinking of a UK brain and that all the aforementioned are unjustified due to the fact that I am here and not there. So.........................

    I end with this.........................

    I LOVE the Philippines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  19. #19
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulboy View Post
    I'm curious peterb, how do you find it for general crime and safety issues? Or terrorism for that matter?
    Crime? Safety? Terrorism?

    I guess that they all exist, but nothing that has affected me. Of course, I take simple and sensible precautions, but I go out and about, doing the things I want to do - I've never felt threatened in any way.

    I met an American, the other week, who has just moved to Tagum. He says that he feels safe ... the time he felt most vulnerable was when he was in the east end of London a few years ago.

    For me, I was in Aden in the sixties - was shot at, had grenades go off behind me in the street ... I feel perfectly comfortable here.

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I HATE 95% of karaoke that I hear!!! I appreciate that filipinos love to sing, but please, give me a break!!! There is a difference between singing and impersonating a cat being strangled!!!!..
    And Dogs..I hate dogs in this country..
    They bark at anyone and anything and for any reason for any amount of time.
    However.the only one that it seems to bother..Is me
    I don't pretend to understand Filipinos but I much prefer it when they ate the buggers.

  21. #21
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    crime and kidnappings in phil

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulboy View Post
    I'm curious peterb, how do you find it for general crime and safety issues? Or terrorism for that matter?
    nar paul i have lived in zamboanga for 4 years (about) and i have never had any problems here people are great mind you me and my wife both carry smith@ wessons 40 cal lol with hollow points lol (dum dums )16 rounds to clip (with permits) and we go shooting every two weeks really good now wifes better , but we have lots guns in house AK47 /ARMALIT/ 45 CAL/A GLOCK 19 WITH SILENCER FULLY AUTO /A 380 (JAMES BOND GUN ) A 22 TARGET GUN AND FEW OTHERS REALLY LIKE GUNS AND SO CHEAP TO BYE HERE AND LEGAL (IN WIFES NAME )like people play golf we go shooting, but let me say never ever felt unsafe here even before we carried guns , GAZ/ MAYBS

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