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Thread: spouse visa and savings?????????

  1. #1
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    spouse visa and savings?????????

    hi there Ron here again.
    if you happened to read my last thread. I mentioned that i was about to make application for my wife and son to come here to uk. Unfortuntely becuase of the recession, i lost my job. Now i am ex-military having served 21 years in the Army. Thankfully the army sent me a letter to say that i had unpaid Armed forces life insurance that was due to me back in 1992. This would total 12,500 pounds.

    The question is i still dont have a job but do receive army pension of 75 pounds per week. I now have this amount to be payed into my account. Even though i dont have suffient employment funds would this amount of savings be ok. i dont know so maybe someone might offer advise on this.

    Should i also contact uk border agency for advise or will they give me an answer. Thanks veryone

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Well defintely some good news having the 12.500 pounds in the bank, but sadly with intrests rates in general being poor not as good as a while back.
    I would defintley say a plus but you would still need to show on paper that you could support the two of you as things stand with your current income and savings. Both for the two of you's own good and to show the ECO.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #3
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    thanks for that. Yes the savings does help but like i said i am out of work at the moment. i do get Army pension for my army service of 70 pounds per week. My rent is payed by housing benefit and same with council tax.

    I dont know if BY CALLING UK border agency for advise will help in asking what they think?

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron View Post
    thanks for that. Yes the savings does help but like i said i am out of work at the moment. i do get Army pension for my army service of 70 pounds per week. My rent is payed by housing benefit and same with council tax.

    I dont know if BY CALLING UK border agency for advise will help in asking what they think?
    Im not sure i dont know if they will or not others may know.

    Maybe worth finding out discretly if its ok in your accomdation to have another adult and a child.
    Also how many rooms other than a Kitchen and Bathroom do you have in the premises? As with two adults and a child over a certain age you will need to rooms other than the two mentioned above which can be used as bedrooms.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  5. #5
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    hi Ron
    sorry to hear about the job.
    it seems you are allready on public funds and £70 a week may not streach it, having a child to support will add to the problem, i think government funding is about £90 for a couple a week. The £12,500 in the bank may help but eventually will run out. Unless you can find a job/part time job or your wife is able to work with qualifications or can provide a letter of a job offer will look better. you also have the task of the council allowing the extra people in the flat. Sound really unfair, especially you being ex-military, Yes border Agency may be able to advise further but they wont give you a definate yes or no. I wish you all the best, remember eventually if will come good.

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