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Thread: Good Evening To Everyone!!!

  1. #1
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    Good Evening To Everyone!!!

    Once again, here is asiansmiler... at long last the smile is back, hehehe...

    I just want to thank all those kind and friendly people who have welcomed me here for more than 6 months now... my apologies for not visiting, hope you could give me another chance to join you guys and share our knowledge and experiences together...

    As you know, I had been refused of my student visa last July 2008 and since then, David and I haven't proceeded to our other visa application, which is the supposedly proposed civil partnership visa. We had a holiday in Indonesia in October and that was great.

    And I am happy to inform you all that I am going to apply for another type of visa, which is the VISIT VISA. I am planning to apply this coming Feb and hopefully flies out to the UK to see him this April...

    Any thought and suggestion as I prepare for this application?...

    Thanks to all, I would really appreciate your thoughts on this

  2. #2
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    hello....welcome back and goodluck on your application..
    "Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbt View Post
    hello....welcome back and goodluck on your application..
    Thanks for that... I really need it!

  4. #4
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    these were your origanal posts:

    1) you were refused to have a student visa because the ECO was not convinced that you really wanted to gain qualifications here but be with your partner.

    2) you are thinking of applying visit visa...
    IMO: how serious are you & your partner? why not apply for civil partnership? (as u have mentioned you are a filo guy)
    if both of you are ready then go ahead... but taking another risk of applying VV is indeed as i have said risky...

    3) anyway, one of the members here mentioned that someone applied for VV and until now is in the UK...

    4) Just balance all probabilities... Just weigh things all over again...

    I pray things will be in your side this time...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    these were your origanal posts:

    1) you were refused to have a student visa because the ECO was not convinced that you really wanted to gain qualifications here but be with your partner.

    2) you are thinking of applying visit visa...
    IMO: how serious are you & your partner? why not apply for civil partnership? (as u have mentioned you are a filo guy)
    if both of you are ready then go ahead... but taking another risk of applying VV is indeed as i have said risky...

    3) anyway, one of the members here mentioned that someone applied for VV and until now is in the UK...

    4) Just balance all probabilities... Just weigh things all over again...

    I pray things will be in your side this time...
    Hi Zobel, thanks for the reasonable thoughts. I really appreciate it. I am sure there is no harm in trying, right? I am sure we are both serious about each other but economically, it is both tough for both of us. I am sure there will a timetable for both of us to cross that Civil Partnership, later this year. I just want to visit him and see how he is and how his day goes by. I still wanna see for myself if i could endure the cold weather. Just please pray for me

  6. #6
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiansmiler View Post
    Hi Zobel, thanks for the reasonable thoughts. I really appreciate it. I am sure there is no harm in trying, right? I am sure we are both serious about each other but economically, it is both tough for both of us. I am sure there will a timetable for both of us to cross that Civil Partnership, later this year. I just want to visit him and see how he is and how his day goes by. I still wanna see for myself if i could endure the cold weather. Just please pray for me

    hehhee.. Pinoys are so adaptable lol... anyway po, no worries... i pray your visa will be just fine... Just tell us the updates :-)

  7. #7
    Respected Member girl england's Avatar
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  8. #8
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    Thanks for all the hopes and prayers, I do really need it... You know what sometimes, I do not want to sound frightened nor faithless because that isn't really me BUT just to think that all our papers will be laid on the table once more... it is kinda scary and nerve-racking. But hopefully, I will get it this time... For a month visit, how much money in sterling pounds should I have in my account to sustain myself independently (daily life), excluding accommodations? Does anyone here know about how much a tourist should have each day to survive for food and transportation?

  9. #9
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiansmiler View Post
    Thanks for all the hopes and prayers, I do really need it... You know what sometimes, I do not want to sound frightened nor faithless because that isn't really me BUT just to think that all our papers will be laid on the table once more... it is kinda scary and nerve-racking. But hopefully, I will get it this time... For a month visit, how much money in sterling pounds should I have in my account to sustain myself independently (daily life), excluding accommodations? Does anyone here know about how much a tourist should have each day to survive for food and transportation?
    Hi! show at least 300thou pesos above.Ask a certification from your bank of your available balance. Aside from that certification, produce latest 6 mos copies of your present moving account(passbook or ATM records)will do, even
    if it is in different bank other than that bank where you deposited big money to show, where uve got a certification.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemini63 View Post
    Hi! show at least 300thou pesos above.Ask a certification from your bank of your available balance. Aside from that certification, produce latest 6 mos copies of your present moving account(passbook or ATM records)will do, even
    if it is in different bank other than that bank where you deposited big money to show, where uve got a certification.
    Thank you so much, Gemini...What if I do not have that exact amount, shall we say, 150K to 200K... would that be sufficient?

  11. #11
    Member nidadonnachie@y's Avatar
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    hi goodluck to ur application.150 k to 200k that would be ok,i have a friend who visit her bf in uk and she has only 100k to her account as long as ur bf has a bank statement to show too and all the doc is complette im sure ur visa will be granted.again goodluck to and ur bf

  12. #12
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiansmiler View Post
    Thank you so much, Gemini...What if I do not have that exact amount, shall we say, 150K to 200K... would that be sufficient?
    If can make it even 250thou,its better. but if really no more,just try...

  13. #13
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    [QUOTE=nidadonnachie@y;111530]hi goodluck to ur application.150 k to 200k that would be ok,i have a friend who visit her bf in uk and she has only 100k to her account as long as ur bf has a bank statement to show too and all the doc is complette im sure ur visa will be granted.again goodluck to and ur bf[/QUOTE

    Thanks a lot Nida, it surely helps me... I am still waiting for my sponsor's papers from London, hopefully it will arrive in a week or two, so I could carry on with this. Anyway, I am expected to fly out to London this coming April. Lots of time...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemini63 View Post
    If can make it even 250thou,its better. but if really no more,just try...

    Thanks a lot, I tried my best but I only ended up having almost 170K... hope this works... thanks heaps

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