Quote Originally Posted by nidadonnachie@y View Post
Good day,hi i have a pilipina friend in uk,she went there for visit to see her bf,now she is returning here in philippines by march,anda coording to her she is applying for partner visa wwhen she get here coz tahtsn was her bf says,could anyone help me to answer her if what r the rquirements from uk she neds to bringn with her.or can she apply for partner visa while she is in uk b4 her visa finish?hope can get an anwer here thanks a lot and goodluck to all of u.
Howdy Nida, here's some of your questions that will give you an answer...

Can my friend or family member in the UK apply for my visa for me?
No, visas for the UK can be issued only at UK visa offices overseas. If your friend/family member needs a visa, they must get it before they travel to the UK. See Information for Sponsors for more information.

Can somebody else apply for a visa for me overseas?
This will not be possible from the 31st of May, 2007, as the British Embassy will introduce biometric scanning- where in all applicants will have to visit the Application Centre at the time of submission.

How long does it take?
For non-settlement visa applications the visa section targets to process applications in 30 working days. This process results in one of 3 outcomes: issuance of visa, refusal of visa, or interview. If you require an interview, the embassy aims to be able to provide an appointment within 15 working days.

For settlement visa applications the visa section of the embassy targets to process applications in 3 months. Again there will be one of three outcomes: issuance of visa, refusal of visa, or interview. If you require an interview the embassy aims to provide a date within this 3 month period.

or you can visit this site for you to get more information about applying a visa..www.vfs-uk-ph.com

Cheers and Goodluck!.